"What are you going to the county government for? It's a disgrace. " "Song Shi indignant way," you are my daughter after all, in court, let others see jokes

"What do you want?"

"As long as you pay for my son's medical expenses, the matter will be settled."

"How much do you want?" Zhang Yi interface, this county magistrate is a corrupt official, regardless of right and wrong, black and white, resulting in many unjust cases. Chu Huan went, even if won the lawsuit, also can not fall good, it is better to settle down.

"Fifty Liang, not a cent." Song's Lion opens his mouth.

Chu Huan looked at her like a fool and hurt Chu Shan. She was self-defense. Don't say you don't have the money, even if you have her, you won't give it.

"No, I'd better go to the county government." She still sticks to it.

Zhang Yi reached her ear and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "It's too dangerous to go to the county yamen. What's more, it's your mother who accuses you. According to the law, it's considered unfilial to accuse your mother, but the hall will whip ten lashes first."

The third uncle took a deep look at Chu Huan, "or do you want to discuss this matter again?"

"What else can we discuss? My son's life and death are uncertain. To ask her to pay fifty Liang to see a doctor is enough to save her face. Otherwise, I must let her go to prison. " Seeing the third uncle standing on his side, song's waist became hard. She didn't believe that Chu Huanzhen dared to fight against her.

"Third uncle, it's getting late today. How about I take her back to discuss and give you a reply tomorrow?" Zhang Yi grabs the way before Chu Huan opens his mouth.

"No problem." The third uncle made the decision for them directly. He hoped that Chu Huan would change his mind tomorrow. After all, it was a family affair, and their family would be disgraced when they were in the county government. Just in time for tonight, everybody think about it.

Chu Huan is forced back by Zhang Yi.

She angrily shook off Zhang Yi's hand, "why do you have to stop me? Even if I get ten lashes, I can't get rid of them. "

"Do you really want to go to court?" Zhang Yi looked serious. "How much do you know about that magistrate? Do you know how dangerous it is to go to court? "

"No matter how dangerous it is, I'll try it." Chu Huan looked at Zhang Yi. Seeing his appearance, he seemed to know the magistrate very well. He pulled him aside and sat down. "Tell me what the magistrate is like. I have a psychological preparation."

"He is narrow-minded and doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. As long as he has money, he can do anything. Do you think it's possible for a corrupt official to do justice for you? "

Chu Huan nodded thoughtfully, "it's really impossible."

But judging from the attitude of the Song family, if they do not go to court, they will be given 50 Liang today and 100 Liang tomorrow.

Although the magistrate is a corrupt official, as long as he asks for something, things will be easier to handle. Hesitating for a moment, he continued, "can you accompany me to meet the magistrate?"

"Do you have to go this way?"

"Do you think we have another way to go Chu Huan asked, pulling Zhang Yi to continue, "go, don't worry about me, it will be OK."

Zhang Yi couldn't resist her, so he had to take her here.

In Chu Huan's impression, corrupt officials should be fat headed and big ears, with a beer belly, and walk around in a daze. But I didn't expect that the magistrate's eyebrows were pretty, with Danfeng's eyes, sword eyebrows and high nose. When I smile, I feel a little more free and easy; when I don't smile, I feel gentle.

All said that the face is born from the heart, such a face, Chu Huan really can't see where he looks like a corrupt official.

Well, she is from the appearance Association. In her appearance, she is just. Even if she is a corrupt official, she doesn't think it will be bad.

She approached Zhang Yi's ear and whispered, "are you sure the corrupt official in your mouth is him?"

"Know the person, know the face, not the heart." Zhang Yi answered her with this sentence.

The county magistrate personally handed the tea to Zhang Yi and said with a smile, "I sent people to invite you several times before, but you all avoided seeing me. Today, your sudden visit really made me overjoyed. I said how I heard magpies chirping in the trees all the time early this morning

"I came here a few days ago and asked for something." Zhang Yi did not intend to reminisce with him, and went straight to the theme.

"Do we need to use the word" Qiu "in our relationship? If you have something to say, as long as you can do it for your brother, you will do your best. " Mu Yunshu said with a smile.

"Tomorrow my wife wants to have a lawsuit with her mother. Please forgive me from my wife's flogging."

"This..." Mu Yunshu showed a puzzled look, "if there are other things to say, but this matter, even if I have the intention, also powerless. If I get rid of her whipping, what kind of prestige will there be in this court in the future? "

"But the way is not without, I don't know whether brother Zhang will answer or not?"

"You say?"

"As the saying goes, husband and wife are one. Since your wife is weak and can't stand the whipping, how about you instead?" Mu Yunshu said softly.