Chapter 585: 【Mana Burning】

Through the eye holes of the cold metal mask, Dr. Doom stared at the Punisher in front of him, and the Punisher also stared at him.

Meanwhile, the battle between the Ghost Rider and the two demons has begun. When he was in the village of St. Van Gonzalo before, Johnny easily defeated Blackheart with the sacred feathers of Daniel, but this time he didn't have such a sharp weapon, so he could only face Blackheart and Feng Mo.

Doom and Punisher's gaze didn't last long. After Johnny flew to Blackheart with a chain of hellfire burning, they immediately fought.

The Punisher clenched the blade in both hands and charged out like a cannonball, the golden blade stabbing at Doom's neck and armpit from both sides. For those wearing battle armor, this is undoubtedly a weaker position.

Doom didn't see any movement either, and the armor that looked like a little retro suddenly radiated electric arcs, and the shimmering electric lights circled around the body in a blink of an eye, making a crackling sound.


Hearing a sound of explosion, the Punisher was instantly electrocuted, and the warblade in his hand deviates from the direction unconsciously, stabbed in Doom's chest, and was finally blocked by the sturdy armor.

Dumu immediately clenched his fist, and the iron fist wrapped in the armor accumulated a dazzling electric light, and punched the Punisher's abdomen with a heavy punch, knocking him into the air!

"The so-called demon hunter seems to be nothing more than that." Doom looked at the punisher who fell to the ground and said coldly.

Although he was curious about the Punisher, the current situation did not surprise him.

Compared to the frivolous teenager who once tried to go to **** alone, Doom is now quite self-aware.

He knew that he was incomparable with the famous top gods and demons in mythology like Mephisto, but he also knew that there were very few human beings stronger than him on earth.

He masters dangerous black magic, and also possesses the most sophisticated technology of mankind. Maybe some people understand magic better than him, and some people understand technology better than him.

But no one understands the combination of technology and magic better than him.

All this comes from his desire for power, he needs power, and only stronger power can let him save his beloved mother from hell.

The Punisher quickly got up from the ground. The arc released by Doom's armor was enough to instantly electrocute ordinary people, but it was far from fatal to him.

"You have an unknown power in you," said Dr. Doom, "but it won't be long before it's mine."

As he spoke, he folded his hands together, and the metal of the armor in his palm lit up with black magic runes glowing with cyan light.

These flickering mysterious runes floated out of the armor, and then like fragments in a vortex, they gathered into a ball in the rapid rotation.

The cyan light group condensed by the runes flew out from Doom's hands, hit the Punisher who had just stood up at a very fast speed, and then dispersed in an instant, turning into a magic rune after another, which was printed on the Punisher's body!

The Punisher's body trembled violently, and immediately lost the power to move, and was imprisoned in place like a static statue.

After imprisoning the Punisher, Doom looked at the battle between the Ghost Rider and the two demons.

At first, Johnny obviously wanted to kill the wind demon first, but the wind demon can turn into a wind at any time, making it difficult to hit, even if the chain can hit occasionally, it cannot cause obvious damage. Fortunately, Feng Mo itself has no means of attack.

So he can only start from the black heart.

But Blackheart is also not easy to deal with. He is not afraid of the fire of the Ghost Rider like most demons. What makes Johnny even more difficult to understand is that the Eye of Judgment does not seem to have any effect on Blackheart.

When Johnny grabbed Blackheart by the collar and stared straight at him with burning eyes, Blackheart deliberately made an exaggerated look of panic and taunted him with a botched performance: "Hahaha, your eye of judgment has nothing to do with me. Use, I have no soul!"

As he said that, he swung a blow, his fingers directly digging into the eyes of the Ghost Rider, and the dark energy poured into them crazily.

Johnny roared and spewed out a fiery pillar of hellfire, which bombarded Hei Xin's face head on, and then took advantage of this to break free and retreat.

"You don't have a soul, how is this possible..." Johnny murmured, still in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible." Hei Xin's mouth twitched, "The last time you won so easily, it was entirely because of that feather, the feather of a high-level angel, and it also carried the power of the sun god. If it weren't for it, I would Your flames have already been extinguished!"

Black Heart has no soul, because strictly speaking, he does not belong to a living being, at least not a living being in the ordinary sense.

He is Mephisto's creation, which is why he is considered the son of Mephisto.

Mephisto created him with evil, which makes him different from most living beings with a soul. Without a soul, he is naturally immune to the Eye of Judgment.

"You haven't finished the fight yet?" Doom said.

Noticing the imprisoned Punisher, Hei Xin couldn't help frowning: "Are you over?"

"Effortless," Doom said.

Black Heart: "..."

However, Doom didn't pretend to be forceful for a long time, and soon Heixin raised his brows: "I don't think so, you'd better be careful next time."

Dr. Doom also felt something turned his head and saw that a dark energy suddenly surged up from the imprisoned Punisher, engulfing his whole body like a raging storm.

In the blink of an eye, with the churning of this black energy, he felt that the Punisher's power suddenly jumped tenfold!

The Punisher took the form of a demon and broke free from the restraint on his body.

"You are proficient in magic, this is actually bad news." He said in a low voice, "Demon hunters kill demons, but they are never afraid of mages!"

Before he finished speaking, a green and faint lightning bolt shot out from between his hands, and arrived in an instant, hitting Dr. Doom in the middle.

"Ah!" Doom couldn't help screaming in pain, and then he was horrified to find that the lightning not only caused him great pain, but also consumed a part of his mana inexplicably, just like it was burned.

Mana Burns!

This green lightning is naturally one of the demon hunter's stunts, mana burning.

The Punisher, who took the form of a demon and whose strength increased tenfold, immediately reversed the passive situation and began to suppress Dr. Doom.

From time to time, a burst of mana burns, causing Dr. Doom to have a headache, and soon the mana is exhausted, so he can only fight with the power of technology.

But neither arcs, lasers, or small cannonballs could damage the demon-shaped Punisher, and could only tickle his indestructible dark skin.


The demon slapped Dr. Doom out, and then fluttered his wings, heading straight for Feng Mo, who was right next to him.

"Demon, you will definitely die this time!" The Punisher had long wanted to kill him after letting Feng Mo escape a few times.

