Chapter 581: 【Ghost Rider VS Demon Hunter】

Since he inherited the power of Illidan and turned into a demon hunter, the pursuit of evil has become Frank Custer's work and even his life.

Gangsters, drug dealers, murderers, demons who smuggled into the world... are all his targets.

This day, Frank was hunting a cunning demon, but what he didn't expect was that another demon's breath came from behind.

What surprised and annoyed him even more was that this demon even shouted to "judgment" him.

Too arrogant! So arrogant!

After walking around the world for many years, it was the first time Frank had seen such an arrogant demon, so he couldn't let it go, so he took out the blade without hesitation and faced the Ghost Rider who was driving the Hellfire locomotive!

The flame locomotive came quickly, and the road that was somewhat dilapidated was suddenly burned with a lava trail, and the heat wave was rushing.


Johnny Blazer, who turned into a ghost knight, raised his arms suddenly, and the chains in his hands shot out with fiery flames, like a flame, roaring directly at Frank Custer.

Demon hunters have keen and quick reaction capabilities, and are proficient in combat skills, they can always make accurate predictions on the enemy, and even predict the enemy's predictions.

So even though both the locomotive and the flame chain were extremely fast, Frank moved quickly, managed to avoid the blow, and stabbed the blade with his backhand.

The war blade then stabbed into Johnny's chest!

In the next instant, the blazing locomotive broke away from Johnny, whizzed past, crashed into the edge of the road, and exploded a hot stream of fire in front of the rocks in the wilderness.

"Boom!" The exploding locomotive made a loud noise.

Johnny was pierced through his chest by the Demon Hunter's blade, but his body was almost immortal after incarnating as a Ghost Rider, so the blow that was enough to kill an ordinary person didn't cause him significant damage.

He was pinned on the blade by Frank, and the flames on his body became vigorous again after a little flash, burning fiercely, inspiring a terrifying high temperature, and the road below began to melt.

The intense heat made even Frank feel unbearable, and the skin that was strong enough to withstand bullets immediately showed signs of burns.

He groaned, and hurriedly pulled out the blade and stepped back.

Johnny took advantage of this to counterattack, and the flame chain rolled back, successfully entangling Frank, who was escaping Hellfire.

"You can't escape!" Johnny shouted loudly, dragged Frank closer, then threw him back and smashed him to the ground.


"Boom boom—"

The flame chains entangled Frank in layers, making it difficult for him to break free, while Johnny dragged the chains to the left and right, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding road was smashed into a lava-like scene, and the smell of sulfur filled the air.

However, at this moment, an even more terrifying demonic aura emanated from Frank's body, and a jet-black energy surged out, swallowing his skin instantly.

"Very good, I'll show you the real power!" Frank's voice suddenly became much lower.

His body that was swallowed by the darkness also changed shape, and quickly turned into a tall demon with a pitch-black body. The wide demon wings unfolded from behind, and blue demonic fire gushed out with a slight vibration.

The blue demonic fire surged out, overwhelming the momentum of Johnny's Hellfire.

At the same time, Frank in demon form roared, broke the flame chain directly, and then grabbed Johnny's skull.

"Kacha!" The black magic hand slammed hard, and the skull in the flames shattered in response, and was then crushed to pieces!

The fragments of the skull fell to the ground mixed with hellfire, but the Ghost Rider did not fall down because of this, but gave birth to a brand new skull in the flames.

Frank frowned secretly, reaching out and crushing Johnny's head again.

But the result was still the same, the almost undead Ghost Rider also produced a new head again, and the fiery hellfire still burned around the pale skull.

"You can't kill me," Johnny said, looking directly at the demon hunter, "now you will accept my trial and pay for your crimes, demon!"

At the same time as he spoke, the orange-red hellfire surged rapidly in his hollow skeleton eye sockets, like a roaring vortex, engulfing Frank in front of him.

The Eye of Judgment!

This is Ghost Rider's killer eye of judgment, which can inject hellfire into the target's soul to ignite sin. I don't know how many villains have died from this trick.

Johnny was very confident about this, he believed that the demon in front of him would never escape the judgment of the Eye of Judgment.

However, the result was unexpected.

The Eye of Judgment looked directly into the Demon Hunter's eyes, but the Demon Hunter seemed to have no response, looked at him calmly, and did not die in pain like other villains.

"What!" Johnny couldn't believe it, "You can actually resist the Eye of Judgment!"

Frank said slowly in a particularly low voice in his demon form: "Judge me? Indeed, I grabbed the power of demons and killed a lot of people, but I have a clear conscience and everything I do is righteous!"

Johnny didn't speak.

The two just stared at each other like this, not moving or saying a word.

Father Moru stood not far away looked at it blankly, feeling that the scene was very bizarre, but after all, he was only a human, and he didn't know the situation, so he didn't dare to intervene.

The two devil figures just stared at each other for half a minute.

Finally, Ghost Rider broke the silence and said, "You...not a demon."

"Neither are you." Demon Hunter also said.

Hellfire faded from Ghost Rider, revealing Johnny's body, and the darkness also faded from Demon Hunter, revealing Frank's body.

"Frank Custer." Frank hesitated, and finally said his name.

"Johnny Blazer." Johnny also introduced himself and stretched out his hand, "Maybe you've heard my name, but that doesn't matter. I think we have a lot of rare things in common."

"Yes." Frank thought so too.

Johnny exuded a demonic breath, but in the brief and unfriendly contact, he did not feel evil in Johnny.

Just when the Eye of Judgment was activated, a stern voice of torture sounded deep in Frank's soul, asking him if he was guilty like a thunderbolt.

His answer was without hesitation: clear conscience!

With his answer, the voice of God's questioning dissipated instantly and disappeared without a trace.

Frank began to be convinced that the guy in front of him was definitely not an evil existence, but a person who, like him, was carrying the darkness but was chasing the light.

Through the Eye of Judgment, Johnny directly saw the justice in Frank's heart.

A person who uses the power of the devil to punish the devil, isn't he the same?

