Chapter 595: 【Super Artificial Intelligence】

"Maybe. But my uncle told me that with great power comes great responsibility. I think I have enough power to be a hero," Peter said.

Tony was obviously touched, nodded and said, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility... Your uncle is a respectable person, can I chat with him?"

Peter said sadly, "Uncle is no longer alive."

"Sorry," Tony said.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, and he scratched his helmet: "Well, Peter Parker, you said you want to be a hero, so do you want to be a member of the Avengers?"

Peter was stunned for a moment, then raised his head in surprise: "Really... can you?"

"Of course." Tony smiled, "The Avengers welcome every like-minded fighter."

After a pause, he continued: "We will have a major operation in a few days, attacking a Hydra stronghold. Come on, Spider-Man."


London, England.

Thor, dressed in earth clothes, walked on the street with Jane Foster: "Jane, let's go on a tour, don't you want to go to the Berlin Wall?"

Jane said, "But I still want to finish college."

"Actually, any knowledge you want can be found in Asgard's collection, and Asgard also has teachers ten times better than professors at Cambridge University." Thor added.

Jane Foss didn't speak, her face was full of confusion.

Finding out that her boyfriend is a **** in mythology is definitely a surprising and wonderful experience, but it also means a lot of troubles she never thought of.

For example, as Thor said, going to university and doing research is meaningless to her.

If she wants, Thor can find the most knowledgeable teacher in the universe for her, and easily satisfy all her thirst for knowledge.

Compared to that, doing heavy, inefficient, and elementary schoolwork in Earth's schools is a waste of life.

But she was reluctant to let her leave the university like this. After all, she studied hard for more than ten years in order to be admitted to Cambridge University, and finally got what she dreamed of.

Thor: "Also, it's not suitable for you to go back to school now, after all, the ether particle is still in your body."

This is indeed a problem.

As one of the Infinity Stones, the energy of ether particles is beyond imagination, and in theory, it can even destroy the entire earth.

This thing is attached to Jane's body, but it is not very stable. Once it is out of control on campus, it is much more terrible than a school shooting, and it is relatively safe to be with Thor.

"Okay." Jane Foster was finally persuaded by Thor.

Thor smiled: "Then follow the route we discussed before, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia... um, and Sokovia."

Jane nodded, then said, "By the way, why are you going to Sokovia?"

"Heimdall mentioned that Rowe recently made him pay more attention to this place. I was curious about what was so special about it, so I wanted to take a look." Thor said casually.


Avengers Building.

"Tony, do you think the mind scepter can help complete the idea?" Bruce Banner looked at the mind scepter on the table.

The scepter exudes a magnificent light. Just yesterday, the Avengers just won this mysterious scepter from the Hydra.

"Yes, otherwise there is no way to explain the creativity shown by Strucker and the others." Tony Stark said.

After a pause, he continued: "Hydra has created some very advanced machines, and I think they are making great strides in some advanced technological breakthrough. The psychic scepter is the best explanation."

Tony changed the subject and snapped his fingers: "Jarvis."

A golden spherical three-dimensional projection appeared before the two of them. It looked like a moving star system, with a golden halo flowing around the shining core.

In fact, it is a visual program architecture.

"This is Jarvis. In the beginning, Jarvis was just a natural language user interface, similar to a toy's speech recognition...but now, he's my second best assistant, managing the entire Iron Legion." Tony slowed down "That's the potential of artificial intelligence," Chen said.

"Now let's look at his opponent."

With his voice and movement, another stereoscopic projection emerges, which appears to be a cluster of throbbing ganglia in a dreamy blue.

Seeing this stereoscopic projection, Bruce Banner couldn't help widening his eyes: "It's incredible... It looks like a brain, but it's not a brain."

"That's right." Tony said excitedly, "I'm almost certain that this is the key to the birth of Ultron. The mystery of the Mind Scepter is higher-level artificial intelligence."

"As long as we can control it, we can create a perfect super artificial intelligence that will help us solve all our troubles and put on armor for this fragile earth."

"Then we can retire and enjoy the sand and the sun to the fullest, and your skin will turn dark, not green."

Bruce was silent for a while: "Frankly speaking, such a plan may be a bit rash, maybe we should discuss it with the rest of the team first Tony shook his head: "Their Ph.D.s don't add up to ours. One in a billion, negotiate with them and there will be nothing but pointless arguments. "

He and Bruce certainly don't have a billion Ph.D.s, but several of the other Avengers don't have a Ph.D.

"We are the professional team in this area, you and I, two geniuses." Tony continued, pointing to the blue projection, "As long as we cooperate, plus this, Ultron will definitely be born."

Bruce thought about it, and finally nodded: "I will help you."

Tony smiled: "What are you waiting for, let's start now."

Immediately, the two geniuses began their cooperation, using their computer knowledge and the supernatural power of the Mind Scepter to design an unprecedented super artificial intelligence - Ultron.

They didn't take long. On the one hand, both of them are the top geniuses in the human world, and no one knows computers better than them.

On the other hand, it is because Hydra has done a lot of previous technical research on the scepter of the mind, and the ready-made materials fell into the hands of Iron Man along with the scepter, which saved a lot of time.

After a few days, their project reached 99.99%, and then it got stuck, stagnant, like some bad experience downloading software.

"Tony, I think we have hit a bottleneck." Bruce Banner looked up at the visualized Ultron architecture.

Tony rested his chin in his hand, frowned, and remained silent.

After a while.

"Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, it's time for the party," Jarvis reminded. "It's the welcome ceremony for Bucky Barnes and Peter Parker soon."