Chapter 18: Sword Tyrant’s Void Insights

Name:Path to Dual Cultivation Author:
Chapter 18: Sword Tyrant's Void Insights

Several days have passed since Su Yang picked up his sword and started training the Fleeting Sword Sect's basic sword technique. His mastery of the basic sword technique neared perfection, surpassing Inner Disciples and even most Core Disciples who have trained for decades.

Su Yang's progress with the sword could only be described as frightening, like that of a river during an intense rainstorm.

By the time Senior Wu returned to the Fleeting Sword Peak, Su Yang had already completely mastered the basic sword techniques.

"I initially intended on slowly increasing the complexity of the sword techniques, but seeing how much you've progressed in just a few days, I decided to start from the most complex sword technique we have instead. This is also an experiment to see the limit of your sword talents, so don't be discouraged if you don't learn it as quickly." Senior Wu handed him a sword manual.

"Sword Tyrant's Void Insights..." Su Yang read the title out loud.

Senior Wu proceeded to explain the background of this sword technique.

"The Sword Tyrant was the founder of the Fleeting Sword Sect. He was a renowned Swordmaster who almost achieved the title of 'Sword Emperor'. If you didn't know, the title of Sword Emperor is bestowed to the most powerful Swordmasters in the Four Divine Heavens. There can only be four Sword Emperors at any given time, each one representing their own Divine Heaven."

The world in which Su Yang resided was known as the Four Divine Heavens, comprised of four different yet similarly vast worlds. Each Divine Heaven boasted its own strengths, economy, and distinctive culture. At present, Su Yang resided in the Celestial Heaven, considered the most ordinary among the Divine Heavens. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Senior Wu continued, "The Sword Tyrant condensed all of his knowledge over thousands of years into a single technique, which is the Sword Tyrant's Void Insights. The technique has nine different stages, each stage vastly more complex and stronger than the previous. If mastered, this technique will allow you to split even the void apart."

Su Yang swallowed nervously after hearing that one could split apart the void with a mere sword technique, a feat that was beyond his current imagination.

"Inner Disciples are allowed to learn the first three stages while Core Disciples are allowed to learn up to stage seven. As for the final two stages, only the Sect Leader and the Prime Disciple are allowed to learn it. With that being said, most disciples only reach up to the fifth stage with a handful barely understanding the sixth stage. Even the Sect Leader himself just stepped into the seventh stage after hundreds of years."

"What stage are you up to, Master?" Su Yang asked with curiosity.

"I am not that unreasonable. He doesn't have to fully comprehend the first stage. Even part understanding will be enough," said Han Jianzhi.

Senior Wu nodded, and he continued, "Then onto my second issue. I need to find an expert in Yang Qi so that I can find a suitable cultivation method for him."

"Yang Qi, huh? In the world of cultivation, nobody is more knowledgeable in Yang Qi than dual cultivators, but their methods of cultivating Yang Qi are vastly different compared to us ordinary cultivators."

Senior Wu's entire being trembled upon hearing about dual cultivators. Unlike ordinary cultivators who cultivate alone, dual cultivators typically require two people of the opposite sex to cultivate through sexual intercourse. Because of their unorthodox methods and lustful nature, dual cultivators are usually frowned upon by the rest of the cultivation world.

"Asking a dual cultivator for help will be our last resort." Senior Wu suddenly said with a solemn expression.

"Why?" Han Jianzhi, who was unaware of Su Yang's handsome features, asked with a puzzled face. "It's not like we're asking him to make Su Yang into a dual cultivator."

"Su Yang is still young and at an age where it's easy to be influenced by others. I don't want him to get any weird ideas by associating with a dual cultivator," Senior Wu sighed.

After hearing Senior Wu's worries, Han Jianzhi laughed out loud, "Are you actually worried that your disciple might want to become a dual cultivator instead once he learns about dual cultivation? Don't worry, dual cultivators have an absurdly high beauty standard. He might even be discouraged once he sees a dual cultivator."

"..." Senior Wu had a weird expression on his face at this moment, but Han Jianzhi couldn't understand why.

"Forget it. You'll understand my worries once you meet my disciple." Senior Wu shook his head.

Han Jianzhi then said, "If you don't plan on looking for a dual cultivator, then I suggest reaching out to an old friend of mine. His name is Shuai Qing, and he's the current Sect Leader of the Principle Sword Sect. His cultivation method revolves around absorbing Yang Qi, which he incorporates into his sword techniques."

"Then I will visit the Principle Sword Sect first," Senior Wu said, leaving the Fleeting Sword Sect shortly after.