Seeing Zhang Yi nodding, she relaxed and lay on the bed. "Forget it, don't want so much. Let's sleep first, or our body will not be able to hold on."

Zhang Yi lifted the quilt from the bed and said, "you sleep in bed, I sleep on the ground."

This season, the weather is cold, Zhang Yi's body is not very good, sleep on the ground cool air into the body, will aggravate his illness.

"In case you're a couple, you're going to sleep together. You'd better go to bed. "

"Men and women give and take."

Chuhuan was amused by his words. He felt more and more that Zhang Yi was a gentleman. He said with a smile, "it's hard to avoid bumps and bumps when we live together. According to what you said, it's impossible to live in the future. Life in the world, the most important thing is to be worthy of your heart. If you set too many rules and regulations for yourself, you can only hurt yourself in the end. "

With that, he moved his body inside and motioned him to sleep.

Suddenly thought of something, continued: "although we are agreement husband and wife, but I also want to slander in front. I am a man who will repay kindness and revenge. No matter who offended me, I will not let him go easily. Do you understand what I mean? "

"You can do whatever you want, regardless of the rest."

With Zhang Yi's words, Chu Huan's heart was relieved. After a day's work, she was able to sleep comfortably.

As soon as she turned over, her hand touched Zhang Yi's cheek, and Zhang Yi frowned. She apologized in a hurry: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm..."

She didn't know how to explain it. Like a child who did something wrong, she didn't dare to look at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "you don't have to be nervous. It's OK."

"How can it be ok?" The abscess on Zhang Yi's face cracked when she touched it. Although she didn't use much strength just now, several pustules had already split and yellow water flowed out of it.

It hurts.

"It's really OK. I'm used to it." Zhang Yi touched her head. "I've been tired for a day. Go to sleep."

Chu Huan secretly glanced at Zhang Yi with her spare light, and secretly vowed that one day he would cure Zhang Yi's face. Such an excellent man should not be buried here.

She got out of bed and took out the herbs. These herbs are not precious, but they are very effective in treating Zhang Yi's facial injuries.

She smashed the herbs into powder, stirred them with water, and said to Zhang Yi, "try it."

A pungent smell came to my face.

Zhang Yi frowned. "What's this? How can it smell so bad?"

"It's a good remedy for abscesses on your face. This smell... " Chu Huan himself smelled some can't stand, "this is with good medicine bitter mouth benefit disease is a truth, you may rest assured that the use, certainly has the effect."

Zhang Yi untied the cloth on his face. When he first saw this face, he almost collapsed. If it wasn't for this face, his beloved would not have died.

Now he has been used to this face, for whether Chu Huan can cure him, he is not particularly concerned.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. You don't have to worry about it."

"Are you doubting my skill?" Chu Huan put ointment on his face and said, "there is no disease in the world that I can't cure yet?"

Zhang Yi took a deep look at her. Chu Huan was embarrassed by him. "Why are you looking at me like this? Am I not right? "

"No, it's just a little curious. Where did you learn such superb medical skills?"

"Heaven's secrets must not be revealed."

See Chu Huan not willing to say, he also did not ask.

Mr. Zhang came back from the outside. He heard that the Zhanghai family was going to move back, so he asked what was going on. Mrs. Zhang told the whole story.

Mr. Zhang's face became a little ugly. "How can this daughter-in-law talk to Kang Ying like this?"

"I can't blame her. In the future, we'll live under the same roof and get along well. I think Chu Huan is a pretty good girl, especially after her marriage, Yi'er's look is obviously better. It's said that she has also cured young master Wang's disease. Maybe she can cure Yi'er. "

When Mrs. Zhang said this, her eyes were full of expectation.

"One yard, one yard." Mr. Zhang didn't agree with her very much. He sighed, "well, let's have a look. I hope it's a good one."

Chu Huan sleep to the next morning, stretched a stretch, she has not slept so comfortable for a long time.

Old Mrs. Zhang saw her just now, unhappy way: "do not hurry to cook."

"Ah? I cook? " Chu Huan pointed to himself, a little confused.

She always does not touch the spring water, let alone cooking, she can not even distinguish the dishes.

"You don't cook, do you want me to do it?"

Mrs. Zhang's voice suddenly doubled. Yesterday, she felt that Chu Huan was good. Unexpectedly, she was a embroidered pillow. She could not only see and use it, but also didn't understand the rules. She could not blame Zhang Jia for breaking off her relationship with her.

Chu Huan bravely went to the kitchen stove. Fortunately, they had just got married and had a lot of things at home. In addition, people in the village ate relatively simple food in the morning. As long as the leftovers from last night were heated up.She took a look at the contents of the pot. There were only a few corn cakes and a black one that could barely be ordered.

If she wants to eat this every day in the future, she will feel sick.

I thought that living conditions would be better if we married and were far away from the son preference family. They were all the same.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart.

There was no liquefied gas in ancient times, so a fire was needed for cooking. She glanced around and saw nothing to make the fire.

Is it necessary to make fire out of wood in this era?

Countless question marks appeared in her mind.

She couldn't think of any other way. Sharpen the stick with a knife and turn it against another stick.

It's much more difficult to make fire by drilling wood than she thought. She made it for a long time, not to mention the flame, and didn't even see a spark.

Mrs. Zhang came out of the house, saw this scene, and roared: "let you cook, what are you dallying about there?"

"That How does that make a fire? " She had the courage to ask.

"Isn't there a torch next to it?"

Chu Huan noticed that there was a fire folder inside the stove. The firewood seemed to be against her deliberately. No matter how hard she tried, it just didn't work.

Mrs. Zhang looked at the time. Mr. Zhang was about to come back from the ground, but the new daughter-in-law was not even on fire. She was holding her breath in her chest, unable to get up or down.

Come up to her, "you don't cook, go wash your clothes."

Chu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, gave the fire clasp to old lady Zhang, carried a basin of clothes and went out.

Just out of the door, see Chu Xiaoyun standing at the door, haggard face, eyes red and swollen, should be the reason for just crying.

Chu Huan looked at her suspiciously. At this time, shouldn't Chu Xiaoyun be filial to her parents in law in the Wang family? How could it be here?

"Sister!" Chu Xiaoyun walks over and hugs her. At first, she sobs, then she wails, as if the sky falls.

Chu Huan was her cry some inexplicable, way: "what happened?"