Chapter 580: [Worst 1st host]

The steel-like golden arm was easily inserted into the wall, and then Eddie's fall was quickly stopped, and finally stopped at a position more than ten meters above the ground.

Immediately, he turned around and jumped and landed firmly on the ground.

"Catch him!" People from the Life Foundation shouted, and more and more guards came from around.

"Maria is still inside." Eddie felt that the voice came from within his body, as if something had entered his body and gave him extraordinary power.

"She's dead, not everyone's body can adapt to symbiosis." The rough voice sounded again.

"But..." Eddie wanted to say something.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of here first." Eddie lost control of his body again and fled away.

There was a barbed wire around the building, but it couldn't stop him at all.

He tore through the barbed wire as easily as breaking through a paper window, and strode into the nearby woods, trying to shake off more and more guards.

As Eddie Brock ran wildly, he gasped violently: "You... Who are you?"

"My name is Venom. Of course, Eddie is also my name. We have the same name." Venom said, "It's a magical coincidence."

Eddie: "It's a very common name."

But Venom said, "No, not just the name, your body matches mine very well. I can survive in your body for a long time, and you won't suffer from it, which is very rare."

Eddie then remembered what Dora had said to him before: "You are the symbiote, that alien?"

Venom said: "I'm just one of them, and other symbiotes have also come to Earth."

"Including a guy named Riot. He is an unscrupulous war mad and very dangerous. He is planning to lead his subordinates to invade the earth. If you don't want the earth to fall into disaster, you'd better find him with me."

Eddie suddenly showed a black question mark face: "Do you mean to let me save the earth?"

"Almost." Venom agreed with this statement, "How is it, are you excited?"

"Are you kidding me?" Eddie was really excited, "I can't even save myself, let me save the world? This is the time of the Avengers! I'm just a reporter!"

"This is not a too difficult task, at least not now." Venom said, "For me, you are a very good partner. I think it should be difficult for Riot to be such a suitable host."

"As long as the two of us join forces to deal with the riots, the result should be three to seven."

Eddie blurted out, "How come you have a 30% chance of winning?"

"Thirty percent is a riot." Venom said, "We are seventy percent, which is a conservative estimate."

"Really? I don't believe it." Eddie's words made Venom stagnate.

Venom said very unhappily: "You don't know anything about power, I am the only light-cast symbiote in Kuntar, and there are only a handful of symbiotes that are more powerful than me in the entire Kuntar, and one that is brighter than me. nor!"

"My former host even included a god! A god, understand?"

Eddie: "I'm an atheist."

Venom: "..."

Venom was about to have a good chat with Eddie, but at this moment, several cars came swiftly from the front. Not only that, but there were also cars chasing from the left and right, not to mention the back.

A dozen cars stopped around, and a group of armed guards got out of the cars, and dozens of guns were aimed at them.

Eddie panicked, raised his hands subconsciously, and gave a French military salute.

"What are you doing?" Venom asked, forcing his hands down.

"I... we've been surrounded!" Eddie was about to perform the French military salute again.

Venom forcibly put down his hands again, and then scolded: "You are the worst host I have ever met!"

As he spoke, he completely seized control of his body, and the golden fluid enveloped Eddie's entire body from beginning to end.

Eddie's body increased sharply, and his height became more than two meters. The exaggerated muscle lines spread all over the body, full of explosive power.

The most striking thing is his eyes, which look like two light bulbs, more vividly, they should be like Ultraman's eyes.

"Come on, let's show you the power I got from the Sun God!" Venom looked at the dozens of enemies surrounding him, "For the Holy Light!"


Eastern Europe.

The narrow road runs through the wilderness, and the two motorcycles are galloping along the road at a fatal speed, and the two owners still have the leisure to talk.

"...As long as I help you find that child, are you sure you can help me lift the curse?" Johnny Blazer looked at the black priest beside him.

"Of course, I promise you," said Father Moru, "but you have to think for yourself. Although the curse of the Ghost Rider makes you suffer, it also gives you great power."

"After the curse is lifted, you will become a completely ordinary person. You will no longer be able to do those dangerous performances before."

Johnny said calmly: "I want to be an ordinary person now. This is the result of careful consideration. I am tired of the past life."

Moru nodded and said nothing more.

The two continued to race on the highway, the motorcycles whizzed past, and after a while, they traveled for dozens of kilometers.

"We seem to have met a good friend." Moru said with a smile Johnny was dozing off a little, hearing this, he couldn't help but wake up a little, looked up, and saw a sight not far ahead. A motorcycle is also galloping, even faster than them.

As a well-known motorcyclist, Johnny subconsciously wanted to compete, so he increased the horsepower without saying a word, got rid of Moru, and chased the motorcycle in front.

Moru couldn't help but speed up a bit to avoid being thrown too far.

However, to their surprise, just after they chased for a minute, the motorcycle in front suddenly slowed down and stopped.

A sturdy, sharp-haired man with short hair got out of the car and turned to face them.

Moru frowned slightly and was about to say something.

"Ah—" Unexpectedly, at this moment, Johnny suddenly let out a long whistle, and the violent **** flames burst out of his body as if uncontrolled, surging and swallowing him and the motorcycle he sat on.

"Johnny!" Moru's expression changed greatly.

After the hellfire, Johnny was no longer in human form, but turned into a skeleton knight with flames burning above his head.

The motorcycle he sat on was also flaming with flames, as if being smelted in a furnace, and the lines of skeletons were revealed in the orange-red flames.

Ghost Rider!

Johnny, who turned into a Ghost Rider, seemed to be driving from hell, heading straight for the person blocking the way in front of him.

"Be judged!" he shouted, waving the chain, and he was about to smash into the opponent and smash the opponent to pieces.

But the person standing in the way was not afraid. Instead, he took out two crescent-shaped golden swords from nowhere, holding one in each of his left and right hands, and then said wildly:

"You are seeking your own death!"

