Chapter 594: [Lightcast Iron Man] 3 more

A few days later.

In the laboratory of the Stark Industrial Building, Tony is debugging some sophisticated armor components. These components look different. Not only are the materials unknown, but they also emit a faint golden glow.

Light cast components.

These precision machines exuding holy brilliance are precisely the light-casting components infused with the power of holy light.

At that time, the Knights of Dufrein formed the secular department of the Knights of the Silver Hand, which is the Golden Hand Investment Company, and became a major shareholder of Stark Industries at the beginning of its establishment.

Since then, the Golden Hand and Stark Industries have been in touch, creating some fantastic inventions together.

Tony has always hoped to create a light-forged battle suit, but the complexity of the light-forged battle suit is obviously far beyond ordinary battle suits, and it has been unsuccessful.

Until the return of Steve Rogers a few days ago, although Steve did not understand technology, but now as an outstanding paladin, he is well versed in the way of the Holy Light, and can still provide some key inspiration for Tony to create a light-cast battle suit.

Inspired by Steve, Tony finally made a breakthrough. If nothing else, his dream light-forged battle suit will be completed soon.

With the Lightcasting suit, Tony can be considered a Paladin to a certain extent.

In his opinion, this is very cost-effective. After all, Steve told him that Paladins cannot participate in "multiplayer sports", and now he has taken a different approach and has become a Paladin who can participate in multiplayer sports.

Knowledge is power.

Of course, compared with the past, Tony's private life has been restrained a lot, especially after he officially established his relationship with Ms. Pepper, he has never participated in many sports and other entertainment.

However, this kind of strict rules still made him uncomfortable, so when Steve told him, he gave up the idea of ​​becoming a paladin without hesitation, and only focused on the lightcasting suit.

"It should be fine." Tony exhaled, looked at the light-cast battle suit scattered in front of him, and then said, "Jarvis, help me put it on."

"Okay, Mr. Stark." Jarvis' polite and calm voice sounded.

The name of this artificial intelligence assistant comes from Jarvis, Tony's old housekeeper, and his personality is the same, polite and humble, elegant and easy-going.

Every time he heard its voice, Tony would recall the old butler who had passed away from time to time.

Since he was very young, his father, Howard, had neglected to communicate with him, and more of his mother and the old housekeeper took care of him. Therefore, Tony had a deep affection for the old housekeeper.

Under the guidance of Jarvis, the scattered light-casting battle suit parts flew from the table top one after another, circled in mid-air, and then attached to Tony one after another to form a complete golden battle suit.

During the whole process, it looked like a saint wearing a golden cloak.

"Monk concave!" Tony couldn't help saying looking at the golden light-cast battle suit on his body.

He loves the cool shape, and actually considered building a suit that glows all over the body, but the practical results told him that complex lighting effects would inevitably drag down the suit's performance, so he had to give up.

Nowadays, the light casting battle suit has its own light effect, and from the inside out, there is no dead angle lighting effect, and the part-time job is cool.

"Hahaha!" Tony soared into the sky, he felt like he was back when he was testing the Mark 2.

"Boom—" With the violent sonic boom, Iron Man easily broke through the speed of sound.

"As expected of a light-cast battle suit, the speed is more than twice as fast as before." He circled in the sky for a while, and said in surprise.

"Mr. Stark, I found a battle, do you want to go check it out?" Jarvis said suddenly.

"Let's take a look." Tony immediately turned his head and hurried towards the battle site that Jarvis pointed out. After a while, he saw a clock tower.

"That is……"

Three people stand at the top of the dilapidated clock tower, one of them wearing a masked battle suit with a spider logo, there is no doubt that it is Spider-Man.

The person who confronted Spider-Man stepped on the aircraft and wore green armor, but his youthful appearance looked distorted and ferocious, with traces of lesions all over.

He dragged Gwen Stacy beside him, looked at Spider-Man fiercely, and said word by word, "Peter Parker... I regard you as a friend, but you betrayed me!"

Spider-Man shook his head and explained, "I just want to protect you, Harry..."

"Look at what I look like now." The little green devil said fiercely, "It was you who took away my hope! Now, I will take away your hope with my own hands!"

Saying that, he took Gwen and flew high into the sky.

"No, Harry!" Spider-Man shouted, but unfortunately he couldn't fly, so he could only watch Harry Osborn take Gwen into the sky.

"You'll understand the feeling of losing everything right away!" the little green goblin shouted, and immediately dropped Gwen from the sky.

Gwen screamed in horror and fell from a height to the ground.

Spider-Man hurriedly shot the spider silk and wrapped it on the roof, then jumped up and rushed towards Gwen who was falling, trying to save her.

But the little green goblin obviously wouldn't allow him to do so, and immediately shot, the green light of the flying machine under his feet surged, carrying him into Spider-Man Spider-Man was hit by him, and he immediately missed the opportunity and watched helplessly. Watch Gwen slip from not far away, crashing to the ground!


However, at this critical moment, a golden rainbow light suddenly shot from the horizon, caught up with Gwen in time, and grabbed her.

The speed of the golden rainbow light decreased, revealing a golden steel battle suit. Although the color was different, no one knew this shape.

"Tony Stark!" The little green goblin clenched his fists.

Iron Man took Gwen to Spider-Man, looked at the little Green Goblin, and shook his head repeatedly: "You are Harry from the Osborn family? I'm so sorry you turned into this."

Harry roared and tried to charge Iron Man.

But he is obviously not the opponent of the light-cast battle suit. As soon as Iron Man raised his hand, a golden beam of light shot out from the palm of the battle suit.

"Boom!" The shining beam hit Harry's chest, knocking him to the ground.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark." Spider-Man hugged Gwen and thanked him.

Tony looked at him with a surprised tone: "How do you know my identity?"

"..." Spider-Man was silent for a while, "Because, everyone knows it."

"I see." Iron Man nodded. "But I don't know your identity yet. I'm also curious about Spider-Man's identity."

Spider-Man hesitated for a while, and finally took off his mask, revealing Peter Parker's true face, and said shyly, "Peter Parker."

"Are you still a child?" Tony also opened his helmet and looked at the immature Spider-Man, he couldn't help saying.

Peter: "Uh, I'm over eighteen years old."

Tony disagreed: "Isn't eighteen a child?"