Chu Huan didn't like her arrogant attitude. She turned her lips and said, "no matter how much money, it seems to have nothing to do with the big aunt?"

"Dare you talk to me like that?" Big aunt "rub" suddenly stood up from the chair, the voice suddenly raised a few points, "do you believe I'll get out now."

"I don't know in what capacity my great aunt drove me out? Isn't it up to you to make the house? If so, you don't have to say, I'll go now. "

The big aunt didn't expect Chu Huan to dare to contradict himself like this. She was angry and hit her in the face. Her hand was still falling, and she was stopped by Chu Huan.

"What? Does the great aunt still want to hit me? " Then she shook off her hand and said coldly, "how did you treat me before? I'll bear it. If you dare to do it to me again, I'll tell you what you did before."

"You What do you want to say

"In addition to your abuse of me, there is..." Chu Huan pick eyebrows, the words behind the omitted, but the meaning is very clear.

"Chu Huan, I can warn you that if you dare to talk nonsense in front of the old lady, you will never step into the Song family."

"Then I will tell you that if you dare to do anything against me in the future. Not only will I tell my grandmother about the dirty things you've done, I'll also tell my uncle. When you are driven out of the Song family, they are light, and you may be soaked in a pig cage. "

The great aunt's momentum suddenly weakened. She glared at Chu Huan fiercely. She was about to turn around and leave. Chu Huan reminded him, "if you want someone to know something, you can't do it yourself. If you still want to stay in the Song family, don't be so careful. "

The second aunt came out of the room and listened to their conversation. Confused, she pulled Chu Huan to her side and whispered, "what happened?"

The big aunt's heart suddenly raised, Chu Huan light way: "I'll talk with the big aunt casually, it's OK."

Everyone is here, sitting at the table, the atmosphere is not quite right. After eating, I just want to sit quietly in the background.

My uncle took the lead and said to Mr. Song, "Dad, I heard that Chu Huan rented our yard. How much is the rent for a month? I'm also the Song family at least. No one told me about it. "

His meaning is very clear, that is, he should be given half of the rent.

"At the beginning, you were going to split up. The house has been allocated to the second son. How much rent is charged is the second son's business. It doesn't matter whether I tell you or not." There was a trace of displeasure in the peaceful voice of master song.

My uncle sneered, "the house has been agreed to let the second family live first. We can come back at any time in your yard. Now they live with you, eat you, live with you. And his own house is rented out and collected rent in the middle, which seems inappropriate. "

"You want to come back and live. There is still a place for you in this family." In the voice of master song, there was a trace of anger. "This time I want you to come back to see my nephew and son-in-law. If you gossip here, you won't have to come back."

"What do we mean by gossiping? It's clearly your partiality." Aunt can't help but mutter, touch Chu Huan look at her eyes, quickly lowered her head, continue to eat.

"What's that, sister-in-law? When we separated, you were asked to choose first. Is it interesting for you to say this now? " The second aunt couldn't help but retort.

"Is that enough? Can we have a good meal Mrs. Song said in a sharp voice. Everyone bowed their heads. No one dared to say more. She continued, "if you really don't want us to spend our old age safely, no one will come back from this family in the future, so as to save me the trouble of looking at you."

She stood up and headed straight for the house. Chu Huan put down his bowl and chopsticks and followed him.

"Grandma, don't be angry. She's so angry. She's going to feel sorry for her granddaughter." Chu Huan went to Mrs. song and rubbed her chest gently.

Old lady song took her hand and had a smile on her face. "You are still a child. I don't blame me for loving you."

"That's it." Chu Huan said in a coquettish way, "my grandmother has to pay for her life to be 100 years old. Otherwise, how can my granddaughter repay her grandmother's kindness to her granddaughter?"

Thinking of something, Mrs. song turned around and took out a handkerchief from the box. "Now that you're married, grandma can't protect you as you did when you were a child. In the future, you have to go by yourself. This is a hundred taels of silver. Keep it for emergency. "

"I don't want it. Grandmother's better keep it by herself."

"You have to take it." "If you push away again, grandmother will be angry."

Chu Huan had no choice but to take over the money. "That's what my grandmother kept with my grandson. I'll use it later. I'll take it from my grandson at any time. When the time comes, my grandmother will tell you that you can't take two people

"Sure enough, I've got married. My brain is much smarter than before. My grandmother is relieved to see you like this."

Chu Huan listened to the old lady song's words, and felt that she was saying her last words. When she touched the old lady's wrist, she found that her pulse was weak. Now, it seems that she has a bright future."Grandmother, your body..."

"Grandmother is OK."

"You have a weak pulse. How can you be ok?" Chu Huan voice some urgent, "grandmother, you wait, I'll go to fill the medicine for you."