Chapter 573: 【wedding】

University of Cambridge, UK.

Jane Foster took a photo of herself and Donald Blyko, and stared at it silently for a long time, her eyes darkened.

At the beginning, Donald had sworn to assure her that he would definitely come back to her in as little as three months or as long as half a year.

However, until now, she has entered Cambridge University from high school, and Donald has not returned.

At the beginning, Donald would still contact her by phone, and every so often, Jane Foster had no doubt that she would see him again soon.

But at the same time that the Chitauri army invaded the earth, Donald suddenly cut off all information, never made a phone call to others, and no one could contact him.

This left Jane Foster heartbroken, but she had to accept the fact that Donald died in the battle brought about by the Chitauri

Strictly speaking, this is just a guess, but there seems to be no more reasonable explanation beyond that.


Jane Foster finally came back to reality from her memories of the past. She sighed and raised her head: "What's the matter, Daisy."

"Well... are you okay." Daisy Louise was her classmate and friend who entered the university.

Jane Foster smiled reluctantly. "I'm fine."

Daisy nodded, and then said: "The experimental equipment in the abandoned warehouse seems to have found some abnormalities. I think we have to go and take a look."

Jane Foster calmed down: "Okay, let's go."

Not long after, they came to a dilapidated warehouse abandoned by a shipping company. This dilapidated building looked like it might collapse at any time, or it might be listed as a demolished building at any time.

Children who fantasize about adventure tend to like places like this, and they do.

"Who are you?" Several children appeared in front of Jane Foster. "Police?"

"No, we're Cambridge students, here...well, to do some experiments." Jane Foster.

The kids said, "So did we, we just did some interesting experiments."

"What experiment?"

"Follow me!" A boy ran away excitedly.

Jane and Daisy glanced at each other, then quickly followed, led by the children to a well surrounded by stairs.

"Okay." The boy, like an experienced magician, took out an empty bottle, "The next moment is to witness the miracle."

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand loosened, and the empty bottle fell. Then, to Jane and Daisy's surprise, the bottle did not fall to the ground, but suddenly disappeared halfway.

"Hey, it just disappeared, I read it right." Daisy said in disbelief.

Jane Foster was also surprised. She thought about it: "It seems to be connected to other spaces..."



For thousands of years, this may be one of the busiest in Asgard.

Odin's eldest daughter, Asgard's goddess of death, Hela will be married to the sun **** Rowe today.

Today is also the day when Hela takes over the throne. After Odin has been in charge of Asgard for more than 2,000 years, he finally unloads the supreme crown of the king of the gods and prepares to hand it over to his daughter.

For such an important ceremony, Asgard was naturally very grand. Celebrities from all over the universe were present, and almost all the people came out to sing and dance.

Luo Wei and Hela were not keen on this kind of grand ceremony, but like many other old people, Odin was obsessed with it and insisted on making it grand and grand.

In order to set off the atmosphere, Odin didn't even know where to grab two red dragons, and let them raise their heads to spray a full dragon flame, like setting off fireworks.

In the splendid hall of the Golden Palace, Odin sat at the highest point, looking at Luo Wei and Hela in wedding dresses below, smiling.

On both sides of the hall are guests from the Nine Realms and all over the universe, such as Hogan, who attended as the prince of the Warner Protoss, the dwarf king Aitri, the light elf king, the messenger of Nornheim, the messenger of the hall, and the collector Tanlia· Tiwan...

To the surprise of many, the Devourer of Planets also sent an emissary - the Silver Glider.

The silver glider's body is bright silver, like a silver-plated "disc thrower" sculpture, which is quite conspicuous at the wedding scene.

Some people on Earth are also invited, such as the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, and Captain Marvel Carol.

All in all, under the vigorous arrangement of Odin, this wedding can be described as a great deal.

Under the gazes of the guests, Odin said slowly: "Dear daughter, I am very pleased that you have finally entered the palace of marriage. I believe that Luo Wei is an excellent husband, and I also believe that you are an excellent husband. Wife, king, your marriage will be happy and happy, and will bring lasting prosperity to Asgard..."

Luo Wei and Hela looked at each other. Although they were already the most familiar with Pitts, in the palace of this marriage, they still inevitably felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

"I'm going to call you my wife, Your Highness." Luo Wei said softly.

Hela held his hand and smiled: "It's time to kiss."

Immediately, under the cheering gaze of everyone, Luo Wei leaned in and bowed his head, completing the husband's first kiss to his wife.

People were cheering, but in the corner of the hall, Thor silently drank a glass of wine with a sad expression.

"What's the matter, brother?" Loki asked casually. He was the one who took the initiative to sit in this corner, and Thor was sitting here entirely to accompany him.

Thor didn't answer.

But Loki clearly guessed what he was thinking: "Remember your girlfriend on Earth?"

Thor sighed and said, "You don't understand how it feels, Loki."

"Indeed..." Loki was silent for a while, just like Frigga's, he had never had a favorite girl.

Thor drank a few more drinks and decided to take a walk outside, then met Heimdall.

"You're here too." He walked over to Heimdall.

"This should be what I said to you." Heimdall, "You know I don't like fun very much."

Thor leaned on the railing: "The experience of the earth has changed me a lot. In fact, I am now a refined and reserved person."

"..." Heimdall was speechless after a while.

Thor hesitated: "Heimdall, can you help me see Jane Foster, how is she now?"

Heimdall nodded, the gleam in his pupils flickered, and the all-seeing eye instantly crossed thousands of light-years and came to observe the distant earth.

"She's a student at Cambridge now, and she's looking pretty good," he said.

"Cambridge is one of the best universities on the planet and she's always wanted to go there," Thor laughed.

However, after Heimdall observed it for a while, his expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Thor asked nervously.

Heimdall said solemnly, "I suddenly can't see her anymore."

Paladins of Asgard