Zhang Yi frowned. He wanted to go inside and was pulled by Chu Huan. "You wait here. I'll meet them."

Before she went in, the woman saw her first and snorted, "is this the bride that the second brother married? What's on the face? It's not a laughing girl. It's not a serious daughter when you look at it

It turned out that she was the daughter-in-law of brother Zhang Yitang, whose name was Kang Ying. In order to cure Zhang Yi, Mrs. Zhang borrowed several liang of silver from her husband Zhang Hai. For this matter, she once made trouble with Zhang Hai and asked Zhang Hai to come and ask him to return the money. Every time, Zhang Hai promised to do well, but she did not put it into action.

This time, I heard that Zhang Yi spent 20 Liang to get married. How could he balance his mind? If he had to force Mrs. Zhang to pay back the money, what Chu Huan saw just now appeared.

Chu Huan's face smiled without any changes. His eyes were cold. "I'm not a serious daughter, not has the final say. It's you. You come to my house for no reason. Do you believe me, I can go to the county government office and sue you for breaking into private houses. "

"If you have the ability, you can go. I'm afraid you can't do it, let alone..." The woman sneered, "even if I go to sue, I should sue you. This is my home. If I let you live, you can have a shelter. If you don't, you can only sleep in the street. "

Mrs. Zhang Lala chuhuan, "there's nothing for you here. You go to the house first."

Then he said to the woman, "Yi'er just got married yesterday. We really don't have any money. If you give me a few more days, I'll put the money together for you."

"If your second brother gets married, you will get 15 Liang betrothal gifts plus 5 Liang money for getting on the sedan chair. This is the first one in our village. If you say you don't have money, who will believe it?" The woman yelled, seeing Chu Huan walking in, she thought she was going to enter the house and stopped her,

"you just said something bad to me, either apologize to me or get out of my house."

Chu Huan thought that the original owner's mother, Song Shi, was shameless enough. Now another one came.

Her skin smile flesh does not smile way: "say, my mother owes you how much money?"

"Not much, only ten Liang silver."

Old lady Zhang's face suddenly changed and pointed to her, "I borrowed only eight Liang, how could it become ten liang?"

"And two liang of interest. I've already given you a discount, or you'll have to pay another two Liang for renting my house. Even though we are relatives, we should also be clear about accounts, don't we? " Kang's hand reached out to Chu Huan, "return the money."

Just as he was talking, there was a lot of noise outside.

A few boys came in from the outside carrying several large and small boxes and put the things in the yard.

Wang Jiangchen came down from the sedan chair and came in smilingly, "doctor Chu, we have met again."

His appearance is enough to show that he is recovering well and can walk on the ground so quickly.

He opened the box. There were some cloth and some delicacies, which Chu Huan had never seen before.

Chu Huan had no idea of ancient silver, but he also knew that these things must be worth a lot of money, otherwise Kang Ying's eyes would not stare at these things.

"These things are all gifts from me. How about them? Are you satisfied? " Wang Jiangchen took out a piece of cloth. "This is what I specially selected for you. If you wear this color, it will look good."

"Get rid of your dirty hands." Chu Huan glanced at him and stepped back to keep a distance from him.

"If you really want to thank me, you can treat Xiao Yun well in the future. As for these things, please bring them back. I don't need them."

"You can take good care of them. They are all good things. Maybe you can't buy them all your life. Don't you really want them?" Wang Jiangchen asked.

"No Chu Huan's reply was crisp and sharp.

"It must be that these things do not conform to your wishes. If you say you want something, I will send someone to do it immediately." Wang Jiangchen's words are more flattering.

"I want you to get out of here. I've been tired all day and want to rest. "

After a night's sleep, she felt her eyelids fighting.

Wang Jiangchen nodded, "OK, then you have a rest, I'll come back tomorrow."

Seeing him off, Chu Huan took out ten liang of silver from his pocket and handed it to Kang Ying, "this is the money I owe you. Take the money and get out of here quickly."

When Kang Ying came, she was told that Chu Huan was married, and the Song family had given her a lot of dowry, so she wanted to take a chance. Unexpectedly, the rumor was true.

But she didn't go to pick up the money. She immediately changed her face and said with a smile, "my sister-in-law was joking with you just now. How can you take it seriously?"

Kang Ying's face was blue and white for a while, and she looked at old lady Zhang. "Auntie, look at your second brother's daughter-in-law. She was so presumptuous just after she passed the door. If you don't take good care of it, will you do well in the future?"

"How about my daughter-in-law? You can't tell me what to do." Zhang Yi said coldly.

Kang Ying's face went to Mrs. Zhang. "Auntie, in fact, I'm here today to discuss something with you."

"If you have anything, just say it's a family. You don't need to be so polite.""When my father-in-law was alive, he once said that no matter what, the family could not be separated. We were wrong before. Last night, my father-in-law tried to dream about us. I came here today to ask, can we still live as before? "

The face changes faster than the weather.

Chu Huan had to marvel at the wonder of the creator. There were all kinds of wonderful figures.

Mrs. Zhang beamed with joy, "do you mean no separation?"

"No division." Kang Ying shook her head. "If you like, we will move back immediately."

Chu Huan didn't know how they lived before. But Kang's face was acrimonious. If I hadn't seen Wang Jiangchen come to deliver things just now, I wouldn't have this attitude. If I lived with such people, I would have a lot of trouble in the future.

She looks at Zhang Yi. Anyway, she is a new daughter-in-law. She doesn't know the way of life of Zhang Jia and doesn't say much about these things.

Mrs. Zhang's face showed a happy look. The family and harmonious relationship have always been the most anticipated thing for her and her.

"This is always your home. You can move back when you want to."

Kang Ying said with a smile, "I'll tell Zhang Hai right away."

Chu Huan's face became more and more displeased. Zhang Yi shook her head at her, indicating that she should not be garrulous.

Take her back to the room. Chu Huan said angrily, "your sister-in-law will not be kind when she moves back this time. Why does your mother agree? Maybe after they move here, there will be no more safe days in the family. "

"They don't dare to fool around."

"Do you have a way to deal with them?"

Chu Huan came to her and knew from the first time Zhang Yi helped her, that Zhang Yi would never be so natural and pollution-free on the surface.