Chapter 587: 【Hell is coming】

With the arrival of Black Vision Carrigan, an old man in a black suit walked out of the ruins. He was leaning on a cane, and his meticulous dressing made him look like a medieval gentleman.

"Dear Lord Mephisto," Carrigan said respectfully.

The old man nodded slightly, he was Mephisto's avatar in the world.

For a long time, due to the sanctions of the power of the world, he has almost no power on Earth, but soon he will get a new clone, a powerful clone.

Ghost Rider, and Blackheart, and all the guys on earth that he hates, will suffer destruction.

"You did a good job, Carrigan, there will be a place for you in the new hell." Mephisto looked at Danny and couldn't help but smile.

"my honor."

Mephisto said nothing, and took Danny around and entered the ruins, the center of the ancient altar.

Demon believers from all over the world gathered here. They were all wearing black robes and their faces were full of fanaticism.

"Great Satan, let foolish humans witness your power!"

"For the new hell!"

Looking at these fanatical believers, the corner of Mephisto's mouth twitched, and then he let Danny kneel on the ground and gestured to the surrounding believers.

"let's start."

The believers in black began to chant.

They spoke a spell in an unknown ancient language, which sounded like a vortex of magic, floating and circling above the ruins, resounding through the night sky.

As the spell continued, Danny gradually lost consciousness, and darkness enveloped his eyes.

At the same time, he involuntarily repeated the same incantation with the believers, muttering in his mouth, his dark eyes unable to see the focus.

Mephisto faced Danny with a wider smile on his face, dark energy surging around him, showing an evil demon figure.

When the time came to midnight, the chants of the demon worshipers reached their peak, and darkness engulfed Mephisto and the completely unconscious Danny.

"It's now!" A cloud of darkness poured out from the old man's body and instantly melted into Danny's body.

As the dark group left, the old man's body immediately fell to the ground and turned into decay in a blink of an eye, like a mummy that had just been unearthed.

And Danny raised his head and let out a roar, his image changed rapidly, his face turned hideous, his skin turned scarlet, and he exuded a strong breath from hell.

"Satan! Satan!" The believers shouted even more frantically.

"Hahaha!" Danny finally became exactly like Mephisto, a scarlet demon lord, "I succeeded!"

"Great Satan, let us see the sky of hell!" some believers said impatiently.

"Destroy this world of stupid humans, the earth belongs to you, my master!"

"We will lead the way for the legion from hell!"

The corner of Mephisto's mouth twitched: "That's right, but this still needs your help, my faithful believers."

As he spoke, he opened his hands, and a piece of scarlet energy swept out, engulfing all the demon believers present in the blink of an eye.

These poor believers didn't even have time to scream, they were swallowed and torn apart by the scarlet mist, and turned into billowing blood surging around the altar, blood flowing into rivers.

Under the guidance of Mephisto, the surrounding blood river formed a huge magic circle, emitting a dazzling dark red light, shrouding everything nearby in blood light!

But at this moment, a golden red circle suddenly appeared nearby.

The opened aperture was a portal, and a bald woman in a robe walked out of it with a solemn expression.

"Ah, Supreme Mage." Mephisto obviously knew the identity of the Ancient One.

"Mephisto, you shouldn't have an idea for Earth!" Gu Yi said coldly.

Mephisto smiled: "You can't stop me, the power of this avatar can reach 30% of my body. The power of the world can't stop my call, and the sky of **** is about to shine into the world!"


Suddenly there was a roar, but it was the Ghost Rider driving the flame locomotive roaring, and the flaming chains spurted out, heading straight for Mephisto.

But Mephisto didn't change his expression, grabbed the chain easily, and then dragged Johnny away from the motorcycle and dragged him in front of him: "It's too late, knight."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Johnny struggled to use the Eye of Judgment, but suddenly, like being struck by lightning, he screamed out the hellfire and knelt on the ground.

Mephisto said lightly: "Don't forget that I am your master I didn't actually control your power before, but now it's different."

As he was talking, he seemed to notice something, leaned over and took out a scroll from Johnny's arms, and smiled: "For this sake, I decided to forgive you, or give you a chance, if you want. …”

Gu Yi immediately shot, and the magic chain spurted out, instantly entangling the scroll and snatching it over.

"You!" Mephisto couldn't help but get angry.

Gu glanced at the scroll that he grabbed: "This is the contract of St. Van Gonzalo? Fortunately, if you get it, I may really have no choice."

Mephisto's face was sinking: "Supreme Mage, you will pay for this!"

The blood magic circle on the ground shone brightly, and the indescribable darkness engulfed the ground, spreading in all directions with the ruins as the center, and then the breath from **** poured into the world.

"Come on, my servants, let this place become part of the **** world!" Mephisto shouted, and then demons began to emerge one after another from the ground eroded by darkness.

Gu Yi smiled: "All I can say is, Mephisto, you underestimate the earth."

She waved her hands, and a huge portal opened quickly behind her.

The portal expanded to a height of tens of meters in a blink of an eye, and it was still expanding. The golden-red light illuminated the night.

"This is..." Mephisto looked at the scene behind the portal.

On the other side of the portal, there is a valley of ice and snow. There are some buildings and humans in the valley, but this is not the most important thing.

The most eye-catching and most impossible to ignore is a towering giant tree, a giant tree exuding thunder and golden brilliance, standing as majestic as a mountain in the middle of the snowy valley.