Chapter 590: 【Grom Hellscream】

"Boom!" Querceira's wind wave was clearly visible, piercing the night sky, and this sword almost split Mephisto in half.

Mephisto dodged it dangerously, and immediately made a move. His stump arm that had just been cut off suddenly flew up, wrapped in scarlet flames, and hit Rowe like a shooting star, bloody.

Luo Wei's heart froze, and a sense of danger emerged spontaneously, and without hesitation, he immediately summoned the holy deed, and the holy shield technique was activated instantly.


Hearing an earth-shattering loud noise, Mephisto's broken arm suddenly burst open. Along with the terrifying shock wave, a blood-red sun bloomed in the sky, engulfing Rowe's figure.

"It's the Holy Shield technique again..." Mephisto looked at the **** sun formed by his broken arm, his eyes were very gloomy.

He had seen the Holy Shield technique, and the golden light that suddenly enveloped Rowe before the explosion just now reminded him of the Holy Shield technique that once shocked him.

Although he did not use such extreme means as self-destruction to attack the Holy Shield at the beginning, he was fighting against Luo Wei at the beginning, and even the conventional means of attack might not be less powerful than the self-destruction just now.

Therefore, Mephisto guessed, I am afraid that this blow did not hurt Rowe.

This is indeed the case.

Before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Rowe's figure burst into blood, and the emerald green light of the Sword of Querceira was particularly conspicuous in the blood!

Looking at Quelceira who was slashing at extreme speed, Mephisto's thoughts turned sharply.

He understands that the current situation is very bad, and it is impossible to defeat Rowe. Even if the entire clone is blown up, because of the existence of the Holy Shield technique, it may be difficult to kill Rowe.

Mephisto couldn't help feeling deeply annoyed by the unreasonable spell like Divine Shield.


Why can't this Divine Shield technique be broken?

Impossible, any spell has weaknesses, this spell cannot be invincible, there must be some way to crack it.

Mephisto thought of this, and then he quickly made up his mind and decided to crack the Divine Shield technique and kill Rowe no matter what!

So when Querceira came, Mephisto didn't choose to dodge, but looked directly at Rowe and chanted the incantation silently.

After chanting a few short but obscure incantations, he looked directly into Rowe's eyes and was instantly swallowed by the darkness, like a black hole, with no light at all.

Immediately he let Querceira behead him.

"Boom!" The emerald green sword once again sent out a monstrous wave in the night sky.

The power of the Holy Light pierced through the blade, splitting Mephisto in half from head to toe, and the light of punishment would immediately devour the flesh and blood of the devil.

However, at the same time, a smear of darkness disappeared at an indescribable speed that might rival the speed of light, and instantly entered Rowe's head.

"You destroyed my clone, but you will also die of Satan's curse!" Mephisto's dark and sinister voice came from Rowe's mind.

"Satan's curse?" Rowe frowned, noticing that some dark veins like cobwebs were emerging on his body.

Mephisto: "Farewell, Sun God!"

"Small worm-carving skills, how dare you get an axe." Rowe's holy shield technique was activated, and the holy light of runes shrouded him.

The dark veins that were spreading instantly vanished without a trace.

"Ah!" In the depths of hell, Mephisto screamed and hugged his head, his blood-red eyes full of disbelief.

The curse failed!

He originally thought that Satan's curse of sacrificing his entire clone could ignore Rowe's all means and curse him to death.

In the end, I didn't expect it to be cracked so easily... Could it be that the Holy Shield of the Sun God is really a flawless and invulnerable spell?

Mephisto roared furiously, although he was full of unwillingness, he knew he had failed.

After killing Mephisto's clone, Saffron's warhammer detached from his body and returned to his warhammer form. Rowe held the warhammer and killed other demons.

At the same time, Gu Yi also led dozens of mages to construct a magic circle, and the golden-red magic brilliance outlined complex patterns and symbols on the ground, forming a large net that clings to the earth devoured by darkness.

The magic circle shines brightly, like a tightened net, the expansion of darkness is immediately curbed, the expansion speed is greatly slowed down, and eventually tends to stagnate.

"Can't you bridge this gap?" A black magician looked at the ancient one.

"Not yet, Mordo." Gu Yi shook his head. "The power of the world is at a weakening stage. We will have to wait until tomorrow before the guardian circle can mobilize excess power to close the rift in hell, otherwise we will face even greater threats."

Mordo thought for a while: "The bigger Dormammu?"

Gu nodded: "That's right. Dormammu is an existence that has escaped some of the laws of the universe. Compared with him, the consequences that Mephisto can cause are hardly worth mentioning."

After a while, she said, "Modu, you guys can deal with the remaining demons. I can maintain this magic circle."


With the combined efforts of the heroes, the demons from hell, big and small, were finally swept away, and no demons continued to come.

Luo Wei then sat down to rest while looking at the holy deed in the palm of his hand.

Just as he had expected before, killing Mephisto's clone reached the sanctuary's judgment of salvation, and could be exchanged for a spell book of reckoning.

Reckoning Rider, an existence living in legend.

The ancient legend of killing the doomsday lord with one sword, which paladin never yearned for.

Although it is different from the setting in the game, the Sanctuary has already stated that the theoretical upper limit of liquidation exceeds that of Divine Shield, so Rowe is looking forward to this... Maybe in some cases, liquidation can really achieve a legendary effect , everything in seconds.

In addition to the reckoned spellbook, the demon slaying brought him another notable reward.

[Book of Experience: Grom Hellscream]


The fierce and skilled tribal **** of war, who once personally killed Mannoroth, the general of the Burning Legion, had a great record.

At this time, Brunnok came over: "Lord, I found an excellent human warrior. He is proficient in shield skills and has a flawless heroic character. He should become a member of the Silver Hand."

"Who?" Rowe's eyes were still on Hellscream's book of experience.

"Steve." Brunnock turned his head and shouted, motioning for Captain America who was talking with the other Avengers not far away.

Rowe then raised his head, and immediately saw Steve Rogers walking towards him.

Brunnock continued: "Steve, let me introduce to you, this is the grand lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the sun **** of Asgard, if you are willing to join the Knights, we will teach you the Holy Light The power of - I guarantee you are more comfortable with the power of the Light than almost anyone."

