Chapter 574: 【Dark Elf】

On the edge of the barren universe, darkness and vacuum enveloped here, only a huge warship hovered here.

The battleship wandered silently in the void, like an ancient ruin, but it wasn't.

At a certain moment, this huge warship seemed to be called by some kind of call, and some structures suddenly shimmered a little, as if it had restarted from a long slumber.

Many coffin-like containers were displayed in rows inside the battleship, and they also began to open one after another, revealing the life-dark elves that were sleeping in them.

Most dark elves are covered in armor, otherwise the light from the outside can hurt them, but there are some individuals of great power who do not wear armor, such as their leader, Malekith.

The pale-skinned Malekith woke up from his slumber, and immediately saw his most loyal subordinate: "Ogham, you also woke up."

"Yes." Ogham was tall and had a long braid.

Malekith: "It's the ether, it wakes us up... five thousand years, and it's about time for the body to come together again."

"What shall we do?" Ogham asked.

"Go back to Walter Alheim, and first go see our long-lost homeland." Malekith then ordered the awakened dark elf soldiers to fly the battleship to Walter Alheim.

Five thousand years ago, the Dark Elves were defeated by Asgard, but Vartarheim was not occupied by anyone.

After all, apart from the dark creatures, no one likes the dark place of Walter Alheim.

The dark elves have returned to their homeland, and the darkness here makes them feel friendly, but the once magnificent buildings no longer exist.

Malekith walked among the ruins, with Orgham at his side.

He looked around, as if looking for something.

After a while, Malekith found what he wanted, and leaned over to pick up a seemingly ordinary dark red stone from the mud of the ruins: "My stone of curse..."

"I almost forgot the age of no light, the age when the dark elves ruled everything." He looked at the cursed stone in his hand.

"The dark elves will surely regain their hearts, and the universe will return to the dark ages." Orgham firmly.

"I want the Asgardians to pay for their blood debts!" ​​Malekith became emotional, and then looked at Ogham, "Ogham, now only you can take on this important task and become a powerful cursed warrior."

Orgham said without hesitation: "For the sake of the dark elves, I am willing to sacrifice my life!"

Malekith took a deep breath, holding the Stone of Curse in one hand and taking out a dagger in the other, pointed at Ogham.

Augum's eyes were calm and firm: "Come on!"

Malekith immediately stabbed the dagger into him, and then said fiercely:

"Make the Dark Elves great again!"


In the abandoned warehouse, Jane Foster woke up from a coma. She rubbed her drowsy forehead and looked around blankly.

She tried hard to recall, but she couldn't remember what just happened, only vaguely remembered that she seemed to fall into some strange space during the experiment, and then lost consciousness in a dark red light.

"Jane!" Daisy shouted from outside.

Jane Foster quickly got up from the ground, ran out of the warehouse, and saw Daisy who was looking for her in a panic: "I'm here."

Daisy was relieved when she saw her: "scared me to death, I thought I would never see you again... Are you all right?"

"It's fine." Jane Foster shook her head, just about to say something.


However, a dazzling rainbow beam of light suddenly descended, causing a thunderous roar, and the huge momentum immediately interrupted their conversation.

They stared blankly at the beam of light, speechless.

When the beam of light dissipated, a blond man with a war hammer appeared in front of the two of them.

When he finally saw Jane again, Thor couldn't restrain his emotions, so he hugged him and said excitedly, "I'm back, Jane!"

Jane Foster naturally didn't recognize him, and he hugged him tightly, like a gangster, and Jane couldn't help but struggle with fright and anger.

At this moment, a dark red energy burst out from her body, poured out with her palm, and hit Thor's face!


Thor was caught off guard, and was directly slapped out, knocking down a building.

This scene shocked Daisy and Jane herself.

"How did you do it?" Daisy asked involuntarily.

"I..." Jane Foster looked at her palm, she didn't know why the slap just now had such a shocking power.

Thor flew back from the collapsed ruins, covered his face and said, "It's me, Jane, I'm Donald."

Jane didn't believe it subconsciously, but after a closer look, she was surprised to find that the person who was going to plot against her just now was actually somewhat similar to Donald.

Thor said again: "Do you remember what I had with you? When I come back, you will see a different me."

Jane looked at him blankly, this was indeed what Donald had said to her.

"Actually this is who I really am, Thor, and Donald Black is who I am after I was exiled," Thor continued.

Jane recalled the scene when she was cornered by Dr. Lizard. Donald exploded with incredible power of thunder at the juncture of life and death, easily repelling Dr. Lizard, and then there was a god-like existence that descended in the same way as just now. ...

"You...really Donald?" Jane Foster looked in disbelief at Thor, who was probably a hundred times stronger than Donald.

"Of course it's me." Thor.

Looking into Petz's eyes, Jane finally determined that Thor was indeed his long-missing boyfriend, Donald.

He finally came back.

Jane Foster stepped forward.

Thor couldn't help but smile, pouted, and opened his arms, ready to welcome the reunion.

"Crack!" Unexpectedly, Jane slapped her backhand again, but fortunately there was no more terrifying power that erupted this time.

"Why did you come back now?" She asked angrily and aggrieved I..." Thor was speechless, then said, "I'll explain to you, but now I'm going to take you Go to Asgard. "

"Where to?" Jane was startled.

"My hometown." Thor hugged Jane Foster, "there's some kind of power lurking in your body, and it could be a big problem."

As soon as the voice fell, the Rainbow Bridge descended again, disappearing with the two of them, and immediately appeared in the Rainbow Bridge Hall in Asgard.

"This is..." Jane looked at the splendid sight around her in disbelief, and Heimdall standing in front of her.

Heimdall greeted politely, "Welcome to Asgard."


Paladins of Asgard