Chapter 579: [Your name is Eddie too? 】


California, San Francisco.

Under the lights at night, a disheveled man silently walked down the street. His clothes were disheveled, his beard was unshaven, and his hands were in his pockets. He always walked with his head down, with a bitter face.

He looks quite out of tune with the bright and bright pedestrians around him, and seems to be in the process of evolving into a homeless person.

Eddie Bullock doesn't feel like a homeless person.

He thought he might be a stray dog.

No wonder Eddie thinks so, after all, he has just reached the lowest point in his life.

He lost his job, lost his girlfriend because he tried to report on the Life Foundation scandal not long ago, and changed from a decent reporter to a destitute and destitute Luther.

He now has to endure cramped dwellings and noisy neighbors every day, face overdue credit card bills every day, and sometimes even worry about eating.

Eddie Bullock, who fell to the bottom of his life, felt that he was definitely the most miserable person in the world, and that even a homeless person was more comfortable than himself.

At least one homeless person he knew was more comfortable than him, a "female homeless" to be precise, Maria.

Although Maria slept on the street, she always seemed to be in a happy mood, which made Eddie envious.

But today Maria disappeared for some reason. Her bed and many trivial items are still on the street, but the person has disappeared.

Eddie looked at the messy floor coverings on the street, and seemed a little surprised, but after all, he didn't think too much about it. He thought that maybe Maria had something urgent to leave for a while.

He passed by Maria's messy shop and came to a small supermarket. After talking with the owner, he began to choose the rations for the next few days.

"Mr. Bullock." A hesitant female voice sounded.

Eddie looked up and saw a thin and delicate woman with glasses appearing in front of him: "Who are you?"

The woman looked around, then pulled him nervously and carefully into the corner, and said in a low voice, "I'm Dora Scholes, a scientist from the Life Foundation, I'm here to find you..."

Hearing that the other party was from the Life Foundation, Eddie's face twitched, and he turned his head to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Bullock, listen to me!" Dora quickly grabbed him, and then said, "The rumors about the Life Foundation conducting human experiments are true, Drake is indeed conducting illegal human experiments, and someone Die for it!"

"The Foundation found some poor people who couldn't resist, made them sign agreements that they didn't even know what it meant, and then treated them as guinea pigs and combined with the symbiote!"

"...What is a symbiote?"

Dora hesitated for a moment, but still explained: "The symbiote is a special alien creature that must be combined with the host to survive normally, but after the combination, the host and the symbiote can show some amazing physical strength, far exceeding ordinary people. And, of course, there are more terrible side effects.”

Eddie was silent for half a second, and he couldn't help but ask again, "Why did you tell me this, and why should I believe you?"

Dora breathed slightly: "Drake is killing people, I can't just sit back and ignore it... But I don't have the ability, and I don't have enough courage. I still have children, so I think I can only ask you."

"Please? What can I do? I've lost everything. If you come to me in three months, I'll definitely be sleeping there!" Eddie pointed to Maria's floor, feeling a little emotional.

Dora motioned for him to be quiet, then said, "I'll find a suitable time to sneak you into the Foundation's lab, where you take pictures and leave... You're a good reporter, and you know what to do next. How to do it."

When Eddie heard this, he couldn't help being silent for a long time.

"Please, Mr. Bullock," Dora said earnestly.


A few days later.

Another night, Eddie Brock sneaked into the laboratory of the Life Foundation under the leadership of Dora with a camera that he had never abandoned no matter how poor he was.

"That's it, you can take pictures quickly, I'll watch outside." Dora urged, and then hurriedly left the laboratory to follow Eddie outside.

Eddie didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly took the camera and took pictures everywhere in the laboratory.

Just like what Dora said, Drake, the boss of the Life Foundation, is indeed conducting inhumane human experiments, and a few horrific corpses are the best evidence.

As long as these evidences can be exposed, Drake will definitely suffer a major blow, and may even be thrown into prison.

Thinking that he could take revenge on the Life Foundation soon, Eddie couldn't help but feel a little joyful, and the frequency of taking pictures became faster and faster, one after another.

"Eddie!" However, at this moment, a cry that was almost completely cut off by the glass came from behind.

Eddie was startled, turned his head to look, and found that it was his old friend Maria who was locked in a small glass compartment.

"Maria!" Eddie ran over in disbelief, "what's the matter with you?"

"Save me, Eddie, save me out!" Maria slammed the glass wall like crazy, shouting hoarsely, her messy hair tossing.

Eddie didn't expect his friend to be here. In a panic, he hurriedly pressed the device on the door.

As a result, this move not only failed to open the door, but triggered the alarm in the laboratory.

"Alert! Intrusion alert!"

Dangerous sounds sounded everywhere, and multiple red lights flashed.

"Fake!" Eddie was devastated, and he wanted to rescue Maria again.

So he quickly reached out and grabbed a fire extinguisher, smashing it at the glass with all his strength.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under his smashing, cracks appeared in the glass. What he didn't expect was that Maria took this opportunity to break through the glass barrier and came over like a hungry wolf!

"What are you doing!" Eddie was shocked, but Maria's power became extremely powerful for some reason. He couldn't resist, and he fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

Then a scene that shocked Eddie happened.

In Maria's painful roar, many golden viscous objects rushed out of her body, and then quickly melted into Eddie's body like a sponge into water.

As soon as the golden sticky substance came out of her body, Maria fell to the ground and didn't move again.

"Don't move!" At this moment, two teams of men in black with guns rushed into the laboratory from various entrances, and they were about to surround Eddie in uniform.

But Eddie seemed to be possessed by a god, without hesitation, he broke through the blockade of the man in black.

Then he shot out like a cheetah sprinting with all his strength, smashed the glass window in a blink of an eye, and fell directly from the roof!

Seeing the height of the dozens of floors where the building fell, Eddie cried instantly.

What the **** am I doing?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded: "Counselor, your name is Eddie too?"

"Who are you?" Eddie, who was in free fall, was surprised and couldn't find the source of the sound, which made him wonder if he had reached heaven.

But...why are the angel's tone and voice so rough?

The rough voice did not answer him. .

The next moment, Eddie's arms were suddenly wrapped in a golden sticky object with a texture like asphalt, becoming powerful and golden, and then directly inserted into the building wall without his control!


