Chu Huan looked back at Zhang Yi and whispered, "he's not a weirdo. He's my husband."

"But I heard from my mother that he is very ugly and incurable. It may not be long before you marry him."

Song Qing's voice is much lighter. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

If someone else said this to her, she must have been very angry, but now the person who said this is Song Qing. She knew that the little girl was really concerned about herself, so she would come to say these things to herself.

At the same time, the heart is moved, more helpless, do not know how to explain this matter to Song Qing, just said: "those are rumors, can not be taken seriously."

Song Qing nodded thoughtfully and said with a smile: "in fact, no matter what, as long as you are happy, this is enough."

Chu Huan pinched her face, "I am very happy to marry him."

Her second uncle and her second aunt came back from the outside. They heard that Chu Huan came back. Her second uncle pulled her uncle aside and lowered her voice, "this little girl has been eating and drinking for so many years in our family. How can she get married again?"

"Don't let my mother hear you, or I'll scold you again." The second uncle lowered his voice, "you will be more polite to her later, you know?"

Although the second aunt was unhappy, she nodded and walked in with him.

When I saw Chu Huan again, my second aunt was shocked. In her impression, Chu Huan has always been a very timid little girl, dare not speak up, more dare not easily appear in front of others, always low head, dare not look at others.

And the little girl in front of her was in high spirits and free and easy manner. She looked at each other directly when she spoke, as if she could see through her heart. If she didn't know that the person in front of her was Chu Huan, she would have thought she was mistaken.

Chu Huan had some impression on them. When the original owner lived here, her second aunt was not pleased with her. Although there was no proof of dispute, her disgusted eyes made the owner uncomfortable.

This time she just wanted to find a place to live. She didn't want her grandparents to come straight to the point because she was embarrassed. "Second uncle, I heard that you are very popular in the village. Can you help us find a house and let us have a place to stay?"

"You can live in any house you want. It's too big for both of you. " Mrs. Zhang said slowly.

"I'm married, and if I'm going to stay, I'm sure it'll be gossiping. Let's find us a house. "

See her insist, grandmother also no longer force, order the second uncle to find her house.

The second uncle pointed to the next house and said, "if you don't dislike it, live there."

Chu Huan wanted to find a place to settle down. As for the house, she didn't care too much. I went over with Zhang Yi and had a simple look. I thought it was pretty good.

The last time they rented a house, they didn't sign a contract with the landlord and were expelled. This time, she learned the lesson from the previous time and said, "uncle, how much is the rent of that house? Sell it or not

"This is the house of a friend of mine, and I am entrusted to look after it. If you look at it for a year or two, you won't come back. "

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Chu Huan Road.

"Yes." The second uncle asked Song Qing to take out the pen and paper and hand it to Chu Huan, "what do you want to do?"

"Although we are relatives, we still have to settle accounts clearly, so I want to sign a contract with you. Do you think so? As for the rent, what do you think of the market price of two or two a month? "

Chu Huan's voice just fell, the second aunt came to her, "OK, this is really too good. By the way, we are so close, do you want to have dinner together in the future? My aunt doesn't ask for more for your living expenses for two months or two. " Afraid of chuhuan's refusal, she continued, "it's not the second aunt who is greedy for money. You have spent a lot of money eating and drinking in this family these years. We are not rich now, so... "

"I understand." Chu Huan doesn't know how to cook. She would be happy to rub rice here. She just worried about Zhang Yi and looked at him. Zhang Yi didn't make a statement, and she was not able to accept it directly, so she said, "I'll discuss this matter with my husband, and I'll give you a reply tomorrow."

She handed the pen and paper to Zhang Yi, "you can write the paper."

Zhang Yi quickly finished writing and handed it to his second uncle, "do you think it's ok?"

The second uncle glanced and nodded, "your handwriting is very good."

Although the Song family is not a scholarly family, but children can read and write since childhood, and there are some good handwriting, but they can not be compared with Zhang Yi's. Take a look at Zhang Yigao, "I heard that you have been reading since childhood, but my family is a teacher. If you don't dislike it, you might as well teach our children to read and write. What do you think?"