Chapter 586: 【Prophecy Day】

Feng Mo was terrified and tried to transform into Yin Feng to escape, but the distance between the two was so close, and the speed of the Demon Hunter was extremely fast, so he was not allowed to have this chance at all.

The Punisher's black wings fluttered, and the fiery demonic flames rushed out, swept from both sides, and surrounded the wind demons in a blink of an eye.

The green demonic flames were burning, and the figure of the wind demon was insubstantial, but it was unable to pass through these terrifying flames.

"Ah," under the burning of the flame, he mourn, the scorpion sound is endless.

The magic flame accumulated more and more, and soon burned him into a little ashes and light smoke, and then disappeared.

"Feng Mo!" Hei Xin suddenly shouted in alarm and anger. Although he didn't like Feng Mo, he was fighting together after all. Once Feng Mo died, he and Doom became passive again.

The Punisher's strength was beyond his expectations, and even Doom was no match for him, let alone a demon.

Waiting for the Punisher to clean up Doom, turn back and join forces with Ghost Rider to kill him in minutes.

Thinking of this, and then looking at the Demon Hunter exuding a terrifying aura, Black Heart began to panic.

The Punisher who killed Feng Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then, without stopping for a tenth of a second, turned around and killed Dr. Doom again.

The huge magic claws knocked Doom flying again, and immediately the Punisher's magic wings fluttered, catching up, and pulling Doom, who had not yet landed, in his hand, and the backhand was a Hulk throw.

"Boom! Boom!"

After a few Hulks fell, Doom had a battle armor, but he didn't have the powerful body of the Hulk or the Protoss.

It's just that the nightmare is over.

The transformation of the Demon Hunter could not be maintained for a long time. After experiencing a strong output just now, the Punisher had to recover and breathe silently.

Doom also got up from the ground, as knowledgeable as he was, and quickly guessed what was going on: "It seems that your state just now can't be maintained forever."

Having said that, but now he has exhausted his mana, and his battle armor doesn't have much energy, so he has no way to subdue the Punisher in human form like he did just now.

What follows is bound to be a tug-of-war.

The situation on the other side is also similar. After Feng Mo died, Black Heart and Ghost Rider fought indistinguishably. Johnny couldn't kill Black Heart, and Black Heart couldn't extinguish Johnny's hellfire for a while.

While the four were fighting, Father Moru had been sitting in the car, watching the battle nervously with his rifle in hand.

Compared with ordinary humans, his combat power is not weak, but the previous battle obviously did not have the opportunity and necessity for him to intervene.

Seeing that the outcome of the two sides is now difficult to determine, Moru feels that he has to make a move. Although his strength is weak, he should be able to disturb the balance.

"You guys are waiting here!" He said to Nadya's mother and son, while opening the car door, he aimed his gun at Black Heart.

"Bang!" He pulled the trigger, and with the sound of gunshots, a bullet accurately pierced Black Heart's temple.

Ordinary bullets naturally can't hurt Hei Xin, but Moru, as a member of the ancient church, has some means. His bullet has a little mysterious energy attached to it, and Hei Xin couldn't completely ignore it. He screamed in pain and covered his head subconsciously.

"Taste the bullet of Christ!" Moru said and fired another shot.

However, at this moment, the screams of mother and son suddenly came from the car.

"Ah! You, you are—Carrigan!" Nadya looked in horror at a zombie-like white-haired man who appeared outside the car door at some point in horror.

"I have a new name now, Black Vision." Carrigan grinned and said grimly, "The Demon King gave me the power of corruption, and now, I'm going to get his things back for him."

"Stop, devil!" Moru hurried over.

But Carrigan only reached out and grabbed his arm, causing the tough priest to scream.

The invisible corrosive power penetrated Moru's body, and in the blink of an eye, one of his arms rotted into ashes, and the wind blew and scattered in the night sky.

Moru knelt on the ground in pain, clutching his rotten broken arm, and quickly fainted.

Carrigan glanced at the four Punishers who were still fighting with each other and could not escape for a while. He knew that he could not stay for long, and when he turned the steering wheel, he took Nadya and her mother and left at full speed.

By the time the four of them stopped, he had already disappeared from sight.

Looking at this scene of snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit, whether it's Johnny and Punisher, or Blackheart and Dr. Doom, they all feel like they're getting old.

"We have to get Danny back!" Both sides made the same decision.

TurkeyUşak Province.

Black watched Carrigan drive through the wilderness, occasionally looking at Nadya and Danny, who were pale.

"I really didn't expect that this kid is actually the son of you and the Lord of Hell." Carrigan smiled.

Nadya panted nervously and hesitated: "Carrigan, for the sake of the old relationship, please let Danny go, I'm willing to do anything for you."

"Anything? Sorry, I don't need it anymore," Carrigan said. "You know, I'm not human now, and I don't need those low-level pursuits of humans."

"Then what do you need?"

"Power." Carrigan looked at his body with some intoxication. "There is no one in this world who does not desire power, whether you or me, or the upper-level gods and demons. As the king of hell, Mephisto doesn't need stronger power. ."

"There are still a few hours before the so-called prophecy day. It is indeed the best time for the devil to come. You can immediately see an existence that you can't imagine coming to the world, and then create a new hell!"

The car turned a few turns on the desolate road and finally reached its destination, an ancient ruin that resembled an altar or a Colosseum.

Among the rubble here, there are few people on weekdays.

But now there are many black-clothed soldiers stationed here, and some world celebrities rush to this place.

These world celebrities are of all kinds, including politicians from various countries, executives of multinational giants, Hollywood stars, athletes who have participated in the Olympic Games, engineers in Silicon Valley... But at this time, they all have the same identity, that is, the fanatical believers of Mephisto.

The secular followers of these demon kings will witness the coming of their masters today, bringing them a coveted dark world.