Chapter 17: Enlightenment

Name:Path to Dual Cultivation Author:
Chapter 17: Enlightenment

An entire week passed since Madam Shao showed up at the Fleeting Sword Sect to inspect Su Yang's condition. Because of her prescription, Su Yang was recovering at a much quicker rate than expected.

"We will begin your sword training tomorrow." Senior Wu notified Su Yang at the end of the day.

Su Yang nodded, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"How much experience do you have with the sword?" Senior Wu asked a moment later.

"Honestly, not much. I started training around the time we met at the Martial Manor, and since my family could only afford basic techniques, that's all I know."

"That's perfectly fine. Show me everything you know right now and I will decide where to start tomorrow."

Senior Wu brought Su Yang to the training ground outside and handed him an ordinary steel sword.

"Master, do you mind if I use my own sword?" Su Yang suddenly asked.

"The one you brought with you to the sect? If it makes you more comfortable, I don't care." Senior Wu said. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Thank you, Master! I will be right back!" Su Yang returned to his room and received the sword given to him by his family.

"Then I will begin."

Su Yang proceeded to perform every sword technique he knew in front of Senior Wu, who watched with a profound expression on his face.

'Even though his sword techniques are basic and ordinary, his experience with them are far from ordinary. His movement, precision, speed, and sharpness with the sword are immaculate–to the point where I cannot find any flaws. This level of swordsmanship cannot be achieved with only several months of training, yet he'd somehow managed to do it without the Perfect Sword Body. Just how is he achieving this?'

There were three levels of enlightenment. The first and most common would be superficial enlightenment. The second would be true enlightenment. Last but not least, the rarest and hardest to achieve level of enlightenment, absolute enlightenment.

Each level of enlightenment has its own depth of understanding. For example, if two cultivators experienced enlightenment at the same time while studying a technique, the cultivator who experienced true enlightenment would have a deeper and more profound understanding of the technique compared to the cultivator who only experienced a superficial enlightenment.

Most cultivators only experience superficial enlightenment in their lifetime, and those who experience true enlightenment are considered true cultivation geniuses. As for those who have experienced absolute enlightenment, the highest level of enlightenment that borderline legendary status, fewer than 10 people have experienced such a state in the last 10,000 years.

'Judging by his state, it is only superficial enlightenment, but to experience enlightenment at his age is already tremendous talent. Not even his Senior Apprentice Sisters have experienced enlightenment yet...' Senior Wu swallowed nervously as he contemplated Su Yang's future.

To enter enlightenment through a sword technique meant that Su Yang had undeniable talent with the sword, and if one considered his Heavenly Constitution, not even Senior Wu could predict his future.

Su Yang's enlightenment lasted only an hour with Senior Wu protecting him the entire time.

The moment Su Yang came out of his enlightenment, he immediately raised his sword and started imitating the performance he had just witnessed.

Senior Wu's eyes widened with shock as he watched Su Yang flawlessly perform the Fleeting Sword Basic Manual with only a few minor mistakes.

'He managed to reach a level that would require ordinary disciples two to three years of training in just an hour! What terrifying sword talents!' Senior Wu was initially overwhelmed with disappointment and filled with worry upon learning that Su Yang did not possess a Perfect Sword Body as he had believed. However, it was not as though he could abandon Su Yang because of his own mistake. After confirming Su Yang's talents for the sword once more, Senior Wu couldn't have been more ecstatic.

'With this level of talent, he would qualify to be a Prime Disciple even without a Perfect Sword Body!' Senior Wu smiled to himself.

Unbeknownst to Senior Wu, this was not Su Yang's first enlightenment, as he'd also gained enlightenment when he first witnessed Su Qiao's swordsmanship, but that enlightenment only lasted a few moments.

Once Su Yang ended his performance, Senior Wu said to him, "That was excellent. You will most likely master the basics in a few days at this rate. Continue practicing the Fleeting Sword Basic Manual for the next few days while I prepare your real training routine."

"Yes, Master!" Su Yang responded, his voice filled with enthusiasm.