Chapter 578: 【Celestial Convergence】

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came: "Let go of Jane!"

Before he finished speaking, Miaolnir lashed out in the arcs and roars, and the thunder struck with great precision, hitting Malekith's temple with precision.


Malekith died on the spot without saying a word.

The ether particles rushed back into Jane Foster's body immediately. She fell to the ground with a soft cry. Thor hurriedly stepped forward to help her, and said worriedly, "Are you all right, Jane."

"I'm fine." Jane Foster held her forehead, obviously the surge of ether particles made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Thor was still worried, and he held her hand with another wave of concern, asking long and short.

Witnessing this scene, Luo Wei was silent for a long time: "..."

He had just a little hesitation in his heart, wondering if Malekith could become stronger than he imagined after absorbing the ether particles.

Unexpectedly, Thor suddenly appeared at this time and directly killed Malekith.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this?" Thor felt Rowe's gaze and couldn't help raising his head and asking.

"Jane could have used this to get rid of ether particles, but now it seems that you will have to suffer for a while longer." Luo Wei sighed.

The ether particles left in Jane Foster's body not only caused trouble for her, but Thor was also deeply troubled.

After all, Jane can't control the energy of the ether particles at all. Sometimes the energy of the ether overflows accidentally, and it is often Thor who suffers, just like he was slapped and slapped on the earth.

Thor was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, feeling remorse immediately, and then he couldn't help but look at Malekith, who was lying on the side.

It's a pity that the collapsed temple shows that this poor dark elf monarch is too dead to die.

"The war is over in a day," Rowe said. "Go out and clean up the mess."

The dark elves made a comeback after 5,000 years, but they seriously misestimated Asgard's current strength. Not only did they fail to get the ether particles, but they ended bleakly, losing the last cursed warrior and monarch.

After Malekith died, the Asgardians continued to counterattack with his corpse aloft, easily defeating the remaining army of dark elves.

The dark elves were strangled, and compared to 5,000 years ago, they should be considered dead.

Due to the demise of the dark elves, the celestial bodies that followed immediately appeared to be unusually calm, and no one took the opportunity to do things, it was just a celestial spectacle.

Just the day after the dark elves invaded, the nine realms scattered all over the universe were connected in a straight line, forming a cosmic spectacle that could be seen every five thousand years.

From the perspective of the universe, the nine kingdoms are connected in a straight line, but from the dimension of the world tree, the nine kingdoms are gathered together, and the boundaries overlap a lot, like fragments that are gradually gathered.

Due to the large overlap of borders, Asgard suddenly appeared many portals to other parts of the Nine Realms, and the Rainbow Bridge lost its meaning on this day.

Because the earth is the atrium of the Nine Realms, the most numerous of these portals are the portals leading to the earth.

Due to the existence of these portals, in one day, the earth does not know how many strange things have been added, such as a polar ice beast or something.

Probably, this is also one of the main reasons for the frequent occurrence of strange things on Earth...

In addition, the portal itself will also have some unforeseen consequences.

Like now...


In the dark night sky of the earth, a small portal that was only about half a meter suddenly formed, shaking erratically.

When the celestial bodies converge, this kind of unstable small portal is not uncommon. If there is no accident, it will dissipate on its own in a few minutes.

Coincidentally, however, in these few minutes, a spacecraft that had just completed its mission returned to Earth, and its return route happened to pass through this inconspicuous portal.

"What's that?" An astronaut noticed an anomaly on the radar.

Other astronauts also noticed: "Strange, I have never seen such a signal before..."

But it was too late, they didn't even have time to think about what this unprecedented and unfamiliar signal meant, and part of the spaceship slammed into the portal!


The portal ripped apart the hull of the spaceship, causing a violent explosion, and flames and shock waves burst out from the side of the spaceship.

For a time, the spaceship almost turned into a meteorite, falling from the sky with flames.

"Fake!" At this juncture, the astronauts couldn't help but swear and act urgently.

"Start the emergency landing plan!"

"Ask the command center for help immediately!"

"Jameson, go check the sample!"

"Yes!" The astronaut named Jameson hurried to a highly sealed cabin.

From the layout, it seems to be a laboratory-like place, with four transparent can-shaped containers displayed in the middle.

In each transparent container, a viscous creature resembling asphalt was wriggling, and they were surging around along the walls of the container, as if struggling.

Among the four viscous creatures, one of them looks particularly conspicuous. Its whole body is bright golden, and it faintly exudes a sacred brilliance...

Looking at the four creatures in the container Jameson was slightly relieved.

However, at this moment, with a "click" sound, this solid cabin also began to collapse, the titanium alloy wall suddenly cracked, and some metal fragments burst out.

The ejected titanium alloy fragments immediately broke a transparent container!

"Oh, damn!" Jameson yelled, trying to do something.

However, the viscous creature in the container ran out of the breach at the first time, and quickly rushed towards Jameson. In a blink of an eye, it melted into the skin from his ankle and disappeared, looking like water seeping into a sponge.

"Ahhhh!" Jameson knelt on the ground in pain, his body trembling violently, obviously suffering great pain.

At the same time, the damaged spacecraft was still unable to handle it. Although the astronauts tried their best to make a forced landing, the spacecraft returned to the ground in a near-crash manner and immediately caused a violent explosion.


Along with the loud explosion, a mass of flames rose from the forest in Sibu City, East Malaysia, illuminating the nearby night sky.

With such an amazing movement, people naturally rushed to hear the news, and the police, firetrucks, and ambulances arrived one after another.

Soon people were shocked to discover that it was a miracle that one person survived such a terrible accident.

Of course, at the moment, no one has carefully investigated the reason for the astronaut's survival, and hastily put him into an ambulance. .

The ambulance was driving at full speed in the dark, and a nurse was preparing an injection for Jameson, who was unconscious, and gently pushed a few drops of the medicine from the needle.

Unexpectedly, Jameson suddenly opened his eyes and woke up, his arms turned into black tentacles, and instantly wrapped around the nurse's head!

