Chapter 592: 【Battle of Elevator】

The masked man fled into the distance, and he was about to go over the roof and disappear.

Steve immediately summoned the Holy Light Warhorse, the dazzling light flashed, and a half-empty, half-truth golden horse jumped up with him, passing a dazzling trajectory in the night sky.

Riding the Holy Spirit horse, Steve instantly crossed a distance of dozens of meters and easily caught up with the masked man.

Punishment Fist!

For most paladins, with or without weapons in their hands, the power of attacking spells is completely different.

But Steve is a special case. His flawless heroic character gives him an extraordinary affinity and control over the Light, so the impact of weapons is much less.

The fist as big as a sandbag shone with holy light, and hit the masked man on the back!

Under the blessing of the speed of the Holy Spirit's war horse, this golden punch directly knocked the masked man out, and he vomited blood, which overflowed from the gap of the mask.

The masked man fell to the ground in a coma, unconscious.

Steve stepped forward, leaned over and took off his mask, then froze, his eyes full of disbelief.


Beneath the mask is a face he is all too familiar with, Bucky Barnes, a close comrade-in-arms he met during World War II.

Seventy years ago, the two fought side by side on the European battlefield and fought against Natty Germany together.

When Bucky fell from the train on the snowy mountain, Steve thought he would never see him again in his life, but he did not expect that the two would meet again in such a scene after 70 years.

Steve still couldn't believe it.

Although the appearance of this masked man is exactly the same as Bucky in his memory, he doesn't seem to know him at all, and his appearance has not changed from 70 years ago. Could it be that he has also been frozen for more than 60 years?

Maybe it's just a similar-looking person?

But the similarity is too high.

Steve looked at a scar behind the masked man's ear, which he had seen with his own eyes.

Steve frowned and made a decision immediately.

The masked man should be Bucky, yes, but the current Bucky is obviously not in a normal state, it seems that someone has been brainwashed and controlled. The top priority, he should send Bucky to a safe enough place.

According to Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. has fallen.

A safe enough place outside of S.H.I.E.L.D., he didn't know about it a few months ago, but after becoming a Paladin, he knew the existence of such a place.

Steve returns to the room with Bucky in a coma.

"Fury, come with me, I'll take you to a place."

"Where to? Nowhere is safe now, even S.H.I.E.L.D. has been controlled." Fury said.

Steve didn't say any more, he took Fury and set off. After a while, he came to a hidden street corner in New York. A bookstore was still open late at night, although there were no customers.

"Welcome, knight, are they your friends?" The store manager was an ordinary-looking white-haired old man, but in fact he was an older paladin, and the bookstore was also owned by the Silver Hand A secular stronghold, the Holy Light is the knights' needless to say identification.

"Yes, we need help now," Steve said. "Will anyone repent?"

"Confession?" The old knight frowned slightly, then realized something and looked at Bucky in a coma, "His mind is being controlled?"

Steve nodded.

The old knight said: "Confession is a very profound spell, and there are not many knights who master it... But it just so happens that there is one such knight in New York."

"Dufran?" Steve asked.

The old knight smiled and said, "Of course."

Dufran is the most virtuous and respected human paladin. He is the founder of the Golden Hand. He manages all the secular institutions of the Knights. At the same time, he is also a powerful old knight. being respected.

"Dufran? The Golden Hand?" Fury said.

"You know the Golden Hand?"

Nick Fury smiled: "Of course, I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Golden Hand gave me a car back then."

The store manager said, "It's very late now. If you're not in a hurry, we can go to Knight Dufrean tomorrow. You guys can rest here for the night."

"Okay." Steve thought for a while and nodded.

The next morning, they were about to take Bucky to find the Duflan Knight, when Steve's phone suddenly rang.

"It's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s call."

Steve answered the phone and heard Alexander Pierce's voice in his ear: "Captain, I heard you've returned."

"Yes, Mr. Pierce."

"Very good, I am the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. Since you are back, come to S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as possible." Hearing Pierce's voice, Nick Fury couldn't help clenching his fists.

Steve hesitated for a while, and then responded, "Okay, I'll go right over."

When he hung up the phone, Nick Fury said quickly, "Why did you agree to him? S.H.I.E.L.D. is very dangerous now."

"Maybe," Steve said calmly, "but I have to investigate."

"You take Bucky to see the Duflan Knight, and I'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D."

After speaking, Steve put his shield on his back and went straight to the SHIELD headquarters.

Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The Winter Soldier lost contact. It must be Steve who did it. He is coming now, what should we do?" Crossbones Brock Rumlow said. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Maybe we should talk to him first." Alexander Pierce mused.

"Do you think it's possible for us to persuade Steve Rogers to capitulate?" Crossbones said, "Don't forget who the Winter Soldier used to be, Steve must have seen him for what he really was."

"What do you think should be done?" Pierce asked.

"Catch him, or kill him!" Crossbones clenched his fist. As a good fighter even among agents, he prefers to solve problems with his fists.

"Steve Rogers is here!"

"Why so fast, did he fly here?"

Pierce immediately ordered: "Rumlow, take someone over immediately and catch Steve Rogers. If you really can't catch him, you can kill him on the spot."

"Don't worry, I will definitely capture him alive!" Crossbones showed a confident smile, then turned and left.

After two minutes.

Steve entered the elevator with a shield on his back, pressed the floor number and waited silently.

Although his shield has become the shield of the dragon man, the pattern is still the same, with red and blue intertwined, and a five-pointed star painted in the middle, as if it was plucked from the Stars and Stripes, which makes his image look unchanged from the past.

After a while, the elevator door opened halfway through, and Crossbones came in with a group of agents, and greeted casually, "Ah, long time no see, Captain."

"Long time no see, Rumlow." Steve responded.

However, he was keenly aware of something.

Watching the agents swarming into the elevator, Steve understood that a battle was inevitable...

