Chapter 588: 【Assembly of Justice】

The portal opened, and a strong demonic breath poured into Hearthglen, which immediately alerted the paladins who lived here, and of course the towering ancient guardian trees.

"Silver Hand, prepare for battle!"

"Boom--" Thunder surged on the huge torso of the guardian ancient tree, making a shocking sound.

Immediately, the ancient tree waved its huge palm, passed through the portal in the dazzling holy light, and shot at Mephisto and the demons that were constantly pouring out of hell.

Mephisto's expression was gloomy, but he did not evade it. Immediately, he held the sky with both hands, and the dark red energy condensed into a huge wall above, facing the palm that guarded the ancient tree.


Thunder and holy light suddenly erupted, and some low-level demons who had just come from hell, before they could taste the taste of the world, were directly reduced to ashes in the violent aftermath.

Just being the most powerful demon in hell, Mephisto's power is no trivial matter. Even if this clone only has 30% of the power of the main body, it is enough to surpass most **** lords.

More importantly, he was not suppressed by the interface at all.

Therefore, the Thunder Clap that guarded the ancient tree failed to break Mephisto's defense.

After the dark red giant wall he held up was attacked by the guardian ancient tree, it turned to surging, and a tens-meter-long thorn suddenly protruded from the middle.

The thorn pierced through the palm of the ancient tree, and then burst suddenly, releasing the evil energy that tore the giant palm into pieces.

But at this moment, a golden round shield engraved with dragon patterns flew towards Mephisto's forehead from a tricky angle!

The flying shield was powerful and had the power of holy light. Mephisto was caught off guard and stumbled immediately.

The amazing thing is that the dragon-patterned round shield left enough on his forehead, and it turned and flew back, heading straight for an Asgard paladin.

"Ancient One Mage, what happened to these demons? If I remember correctly, this blood-red guy should be Mephisto, Lord of Hell." Brunok firmly caught his dragon shield.

"Yes. Mephisto has created a special clone, which allows him to evade the sanctions of the power of the world." Gu Yi changed his words, "Where is the sun god?"

"We have notified Heimdall," Brunnock said, "but the high lord seems to be busy recently."

Gu Yi frowned slightly: "What is he busy with?"

Brunnok was silent for a moment: "You know he is married... For the Asgardian royal family, descendants are a very important issue."


The battle between the Silver Hand and the demons has already begun. Although the Paladins have the Holy Light to restrain the demons, the demons continue to flow out of hell.

Gu Yi said: "This rift in **** will last for about a day, during which time, more and more demons will pour into the world from hell. This is not an easy battle. We must kill Mephisto as soon as possible. avatar."

Brunnok: "Isn't there still many guarding forces on Earth?"

"Yes, I will gather all of them now, and you should be interested in one of them." Gu Yi said, making Brunnock a little puzzled.

But soon, he understood the meaning of this sentence.

Gu Yi first teleported other mages from the Supreme Sanctuary, and then hundreds of mages unanimously cast spells to summon heroes from all over the world.

Of course, the Avengers are indispensable.

"The Avengers assemble!" A man with American hips raised his shield like a flag, attracting everyone's attention.

Immediately, he swung his backhand, and the round shield in his hand shot out along a beautiful arc. After knocking down a few demons, it returned perfectly and was taken over by him again.

"You're right, Master Ancient One, I'm very interested in him now." Brunnock stared at Captain America.

Gu Yi smiled: "You two should communicate."

"Yes." Brunnock threw out his shield again, in the same way, and inevitably caught Steve's attention.

"Oh, the shield throws really hard!" Steve looked at him and couldn't help but say something.

"You too!"

For a time, the two round shields flew around the battlefield, going back and forth between demons like marbles.

Of course, with the same skillful skills, the power is hard to compare.

As an elite paladin of Asgard, Brunnok can almost take away the life of a demon every time he turns his shield, and there are many high-level demons among them.

In contrast, Steve has neither the arm strength of the Protoss nor the energy of the Holy Light. It is easy to fight low-level demons, but it is often more difficult to fight high-level demons.


Bruce Banner roared and turned into the Hulk, jumped up, fell from the sky, and stepped on the two demons into meat sauce as soon as he appeared.

As soon as he completed his transformation, a surprised voice suddenly sounded: "Wait, your **** shouldn't be made of light, right?"

Hulk turned his head and saw that Iron Man was staring at his panties, and suddenly roared angrily, as if he was going to rush to fight.

However, his light-cast **** are indeed too eye-catching to be precise, several demons attacked his crotch, making him have to concentrate on fighting and have no time to take care of Iron Man.

"Lightcasting?" War Machine Roddy asked.

Iron Man explained: "You don't know it's normal, and I don't know. Stark Industries has a partner called the Golden Hand, Paladins or something, and they provided me with some lightcasting components...maybe After a while you can see the birth of a lightforged suit."

The battle intensified, with thousands of demons pouring out of the rift in **** to engage the defenders of Earth.

Due to the ever-expanding numerical advantage, the demons gradually gained the upper hand.

This made Mephisto say proudly while fighting Gu Yi: "There is more than enough time in one day, and you will see this place become the eternal gate of hell!"

Gu Yi said calmly, "A self-righteous devil. You may not know it, but I can see some future visions."

Mephisto didn't care: "You can see the future, so what?"

Gu Yi: "In all the terrible disasters I have seen, it has nothing to do with you."

"Ignorance!" Mephisto was obviously a little annoyed, this was a naked humiliation.


At this moment, the dazzling Rainbow Bridge descended from the sky, and two figures with hammers appeared in it, it was Rowe and Thor. .

"Big lord!" The paladins exclaimed in surprise, as if they hadn't seen him for a long time.

After Luo Wei arrived, he didn't talk nonsense. Looking at the army of demons around him, holy light appeared in his palm, and when he raised his hand, it was a holy prism.

