Chapter 584: 【The Demon King's Plan】

The Paladins of Asgard Vol. 1 584 [The Demon King's Plan] When he was defeated in the battle with the Ghost Rider in St. Van Gonzalo, Feng Mo chose to abandon the black heart and escape alone without hesitation. Traitors are often more hateful than enemies. When people meet again, Feng Mo naturally fears revenge.

He had just recovered his life from the Demon Hunter, when he was weak, and he might not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

Feng Mo backed away in horror, while Hei Xin pressed closer, grabbed his neck and said with a sneer, "Did you think I was dead because of your betrayal?"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, no, Master!" Feng Mo said quickly, "Master, I have been loyal to you from beginning to end, it was just... an accident during the battle!"

"Is there an accident with loyalty?" Evil pitch-black energy surged in Hei Xin's palm, and quickly wrapped around Feng Mo's body.

Feng Mo is good at keeping his life alive, but Hei Xin, as his former master, naturally has a way to punish him.

"Then I think some accidents can happen to your life!" The pitch-black energy suddenly boiled, destroying Feng Mo's body like a stream of water that was about to squeeze a vacuum.

"No, Master! Please!" Feng Mo was terrified and hurriedly begged for mercy, "I'll tell you a big secret, about Mephisto, a shocking secret!"

Hearing Mephisto's name, Black Heart's movements couldn't help but stop, and Doom, who was watching with cold eyes, also moved.

"What secret?" Doom asked first.

Feng Mo hurriedly said: "Mephisto is planning to come to the world!"

Hei Xin snorted coldly: "What kind of secret is this, Mephisto has always had a clone on Earth."

"It's not the clone that is so fragile that it is almost vulnerable." Feng Mo continued, "but a new, powerful clone that can exert the power of **** on Earth."

Hei Xin couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "What is he going to do?"

Feng Mo: "Mephisto chose a human woman and let her conceive her own child. This child has human blood, so he does not have to bear the sanctions of the power of the earth world. At the same time, he has Mephisto's blood, which can As a fitting container to shape Mephisto's new avatar..."

"In a short while, Mephisto will officially start his plan to come to the world through the body of that child, so as to become a **** lord who can truly walk on earth."

Heixin frowned and was silent for a while: "How did you know this?"

"I..." Feng Mo was stagnant, and then said hesitantly, "After escaping from San Van Gonzal, Mephisto came to me, and he... forced me to serve him for a while."


Feng Mo nodded again and again: "Yes, forced, absolutely forced."

Black Heart didn't speak.

If what Feng Mo said is true, his situation is definitely not good. Once Mephisto comes to the earth with the strength of the **** lord, I am afraid that the first thing is to destroy his evil son.

Doom also had this concern. He tried to trouble Mephisto several times. Although they all ended in failure, he definitely left an impression on Mephisto.

Right now, he is mixed with Black Heart again. After Mephisto comes to Earth, it is probably not a problem to kill him.

So the two reached a tacit agreement almost immediately, and asked in unison, "Where is that child?"

Feng Mo said: "At... in the hands of the Ghost Rider."

"Ghost Rider!" Hei Xin's face sank, but then he calmed down a little, "Just right, the new account and the old account are calculated together, this time I have a strong helper. Doom, you will help me, right? "

Doom said: "Of course, Mephisto is our common enemy."

Feng Mo hesitated for a moment: "The Ghost Rider also has a powerful helper, the demon hunter I mentioned before. He is more terrifying than the Ghost Rider, and he also restrains demons. I almost died at his hands."

"Demon hunter?" Doom seemed to be interested in the name, "I would like to see it."

"We need to send Danny to the church's sanctuary to spend the day of prophecy there, so as to prevent the disaster from coming." Father Moru, who was in charge of the car, said to Nadya's mother and son in the car.

Danny couldn't help but ask: "Prophecy Day... Who is the prophet?"

Moru glanced at him: "Jesus."

"What?" Nadya thought she had heard it wrong and couldn't help but ask.

"Have you seen the devil, does the existence of God still surprise you?" Moru said calmly, "Of course, this is just what the elders told me. No one witnessed the scene when **** spoke the prophecy."

He turned his head to look at Johnny Blazer, who was driving his motorcycle outside the car window: "When you get to church, I can help you lift the curse of Ghost Rider... But you have to think about it yourself first."

Johnny nodded and said nothing.

They galloped on the highway for a while, and suddenly Punisher frowned, and then the motorcycle he sat on began to brake sharply, and suddenly stopped in a near-accident attitude, making a harsh sound on the road. UU reading

"What's the matter, Frank?" Moru and Johnny hurriedly stopped the car.

"The devil is approaching here." The Punisher said solemnly, got off the motorcycle, and took out his two golden war blades.

Soon, Johnny also frowned and said solemnly: "Indeed, I also felt the breath of the devil."

"Get ready to fight, there's more than one demon." Hellfire rose from his body and burned, turning him into the appearance of a Ghost Rider.

Moru also took out a gun and looked nervously at Nadya and Danny in the back of the car: "Stay and don't move."

Nadya nodded and hugged her son tightly.

Three figures gradually emerged in the darkness, walking straight towards the Ghost Rider and the Punisher, a black heart in black, Feng Mo with a shawl like a tramp, and Victor Doom in a dark green cloak and a metal mask. PhD.

"Meet again, Ghost Rider." Hei Xin smiled slightly, then turned his eyes to the Punisher aside, "Are you the Demon Hunter that Feng Mo said?"

"You are seeking your own death, devil!" The Punisher clenched the golden sword and said coldly.

Hei Xin's smile could not help but restrained a bit.

He could feel the dangerous aura emanating from the Punisher, and his intuition told him that this guy was more dangerous than the Ghost Rider.

Moreover, the Punisher obviously noticed his arrival very early. He is as keen as a tiger and wolf to its prey. He is a veritable demon hunter.

Without Doom's help, he certainly wouldn't dare to trouble the Punisher.

"Dr. Doom, the Demon Hunter is handed over to you." Blackheart said.
