Chapter 572: [The Lich King Loki] 8 more

Laufey also shot at almost the same time, obviously preparing to join forces with Loki to kill Rowe as soon as possible.

Rowe's expression remained unchanged, and he directly activated the Holy Shield technique, under absolute defense, ignoring all attacks, and then he instantly rushed to Loki and put his hand on his forehead.

"Loki, I hope you regain consciousness, otherwise I can only kill you." He said.

The success rate of confession is unknown to him and may vary from person to person.

But what is certain is that if the first confession fails, the success rate of the second confession is negligible. Basically yes, this spell can only be used once for the same person.

Therefore, if Loki still has a dutiful son after repenting, Rowe can only kill him and apologize to all Asgardians.


The holy radiance was released from Luo Wei's palm, and instantly illuminated the surroundings brightly, as if placed in the sun!

Loki's stern expression turned to confusion, stunned in place, at a loss.

Seeing that his attack was completely unable to protect Rowe, who was protected by the Holy Shield, Laufi had to look at Loki and shouted, "Loki, what's wrong with you! What are you hesitating about, I am your father!"

Loki's eyes were blurry and unresponsive.

A few seconds passed, and Luo Wei's heart sank slightly.

Why is it still not good, does it take a long time, or is this a prelude to the failure of repentance?

He said loudly: "Lauffy is just your biological father, Odin raised you, he is your real father... He has accompanied you for a thousand years, maybe in your opinion he is not qualified, but is it Are you going to kill him with a stranger for this?"

This sentence seemed to finally touch Loki, and his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"Repent, Loki!"

There was a last trace of confusion in Loki's eyes, and then he woke up, panting, as if he had just woken up from a big dream. At this moment, the depraved voice in his heart finally disappeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned around the Frozen Winter Coffin without hesitation, and an ice-blue beam of light shot out, slamming on Lau Fei.


The Frost Giant has a high tolerance for the power of ice, but the power of the Frost Winter Coffin can still knock him out.

"You..." Laufey looked at Loki in shock and anger, "You're going to kill your father!"

"If you are also my father, then yes!" Loki said decisively, turning his hand to take out Proxima Centauri's halberd.


A beam of light shot out from the halberd, which obviously did more damage to Lau Fei than the Frozen Winter Coffin, and immediately left a **** wound on Lau Fei's body.

Seeing the success of the confession, Rowe finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then joined the battle, spreading his wings behind his back, and the burning Saffron warhammer slayed Laufey!

Lau Fei was old and half-dead, so he was no match for Rowe.

Now that he has no weapons, coupled with Loki's pincer attack, he is restrained everywhere, and soon loses his ability to fight back in the battle.

Hammer of Justice!


Hearing a loud bang, the Saffron warhammer slammed into the ice shield that Laufey had condensed in front of him. The ice shield shattered and turned into countless fine ice slag, and then the warhammer slammed into his chest with its remaining momentum.

Laufey screamed, vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

Loki threw the halberd, wrapped in a gleaming sharp blade, and shot through his heart immediately, and blood spattered.

"I... I'm your father..." Lau Fei said unwillingly, her icy body gradually lost its vitality, and finally died here.

Right around the time Laufey died.

An indescribable force suddenly emerged from Loki, and this force quickly lowered the surrounding temperature like a coffin in a cold winter, and snow-white frost spread around the room.

"This is..." Rowe looked at Loki, and couldn't believe it.

In the sight of his Eye of Reckoning, after Laufey's death, Loki's energy level jumped three times in a row, from level five to level eight.

The power of the Lich King?

This is the only plausible explanation, otherwise there is no reason for Loki to become so much stronger all of a sudden.

But the repentance has been successful, why did Loki still become the Lich King? Could it be that becoming the Lich King does not necessarily require depravity, as long as he kills his father?

Is this...a bug?

After gaining the power of the Lich King, Loki's image has also changed, from the Frost Giant Rao's blue skin to gray-white skin, his eyes are no longer blood red, but exudes a faint cold light.

Hair also turned grey.

Now he only needs to put on the armor and pick up Frostmourne, and he is the standard image of the Lich King.

Although this look is relatively unusual, in Rowe's opinion, it is at least much better than the blue-skinned and red-eyed Frost Giant.

Loki was also shocked by his own change.

When the depraved voice called to him, he always thought that only killing Odin would count as father-killing, and only killing Odin would gain the power of the Lich King.

After all, in his mind, Odin is the real father, although this father sometimes makes him resentful.

In the end, he never imagined that killing Lau Fei would be considered father-slaying, and he would also gain the power of the Lich King.

I knew it earlier... ugh.

Loki regrets it now. Although he was corrected by Rowe in time and did not hurt Odin, he doesn't know how to face his parents and Thor in the future.

The only thing that comforted him was that he had at least safely acquired the Lich King's mighty powers, which, albeit only in part, made him more than ten times stronger than before, and much stronger than Thor is today.

Even if you look at the entire Nine Realms, there are not many people who are stronger than him.

Although the battle just now did not last long, it inevitably caught his attention, and Frigg hurried over, staring at the scene in surprise.

"Rocky..." Her voice trembled, she couldn't believe that the pale man in front of her was his son.

"I'm sorry, mother." Loki didn't know how to explain, so he whispered.

Rowe comforted: "You don't have to blame yourself too much, Loki, this is the price of resurrection."

"Fortunately, you have overcome it Now you have not only not fallen into darkness, but have become stronger. At least, you can bully Thor as much as you like in the future."

It's really good news that Loki has surpassed Thor in strength for the first time. But even so, he still felt unable to face reality.

After a while, he said, "I want to go to Crystal Crown Jingjing alone."

After that, he turned away silently, and went to the back of Asgard, the crystal crown standing in the snow. The sight of the crystal crown made him feel calm.

Frigga was still a little unclear about the situation. She looked at Laufey's body lying on the ground: "Luo Wei, what's going on? Why did Laufey die here?"

Laufey died in Asgard, which is a real problem.

Rowe was silent for a while: "This... think of it as Laufi's invasion of Asgard."

Paladins of Asgard