Chapter 582: 【Latovonia】

Latvinia, a small country in Eastern Europe, is located between Serbia, Hungary, and Romania. The blue Danube River flows through its borders.

Decades ago, it was a backward country in fact in the feudal era, ruled by arrogant aristocrats, and the people of Latvia lived in barrenness.

The man who finally broke this situation was called Victor von Doum, the current ruler of Latviania.

Doom's mother is a gypsy witch, she lost her life and soul because of the dark magic deal with the devil, which is also Doom's heart disease for a long time.

After his mother died, his father died for angering the ruler of Latovonia.

Afterwards, Doom, a young man with both dead parents and extraordinary talent, was taken to the United States and became a genius scientist valued by the U.S. military.

In the United States, Doom gained more knowledge about science, completed many experiments that he had imagined countless times but had no conditions to carry out, and progressed by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, he also disobeyed his mother's last wish, and dipped into the field of magic and continued to deepen.

In the end, Doom became a top scientist, engineer, and magician.

With these extraordinary knowledge and power, he easily defeated the corrupt nobles, ended the darkness of Latovonia, and made himself the throne of the supreme ruler.

In fact, Doom is an absolute dictator, in terms of the degree of autocracy, Doom surpasses any past ruler of Latovonia, as the Prime Minister of Latovonia said: "Doom decides everything, he The softest breath is also the law!"

But no one in Latovina opposed all this, because under Doom's leadership, this miserable country was completely freed from barrenness and weakness, and became prosperous, strong, and indestructible.

Today's Latvinia is not one of the most powerful countries in Eastern Europe, and it is also a world power after the five permanent members in the world. Some people think that its comprehensive strength has surpassed that of France.

Bringing a barren and turbulent small country to the status of a world power is obviously a great achievement, but Victor von Doum, who made it all himself, is hardly proud of it.

Not only that, but Doom often felt decadent and failed, so much so that he had no intention of state affairs, and became the monarch who left his hands, handing over all the affairs of the state to substitutes and ministers.

There is only one reason, and that is his mother in hell.

Due to the deal with the devil, after Doom's mother died, the soul fell into **** and suffered the eternal imprisonment and torture of the devil.

Doom loved his mother dearly.

Ordinary people's memory begins at the age of two or three, but due to precociousness, Doom's memory begins before birth.

He clearly remembers the scene of living in his mother's womb and the feeling of being connected to his mother's blood through the umbilical cord.

This unforgettable memory makes Doom think about saving his mother from **** all the time. In fact, he has tried more than once.

But unfortunately, every attempt by Doom ended in failure.

He even disfigured it.

In the United States, Doom used the resources provided by the military to build a machine leading to hell, which he thought would save his mother.

However, the devil taunted him mercilessly, wounded and disfigured him at will, and made him wear a cold metal mask from now on.

Doom now knows that the devil who imprisoned his mother's soul is the most powerful **** lord Mephisto, an existence that he is almost impossible to defeat.

But he still didn't give up, he was still looking for ways to save his mother's soul.

The most recent attempt was that he found the son of Mephisto, Blackheart, who escaped from hell, hoping to find Mephisto's weakness from Blackheart.

But Doom failed again.

The black heart is useless at all, neither can it be used as a threat, unite, nor has the ability to help him calculate Mephisto.

Doom has already begun to consider whether or not to dissect the black heart. After all, this guy seems to have no value in life. Killing the dissection might still yield something.

Blackheart seemed to be completely unaware of Doom's plans.

Latvinia, in Doom's castle.

"Dum, I think we should still get the St. Van Gonzalo contract, as long as you help me get the contract..." Blackheart tried to sell his strategy again.

"I don't want you to think, I want to." Doom interrupted him and said lightly, the cold metal mask covering his expression.

The black heart was stagnant, but he still didn't give up, and continued: "You should understand the power of that contract. Let's join forces, and the Ghost Rider will definitely not be an opponent. As long as I get the contract, I can completely compete with Mephisto in hell. Your mother's soul can definitely be taken back."

Doom: "You can't control the evil power of the St. Van Gonzalo Covenant at all. In fact, it is difficult for any creature on earth to grasp it. It will only bring you side effects and danger."

"Trust me, Black Heart, the moment you get the contract of St. Van Gonzalo, there will definitely be at least one existence that you cannot defeat to punish you."

Black Heart is silent.

He knew that what Doom said was not unreasonable, and might even be true, but he still had a bit of a gambling mentality and thought that the results might meet his expectations.

The air was quiet for a while, and Doom continued to consider whether to dissect the son of **** in front of him...

"Dear Doom, a brave reporter insists on seeing you." At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in the room.

At the same time, a projection appeared in the center of the room, and a female reporter in a suit was standing confidently outside the castle gate.

Doom looked at the picture in the projection, thought for a moment, and replied calmly, "Let the stand-in go, tell her everything she wants to know... and don't forget to make her pay the price."

"Yes." The mechanical voice replied, and then the projection turned off.

"What does the price mean?" Hei Xin asked casually.

Doom said slowly: "The price of knowing everything is paying everything..."


In the open field.

The two motorcycles were parked aside, and the three of them sat around the bonfire, looking at the roasted wild boar dripping oil on the flames and talking.

"I've actually heard your name, Frank," said Johnny Blazer.

Frank was a little surprised: "I think you might be joking, I'm not a well-known motorcyclist."

Father Moru drank the remaining half can of beer in his hand and said with a smile, "Actually, your reputation is better than Johnny. He's just an out-of-date driver, haha."

Johnny said half-jokingly, "Wait and see, Morrow, when I get rid of the curse of Ghost Rider, I'll get back to my old business, and be that much-anticipated driver, and then I'll let you take a photo with me. No chance."

Frank couldn't help but say, "You want to get rid of Ghost Rider?"

