Chapter 591: 【Squad of Paladins】

Looking at the American-style buttocks man wearing the stars and stripes in front of him, even if he didn't say his name, Luo Wei knew who he was.

Steve is five to five.

At the time of the New York War, Rowe noticed Team America and wanted to convert him to the Holy Light, but Loki died suddenly, leaving Rowe no time to take care of him.

Just like in the original book, Steve Rogers, who can be recognized by Mjolnir, has a fearless heroic quality, and the paladin's eye of reckoning can see his white soul.

So far, apart from the horse-faced Thor, Steve is the only person with such a trait.

Although the horse-faced Thor joined the Silver Hand, he basically did not participate in the battle outside the knights due to his responsibility to guard the homeland of Corbyn, and only mainly cultivated newcomers.

So if Steve joins the Order, he will be the only Flawless Paladin active on the battlefield.

"I'm now a member of the Avengers..." Steve hesitated.

In the past battle, the same skilled shield skills made him and Brunnok quickly establish a deep friendship. But he was already a member of the Avengers after all, which made him wonder if joining the Order would affect his duties as an Avenger.

Brunnock said: "The nature of the Silver Hand is very close to that of the Avengers. We are all forces protecting the earth. Joining us will not affect your continued fight with other Avengers."

"More importantly, the Holy Light will make you stronger. Frankly speaking, your current strength is still very weak. A high-level demon can make you feel difficult, and the challenges we face in the future will be even more dangerous."

Steve naturally saw the power of the Holy Light. Many members of the Silver Hand are ordinary people, and when fighting against demons, these ordinary people can often show no less than his strength under the blessing of the Holy Light.

Therefore, he undoubtedly yearns for the Holy Light, not only for the power of the Holy Light, but also for the kind of holiness, just like a plant yearns for the sun.

He thought for a while: "What are the responsibilities of being your knight? I think I have to understand this first."

Rowe said: "The responsibility of battle and the responsibility of inheritance. The former and the Avengers have roughly the same responsibilities, but the Knights still need to deal with some cosmic threats."

"The responsibility of inheritance means that each Paladin must train at least one new person to ensure the inheritance of the Silver Hand."

After a pause, Rowe continued: "We welcome newcomers to join us, especially newcomers like you... Believe in the Holy Light, Steve, it will protect you."

Steve took another look at Brunnock and finally nodded, "Okay, I'm willing to join the Knights."

"Welcome, young knight." Rowe smiled, then looked at his vibranium shield, "Do you want a stronger shield?"

"A stronger shield?" Steve was startled, he felt that his shield was strong enough.

Rowe: "You can chat with Brunnock, he is the most outstanding defensive knight in the Knights and an excellent blacksmith."

Brunnok took out his shield and turned it in the palm of his hand: "This is a dragon's shield. I can also recast your shield into a dragon's shield, which will become stronger and have some dragon attributes. "

The Dragon Shield is now basically the standard equipment for defensive knights, and most defensive knights will have a pair.

Although Steve's shield is sturdy, it is entirely made of vibrating metal, and the processing technology is not very good. If it is recast as a dragon's shield, the sturdiness can be improved to a higher level.

"Steve, have you become a Paladin?" Iron Man asked in surprise when he heard the news.

Steve nodded: "Yes, so I will be away for a while to receive the baptism of the Holy Light."

Tony Stark thought about it for a while, then approached and said, "Well... do you think I can become a paladin?"

"You?" Steve's expression was a little strange, and then he said, "The Knights have some commandments, you may not be able to accept them."

Tony: "What discipline I can't do? Quit drinking? Quit smoking?"

"It's not that strict, but at least, the Paladins won't be involved in...'multiplayer sports'." Steve didn't say it clearly.

But as a master of time management, Tony naturally understood: "Well, I don't want to be a Paladin."


A few months later.

On the streets of New York at night, Steve Rogers was talking on the phone while pulling his suitcase and walking down the street. He looked a little dusty.

In fact, this is indeed the case. He has just finished training in the Antarctic continent. With his excellent physical fitness, military skills and qualities, he has become a very good paladin in just a few months.

It may be difficult for others to see his change, but Steve knows that he has been reborn.

Back at his residence, as soon as Steve entered the door, he suddenly frowned, as if he noticed something.

Immediately, golden light gushed out from his eyes, pulsing slightly like a flame.

The Eye of Reckoning!

Opening the Eye of Reckoning, Steve looked around, and quickly confirmed his conjecture: someone sneaked into his room Just behind the wall on the left, a person sat quietly on a chair .

However, judging from his reckoning, this person should not be a thief or a Hydra agent.

"Captain, is that you?" Just as Steve thought so, a weak voice sounded.

"Fury?" Steve was startled, then hurried over, and sure enough he saw Nick Fury.

The director of SHIELD looked bad, with a lot of blood on his body, and his voice was weak, as if he had just experienced a hard battle.

"What happened?" Steve stepped forward, with a holy light in his hands.

"You... have you become a Paladin?" Fury said in surprise, feeling the fast-healing wound.

"Yes. What the **** happened, how did you become like this?" Steve asked again.

Fury: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is under the control of the enemy. I don't have a few people I can trust now. Fortunately, you're back..."

At this moment, Steve's expression changed, and he quickly opened a shield of holy light.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet flew out of the window, just blocked by the shield of light.

Immediately, Steve threw the shield backhand, and the Eye of Reckoning allowed him to accurately find the enemy hidden outside the wall.

The Zhenjin Longren's shield passed through the window, turned a corner, and hit the enemy's side.

Under the tremendous force, the enemy was immediately knocked into the air, and Steve followed closely, turned out the window, and saw a masked man fleeing in confusion on the roof.

This person's left hand is a mechanical arm, but it seems to have been damaged in the collision with the dragon man's shield.

