"No way." Chu Huan did not want to directly refuse, "this is my own thing, naturally by my perseverance to bear, is not ten whip, I can afford."

"You say that now because you haven't seen what a whip looks like, and you don't know what happens after being flogged."

Mu Yunshu clapped his hands, and the servant sent the whip.

It's a whip about one meter long. It's black, not thick, with tiny spines on it. The thorn is made of some kind of material. It is very sharp. If you go down with a whip, the skin will be torn.

Chu Huan's eyes were straight.

I thought it was an ordinary whip, but I didn't expect that it would grow like this. If these ten whips go down, they will take off several layers of skin.

When she came, she was ready to deal with the person in front of her. She felt that even if he was a corrupt official, he would have weaknesses as long as he was greedy. However, the person in front of her seemed not to be the corrupt official in people's mouth, but to do nothing.

"How many years have you not been promoted?" She shifted the subject.

"It's been about three years since I made the rules." Mu Yun Shu hand gently stroked the past from the whip, "if you recognize now, it's still time."

At this point, she couldn't admit it and continued, "what would you do if I didn't sue my own mother, but two strangers who had nothing to do with each other?"

"Stranger?" Mu Yunshu raised eyebrows, "it depends on what kind of case it is. Small cases are subject to small punishment before going to court, and big cases are subject to severe punishment."

"Who dares to report to the police if you make this rule?"

"It's a good time not to come. I'm happy." Mu Yunshu put the whip on the table, "if you want to go to court, do as I say, or everything will be free."

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell the magistrate what you have done?"

"Whatever you want." As for her threat, mu Yunshu didn't pay any attention to her, "I don't have any other hobbies. I just like leisure. Otherwise, I don't need to be a county magistrate in this small place for three years. As for people, fame and wealth can't compare with a good mood. If anyone wants to destroy my good mood, don't blame me for being rude. "

On the way back, Chu Huan was not angry and said angrily, "I'm a bandit. For the sake of leisure, I can think of this kind of Yin move."

However, she always felt that mu Yunshu was far less cruel than what she had seen on the surface. She looked at Zhang Yi and said, "what do you think of this matter?"

In fact, she still wanted to gamble once, bet Mu Yun book will really start.

"No matter what decision you make, I will help you." Zhang Yi took her hand and looked more serious.

With her words, Chu Huan was relieved.

No matter what kind of price she paid, she would never bow down to the Song family, otherwise this kind of thing would happen endlessly and mix up with the whole family.

When they went back, they saw song sitting at the door and saw them both take out a kitchen knife, which was the one Chu Shan had threatened her with.

Zhang Yi holds her, "you wait here, I'll talk to your mother."

"You can't go. I'll go." Step by step, Chu Huan walked slowly to the Song family. Her eyes fell on the knife in her hand and raised her eyebrows. "Are you here today to kill me?"

"Yes." Song Shi nodded, "you hurt my son, I want you to pay blood debt."

"If you want to kill me. But before that, I think it's necessary for me to remind you that your son is seriously injured and that only I can cure him

"Nonsense, don't think that if you blind cat meets a dead mouse, you will really know how to cure Wang's master?" Song's indignant way, "you are my birth, how many jin you are, I will not know."

"I was born to you, but you never raised me. How can you know what I am like?" Chu Huan sighed, "originally I planned to go to the mountain to collect herbs after a while after dinner, and then get up early tomorrow to change your son's dressing. Now it seems that there is no need for this."

Chu Shan is a soft spot in Song's heart. As long as there is something about Chu Shan, song will not ignore it.

"Are you serious? You can really heal my son

"It's natural. The premise is that after I cure him, we'll make a clean break

"Don't think about it." Song Shi stares at her, "you hurt my son like that, you want to forget it? I tell you, dream. "

"Don't forget, it was your son who tried to kill me with a knife. It was self-defense for me to beat him like that. If you don't want to reconcile, we'll go to court tomorrow and let the magistrate take charge of justice. As long as he says that I should pay for the medical expenses of Chushan, I will pay for it. "

When it comes to putting a lawsuit in court, song immediately counseled him, pointing to Chu Huan and yelling: "I tell you, it's impossible for me to go to court with you. If something goes wrong with my son, I will solve it in my own way. "

"What's your way? Just kill me Chu Huan sneered, "Chu Shan still depends on you. If something happens to you, do you want to live for the rest of his life? What's more, if you threaten me with a knife just now, I can always file a complaint to the court, saying that you want to kill me, and then it will not be me but you who will go to jail. "The knife in Song's hand fell to the ground. She looked at Chu Huan in disbelief. She didn't expect that her former weak daughter, after a serious illness, turned into this.

The heart of both hate, and can not take her how.

Thinking of what mu Yunshu said, Chu Huan was still a little frightened. Seeing that Song Shi had been bluffed by himself, his voice softened a little, "you are my mother. I don't want to go to court with you. If you are willing, I am willing to pay another ten Liang silver on the basis of healing Chu Shan. If you want to, you can do it like this. If you don't want to, you can only let the county magistrate preside over justice. "

"What wants me to do justice?" Mu Yunshu's voice came out from the back, smiling at Chu Huan, "it seems that I came at the right time, I heard you mention me."