Mu Yunshu smiles and does not refute her words.

After arriving at Liu's house, mu Yunshu, as before, only met Miss Liu and left.

Chu Huan really convinced him.

Miss Liu has been looking at his back in a daze, the deep feeling of her eyes is beyond her words.

"People are far away, you can't see him back." Chu Huan's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Liu Yuwei's face turned red and lowered her head. "He still hates me after all."

"What did you think of my last proposal?"

"I..." Miss Liu bit her lower lip with her teeth, and her tears whirled in her eyes

"No more." Chu Huan shook his head, "you may still have a chance, or you will have to go on like this. Don't you want to change that? "

Miss Liu hesitated for a long time before she said, "OK, I promise you."

Chu Huan can see that she is deeply rooted in Mu Yunshu's love. She can't help but ask, "if in the end, he still doesn't accept your feelings, what will you do?"

"Then I'll take my life." Liu Yuwei's voice is insincere.

After leaving, Chu Huan was counting the days at home, and soon came the news that Liu's family was quitting.

Chu Huan heard the news, the first time to run to the book. Mu Yunshu is sitting in the study reading, look indifferent, as if listening to an unimportant thing in general.

"Mu Yunshu." Chu Huan took the book from his hand and said, "do you know Miss Liu is going to marry someone else after she quits marriage with you? Although I don't know why you hide from her, I can see that you have her in your heart. Do you really have the heart to see her marry someone else? "

"Has it anything to do with you?" Mu Yunshu handed her the prepared silver note, "do your own business, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, so as not to ask for trouble."

Chu Huan really convinced him, put the silver note away, put it in his pocket, went to the door, looked back at him, "Miss Liu's deep love for you, I'm worried that she will do something stupid after she quits marriage. You'd better take care of her if you're OK."

Mu Yunshu's heart is not as calm as it seems. Since hearing the news of his divorce, his heart has been very restless, even some anxiety.

Several times I wanted to see Liu Yuwei at Liu's house, but I finally resisted.

After returning, Chu Huan angrily threw the silver note on the table. If it wasn't because mu Yunshu was a county magistrate, or if she didn't need the 100 Liang to get out of trouble, she would have thrown the silver note on mu Yunshu's face to let him know what humiliation is.

When Zhang Yi came back from the Academy, he saw her sitting on the bed angrily and said with a smile, "who made you angry again?"

"Isn't that mu Yunshu?" When it comes to Mu Yunshu, Chu Huan is not angry at all, "you said that the prodigal son, what is worth liking? But Miss Liu's love for him is not long, and he is still panting. "

"Mu Yunshu should like Miss Liu." Zhang Yi said in a quiet way, "when I was reading together before, I occasionally heard him mention Miss Liu's family. That kind of expression is the same as I think of Lanling."

"Then why does he have to quit?"

"Maybe he has some hard feelings."

"Do you think he has any hidden diseases?" Chu Huan thought of this, really regret that he did not find the opportunity to give mu Yunshu pulse. If it's because of a hidden disease, then it's not worth the two of them to separate.

"I don't know." Zhang Yi chuckled. "After all, it's someone else's business. No matter how much you think about it, it doesn't help."

Chu Huan "cold hum" a, thinking about how to find a chance to give mu Yunshu pulse, to see if he has hidden disease.

Just preparing to cook, Song Qing came to ask them to have dinner and said that the old lady had something to look for them.

Chu Huan's heart suddenly came up, can't the two wonderful flowers come back?

Song Qing saw that her face was not right and said with a smile, "it's not the two people. It's uncle and aunt who are back."

Mention these two people, Chu Huan whole person becomes uncomfortable. These two people and Chu Huan were born with each other.

In the past, when the original owner lived here, her uncle and aunt were not pleased with her. Especially that big aunt, always secretly bully her, speak acrimonious, this kind of person Chu Huan really does not want to see.

That's what grandma meant. She couldn't help going.

She bravely went with Zhang Yi. The great aunt, as she remembered, had a sour and mean look on her face. Since she came in, she did not look at her directly.

"Niang, Chu Huan is married. How can you let her live in our family?" The big aunt spoke with displeasure, and her voice was full of discontent.

"Aunt, you are wrong. I did not live in the Song family, but rented a house nearby."

"By the side? Where are you going? " The eldest aunt pointed to the place where she lived. "That's the Song family's house, too. Rent it? Well said, how much did you pay for the rent a month