Chapter 576: 【Curse Warrior】

The vast majority of dark elves are fully armored to defend against the threat of external light, and the holy light emanating from the Holy Prism immediately blends into their armor.

Holy Shock!

Immediately afterwards, under the action of the Holy Shock, the holy light energy integrated into the armor exploded one after another, and rounds of golden apertures bloomed in the air.

"Boom boom-"

In the face of the outburst of holy light, the dark elves looked vulnerable. Even their spaceships collapsed and disintegrated after being bombarded by multiple holy lights.

The dark elves who were wreaking havoc in the vicinity were immediately swept away, and the broken bodies and the wreckage of the spacecraft were scattered all over the place.

The Holy Prism continued to attack, and the dazzling holy light was intertwined, and the life of the dark elves was quickly harvested like a meat grinder.

Faced with such a situation, the dark elves were obviously unwilling to sit still, and several large-scale airships flew in immediately.

They circled in the air for a while, and then shot more than a dozen black hole bombs from all directions, all attacking Rowe.

Luo Wei immediately activated the Holy Shield technique, the rune holy light instantly enveloped his body, and the next moment more than a dozen black hole bombs flew around his head and exploded almost at the same time.


The turbulent darkness was released from the bombs, tearing apart everything around them in an instant. Walls, soil, air, and light were all swallowed up by this darkness.

Matter within a radius of dozens of meters seems to be directly deleted from this world by God.

However, even with such shocking power, it still cannot shake the absolute defense of Divine Shield.

The darkness dissipated, and Luo Wei, who was placed under the radiance of the holy shield, was unscathed, and the bright rune holy light did not even ripple.


The dark elves who witnessed this scene were all shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

More than a dozen black hole bombs exploded at the same time, and as a result, they couldn't even cause a slight fluctuation!

Even if Hela is now the king of gods and can mobilize most of the power of Asgard, it will not be so easy to fight against the power of black holes.

This kind of defense has reached an unimaginable level, which greatly shocked the hearts of the dark elves.

In fact, don't let them, even Luo Wei himself was a little surprised when he saw such a scene.

Although he was confident that the Holy Shield would not be broken, a little guess flashed in his heart, thinking that under the attack of a dozen black hole bombs, the Holy Shield might fluctuate a little.

After all, Hela just mobilized the power of the Rainbow Bridge to offset the erosion of the power of the black hole.

As a result, the Holy Shield was still as stable as an old dog, with no fluctuations.

It seems that the power of the Holy Shield has indeed reached the "infinite" realm.

In other words, no matter how powerful the power is, as long as it is limited, it can be ignored in front of the Holy Shield, and only infinite power can affect the infinite.

To beat infinity with infinity.

Of course, there are also high and low infinity, I don't know what kind of infinity can affect the holy shield.

Infinite witch? Cosmic gods? Fed up planet eater? Or a full diamond infinity gems...

These thoughts flashed through Rowe's mind, and while continuing to fight, the sacred prism continued, and sometimes he turned on the holy shield to resist the black hole bomb, and rampaged through the enemy group, as if entering a no-man's land.

The lethality of the Holy Light on the dark elves is very amazing, and most dark elves can't even withstand a single blow.

Their sharpest weapon, the Black Hole Bomb, is infinite against the Holy Shield, so Rowe almost swept the entire dark elf army by himself!

The loss of the dark elves continued to rise, and the offensive began to collapse. Asgard also took advantage of this to counterattack, and immediately stabilized the situation.

"Where is Malekith?" Rowe asked coldly, grabbing the collar of a dark elf officer.

Although he had defeated countless dark elf warships and soldiers, he had yet to see the figure of the elf leader Malekith.

The officer gritted his teeth and said nothing, but his inadvertent eyes still betrayed his thoughts.

Luo Wei followed his gaze and saw that it was the Golden Palace.

Could it be that Malekith has sneaked into the Golden Palace, so fast?

He hurriedly flew to the Golden Palace, opened his eyes of reckoning, and quickly searched for the target, but he didn't get anything for a while.

Dark elves have little sin in them.

This is not because they are kind and righteous, but because they have been sleeping in the depths of the universe for five thousand years, and their sins have long been washed away by the years.

Although they had just launched an aggression, it was a failed aggression, so they did not get much guilt.

Therefore, in the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, there is no difference between dark elves and ordinary Asgardians.

Fortunately, the Eye of Reckoning can still observe energy, so I still found some clues: an eighth-level target appeared in Luo Wei's field of vision.

At this moment, this eighth-level creature is advancing somewhere in the Golden Palace.

Luo Wei hurriedly flew over with four wings and quickly arrived at his destination. In a corridor of the Golden Palace, he saw a burly warrior wearing dark red armor and a mask.

Curse the warrior!

Dark elves with such dress and strength are naturally only cursed warriors.

Rowe was quite impressed by the Cursed Warrior. After all, in the original book, Thor had almost no power to fight back in front of this guy, and he was definitely a stubborn stubble.

It is precisely because Loki guides the cursed warrior that Frigga in the original book unfortunately died.

The tragedy of Frigga's death seemed to be staged again. At this time, the cursed warrior was confronting Frigga across the corridor. Fortunately, Rowe arrived in time.

"Your opponent is me." Rowe held the Saffron warhammer and pointed at the cursed warrior.

Seeing Rowe's arrival, Frigga heaved a sigh of relief.

The cursed warrior also felt the threat of Rowe, and had to turn around to deal with it, spreading his hands, as if he was facing a great enemy.

A war is about to begin.

Unexpectedly, the temperature around suddenly dropped, and a layer of light frost began to spread on the walls and ground.

Rowe turned his head and saw that Loki was walking here.

Loki, who inherited the power of the Lich King, every step he takes, the frost around him spreads forward a bit - obviously he is pretending to be forced, because these frosts are actually controllable and will not spread everywhere.

Loki still didn't know where he got a cold sword and a heavy plate armor - this time, he had completely forgotten his identity as a mage, and he looked like the Lich King.

"Leave it to me." Loki looked at Rowe on the side, "Let me protect my mother."

Frigga couldn't help but said worriedly: "Loki, he is the cursed warrior of the dark elves, very dangerous."

"I'm no longer the Loki I used to be." Loki calmly raised his long sword and pointed at the cursed warrior, "Feel the wrath of the Lich King!"

Paladins of Asgard