Chapter 577: 【Malekis】

Looking at Rowe and Loki in front of him, the Cursed Warrior could not help but let out a low roar, clenching his fists nervously.

Rowe had already made him feel the danger, and now there is another guy with chills all over his body who also gives him a strong sense of threat... Has Asgard's strength become so strong?

The dark elves' impression of Asgard remained 5,000 years ago or even longer. At that time, Asgard was in a long-term war and conflict, and it did not have the strength to surpass the Nine Realms.

In contrast, Asgard today can almost be said to be the heyday of nearly 10,000 years.

——Odin, the old king of gods, is still there, Hela, who succeeded him, is young and powerful, Rowe and Loki have the strength of no less than the third awakening, and Thor is also of extraordinary strength and great potential.

For the dark elves, such a change was undoubtedly unexpected.

Seeing that the battle between the cursed warrior and the Lich King Loki is about to break out, the ice-blue frost spreads everywhere, and the surrounding temperature continues to drop.

Frigga couldn't help but say, "Loki, must this be the case, I feel a little cold."

Loki held up his long sword and didn't respond for a while: "..."

The surrounding cold air is naturally useless, at least it is useless to the cursed warrior. He did this entirely to pretend, but he was punctured by Frigga on the spot without thinking about it.

After two seconds of silence, Loki pretended to take back the cold air as if nothing had happened.

Although he didn't say anything or show any expression, in fact even the Cursed Warrior could feel his embarrassment.

But the Cursed Warrior has no sense of humor, and despite the shocking embarrassment he felt, he chose to attack decisively!

Just when the cold air was a little bit, he did not hesitate at all, took out two black hole bombs from his waist with his backhand, and threw them at Rowe and Loki respectively.

At the critical moment, Rowe hurriedly activated the Holy Shield technique, covering himself and Loki with a layer of rune holy light.


The black hole bomb released a wild darkness, swallowing the two of them, but was blocked by the Holy Shield, unable to enter an inch, like a tide trying to squeeze into a rock.

When the darkness dissipated, Rowe and the two were unscathed, and deep shock could not help showing in the eyes of the cursed warrior.

Rowe looked at Loki: "I'm going to find Malekith. If this guy has a black hole bomb, you can only be careful yourself."

"I know." Loki nodded.

Rowe turned to leave, Loki waved his long sword, and ice thorns immediately poured out from the sharp blade, shooting at the cursed warrior in salvo.

These ice thorns are big and small, and the small ones are indistinguishable, like tiny snowflakes, and the big ones are like a dagger. They are huge in number, and they flock to the cursed warriors densely, like a blizzard, whizzing away.


The ice bloomed, and the dense ice thorns exploded on the cursed warrior. The white snow immediately drowned his figure and blasted him out.

The cursed warrior reached the wall of the Golden Palace and stood firm, then roared and rushed up against the frost and snow.

He leaped up like the Hulk, and smashed Loki with his fists as powerful as a warhammer!

Loki raised his long sword high, and the dark light at the tip of the sword surged, and then a jet-black light shot out, and the violent shadow force instantly penetrated the chest of the cursed warrior.

It's just that the flesh and blood of the cursed warrior seems to be just a decoration. This fatal injury just caused him to lose his balance and hit the ground. He turned his head and got up again, clearly not injured.

The Cursed Warrior shook his head, staring straight at Loki with beastlike eyes under the mask.

"Two times, worthy of being a cursed warrior," said Loki, "then let you taste the power of Frostmourne's wrath."

Before he finished speaking, he held the long sword in both hands, and the dazzling ice-blue light surged out from the blade, exuding a fierce cold and killing intent.

Loki wielded a dazzling blade, went straight to the cursed warrior, and chopped off his head.

The Cursed Warrior roared and threw his fist towards the blade with all his strength.


As if the thunder burst, with the earth-shattering sound, a huge shock wave swept out, leaving deep ravines on the high walls on both sides.

Loki's long sword snapped.

But the dazzling ice-blue light came out of the sword, splitting the cursed warrior in half from head to toe, and black blood splashed!

The cursed warrior who was split in half was still alive, but he obviously had no strength to fight again, and the huge cold force completely frozen his body.

Loki did not look at the remnant of the cursed warrior, but at the half-truncated sword in his hand.

After the fierce attack just now, the long sword was broken into two pieces, and there were cracks on the broken sword, so it was naturally scrapped.

Looking at the broken sword in his hand, he couldn't help sighing and said, "After all, this is not Frostmourne..."


The pale-skinned Malekith hurried through the Golden Palace, knowing that he didn't have much time and must get the power of the ether particles as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the dark elves have a natural sense of ether particles, and Malekith can feel its call almost every moment.

For him, the ether particle is like the sun in the eyes of other beings, and it is the most conspicuous thing in the world, so he goes straight to where the ether particle is.

Soon he arrived at his destination and saw Jane Foster flipping a book in a quiet room.

"Who are you?" Jane Foster looked blankly at Malekith.

"It turns out that the ether particle is in you." Malekith's low voice sounded, "It's incredible, your body can actually hold it... But right now, it's mine!"

So he went to Jane Foster.

However, at this moment, the ground below suddenly surged with golden light, and before he could react, a sharp sword composed of holy light suddenly stabbed out, almost destroying his right leg.

"Ah!!" Malekith screamed and knelt on the ground, struggling to turn around to look, and saw a tall blond youth appearing behind him.

"You are Malekith, the monarch of the dark elves?" Rowe looked him up and down.

It has to be said that Malekith's strength is completely beyond his expectations-too weak.

In the vision of the Eye of Reckoning this guy has only four layers of energy ripples on his body, which is not as good as the three warriors of Asgard.

In the original book, Thor struck a lightning bolt on Malekith's face, but he didn't die, and it wasn't easy...

Rowe estimated that if he was a little more serious about the sword of justice just now, he should be able to kill the dark elf king directly.

Malekith gritted his teeth, raised his hand and threw a black hole bomb, and at the same time made a move at Jane Foster with the other hand, and ether particles immediately began to slowly pour out of her body.

Rowe used the Divine Shield technique to block the black hole bomb again, and then hesitated, but did not step forward to stop Malekith. .

After all, no one but Malekith can get the etheric particles out of Jane Foster's body right now.

Malekith is so weak that even if he gets the ether particles, Luo Wei is sure to subdue him.