Zhang Yi did not agree directly, but said, "can I think about it?"

"Well, if you want to come, I can give you two liang silver a month to manage the food."

This condition is very good for a villager.

Seeing them off, Chu Huan glanced at Zhang Yi with her spare light. Seeing that he did not show joy because of his second uncle's recommendation, he knew in his heart that he must be dissatisfied with the work.

Let Zhang Yi accompany her to settle here is already Zhang Yi's bottom line. She doesn't want Zhang Yi to compromise in order to live. "If you don't want to go, don't go," he whispered

Zhang Yi shook his head. "Teaching and educating people is a good thing, but I don't want to rely on others. What's more, mine... "

He didn't say any more.

Although after such a long time, the injury on his face is still the deepest pain in his heart.

Chu Huan untied the turban on his face. Now the abscess on his face is almost healed. As long as the scab falls off, his face can recover as before.

"Then you can read at home and then go out to teach when you have a good face. No, when you look good, you will continue to study in the Academy, get fame and honor your ancestors. " Chu Huan is full of confidence in him.

They have just moved here and are not familiar with everything here. Although the original Lord grew up here, she seldom went out, so she was very unfamiliar with it.

In the evening, the second aunt brought the quilts and asked them to make a living for the whole night. If there is anything else, we will talk about it tomorrow.

In her impression, although the second aunt didn't like the original owner, she didn't want to scold her too much. You're pretty good.

The next morning, my second uncle came over and asked Zhang Yi how things were going in the name of asking them to eat.

Chu Huan was afraid that Zhang Yi would not be able to refuse. He said directly, "Zhang Yi is not feeling well. He needs rest. Thank you, uncle."

The second uncle took a deep look at Zhang Yi and said, "a man, a man, is born in the world and should stand up to heaven and earth.". You can't live by chuhuan because of the injury on your face

"Second uncle..."

"I do it for you." The second uncle didn't wait for Chu Huan to open his mouth and continued, "you never leave your parents and live with us. Your life is not rich, but you also have no worries about food and clothing. My second uncle doesn't want you to live a better life after you get married. "

Chu Huan knew that he really cared about himself, but he said, "Zhang Yi has his own plans. Now the wound on his face is much better. In another month, he won't have to cover his face to see people. Then he will go to study and get fame. "

"Reading? What does he rely on to read? " "Do you know how much money it costs to study? Now that you have nothing, how can you afford to study? "

"I..." Chu Huan wants to say that he can cure and save people. As long as she grows up, song's family can't find a way to make money. If she grows up, she will not be able to make money

"I would like to teach." Zhang Yi takes her words.

"No way." Chu Huan objected. Zhang Yi's face is not good. If he is seen, he will be regarded as a monster like Song Qing.

Song Yi Chao smiles at her. "My second uncle is right. I can't live behind you all the time. Now that you marry me, I should protect you from all kinds of worries, instead of letting you run for food and clothing every day. " Seeing her worry, Song Yi continued, "I know you are worried about me, but if I can't even cope with such a small matter, how can I face the big event in the future?"

Seeing that he was determined, Chu Huan was not good enough to say anything more. He just said, "if you are not happy, you will come back. Everything has me."

The second uncle nodded to Zhang Yi. Before hearing that Chu Huan married Zhang Yi, he also felt sorry that Chu Huan could deserve a better one.

Now when I see Zhang Yi, I feel that Chu Huan is not wrong.

The second uncle took Zhang Yi to the Academy. This is the Academy run by the Song family. Generally, it only admits children of their own family, so there are not many students.

Song Qing, sitting in her seat, glances at Song Yi from time to time with her spare light. She lowers her head and does not dare to look at him.

When Zhang Yi was about to leave, Song Qing summoned up the courage to come to him, still lowered his head and whispered, "brother-in-law, I have a question to ask you."

Zhang Yi likes this little girl better because she is the only one who doesn't look at him with the eyes of monsters except after Chu Huan.

"Say it."

"If you find that the person in your cousin's heart is not you, will you leave with your cousin?" Song Qing hands keep rubbing, the voice is very small, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear what she said.

Zhang Yi looks at her carefully, remembering Chu Huan's agreement with him before. I didn't understand what it meant before. Now it seems that Chu Huan should have had a sweetheart for a long time.

Touching song Qing's head, she said with a smile, "your cousin has her own way to go. If one day she wants to leave, I will set her free."

Song Qing is a little relieved and has a relaxed smile on her face.In class, she sneaked out when there was no one. Chu Huan is packing things, see her in a hurry from outside to run in, way: "what's the matter with you?"

"Cousin, I need to see you." Song Qing began to gasp, sweat from his forehead.

"Why do you want to come to me now?" Chu Huan looked at her curiously.

"Yes It's about Wei Yuan. "

Chu Huan began to search for this person in her mind, but she did not have much impression on this person.

Song Qing continued: "yesterday, Wei Yuan heard that you came back and asked me about you. He said..."

She looked at Chu Huan carefully. "He said he liked you."

Chu Huan was confused by her words. However, looking at Song Qing's meaning, there seems to be an indescribable relationship between the body owner and Wei Yuan.

But if this person is really so important to the original owner, how can she have no impression at all.