"Zhang Yi, you come out for me." Outside came the cry of old lady Zhang.

Zhang and Zhang Yi are filial to them, and they are unscrupulous. Knowing that Chu Huan would not let them take it at will, he directly pointed the spearhead at Zhang Yi.

In this era of filial piety, Zhang yiruo had a positive conflict with them and was criticized, and his future was ruined.

No, she can't let Zhang Yi go through this muddy water.

"You wait here. I'll go out and have a look." Chu Huan puts on her clothes. As long as Zhang Yi doesn't go out, she has a way to deal with those people.

"You don't know my parents. If I don't go out, they won't give up." Looking out, Zhang Yi looks complicated.

"You go out, what if your parents take the opportunity to embarrass you?"

Since the return of Zhang Hai and his wife, the second elder brother of the family has been trying to please the family, ignoring Zhang Yi, his own son, and even speaking ill of Zhang Yi, which is no better than that of the Song family.

Zhang Yi smiles, "can't hide, better to face." He held Chu Huan's hand and solemnly said, "you can do what you want. Don't change for anyone."

"Don't you think I'm too cold-blooded to do this?"

Chu Huan always wantonly natural and unrestrained, never care about anyone's opinion, anyway, those people have nothing to do with her. But she still cares about Zhang Yi.

"You're just treating them in their own way. If you don't use tough tactics, you'll only be bullied."

Zhang Yi left this sentence, put on his clothes, dragged his broken leg, and moved out step by step. The sound of his leg dragging the ground could be heard in the yard.

Chu Huan's heart appears a touch of sadness, and at the same time more joy, because Zhang Yi knows her, this is enough.

In fact, she didn't really want Zhang Ming's life. She simply didn't like the two faces of Zhang Hai and his wife. Zhang Yi and them are a family in the end, and there is no way to part with them in the future. I hope to rely on this matter to let them have a long memory in the future and not to embarrass Zhang Yi any more.

Worried that Zhang Yi could not deal with those people, he was about to go out when he heard the voice of Master Zhang swearing, "you rebellious son, for the sake of that woman, have you even ignored your nephew's life? If Zhang Ming has something wrong, I'll kill you as an unfilial son. Cough... "

He coughed twice, and his hands kept tearing Zhang Yi's clothes. "I'll kill you today, a heartless man, so that you can live and ruin your family."

"Do you really think I'm ruining the door?" Zhang Yi raised his head and looked at Mr. Zhang. The cold look in his eyes startled him. He continued, "I was sick before. You paid off the house. An 80 Liang house is worth only 40 Liang in the end. Now their son is ill. As a doctor, what's wrong with Chu Huan's asking them to pay the doctor's fee? There is no free lunch in the world. Since you don't want to pay, you can't get anything. "

"You You... "

Mr. Zhang was so angry that he couldn't speak. He then said, "you said that I was cold-blooded and merciless. At the beginning, those people took advantage of my illness and robbed relatives' names, which was not cold-blooded and merciless? Today, I'll leave my words here. If I want to cure Chu Huan's illness, she should show her due attitude, otherwise she won't do it. You should all know her temper. It's useless to cry and make trouble, otherwise she won't draw a line with the Chu family. You can do it yourself. "

Mrs. Zhang pulled at Zhang Yi's clothes and avoided the heavy ones, saying, "what are you talking about? Chu Huan is your daughter-in-law no matter how she says it. How can she not listen to you? "

Husband and wife sing white face and red face respectively. Chu Huan worried that Zhang Yi couldn't hold on like this. When he went out, his eyes swept over them one by one and stood in front of Zhang Yi. He said word by word: "I am the one who can do medicine. You don't have to embarrass Zhang Yi."

"Unfortunately, we have a daughter-in-law like you." Mrs. Zhang yelled.

"A daughter-in-law like me was married by your family in a fair way." Chu Huan sighed, "for the sake of my marriage to your family, I am willing to step back. As long as they transfer the house to Zhang Yi's name, I will treat Zhang Ming. This is my biggest concession. If you don't agree, I'm sorry. I can't do anything about it. "

"That house is worth eighty-two yuan. It's only the price to buy a person. It's extortion." Kang Ying roared.

"Yes, I am blackmail. You can choose to agree or disagree," Chu Huan admitted frankly. "Even if I am blackmail, how about it? Only I can cure your son's illness unless you want to see him die. "

"I've learned that my son has such a strange disease because of you. It's you who are behind your back." Kang Ying's eyes were bloodshot. She rushed to her and looked like she was going to kill her. "I tell you, if my son dies, I'll let you bury him."

Chu Huan shakes her head in her heart. She is annoyed by this kind of person who does not agree with each other. The most important thing is that this person is not her opponent.

Before Kang Ying touches her, she reaches out her feet first. Kang Ying doesn't see that she is tripped and falls to the ground.

Chu Huan walked up to her and said, "even if what you said is true, so what? Who do you think will believe what you say? Even if someone believes it, you sue me, what's the matter? The county magistrate is my good friend. It's only you who suffer in the end. If you want to know who you are, you should hand in the title deed, or you will wait for your son to collect his body. "Kang Ying glared at her, and she said with a smile, "I just like the way that you can't stand me and can't get rid of me."

Before they see Chu Huan good temper, think she is a good person to rub the Lord, this moment they know they are wrong. In the past, Chu Huan was not willing to argue with them.

Chu Huan stopped looking at her and said to the second old man of Zhang: "I don't care how you protect Zhang Hai and Zhang Yi. But I am me. Even if I marry your family, I will never let you do it. I respect you as elders. I won't do anything to you. But if you dare to do something to me, Kang Ying will be your end. You can do it yourself. "

Master Zhang didn't dare to fight her. He picked up a stick from the side and hit Zhang Yi. "You are an unfilial son. How could you marry such a shrew? I just want to kill you today."

He didn't want to listen to himself. She squinted at Zhang Yi, full of worry in her heart. She still hardened her heart and said, "even if you kill him, you can't change my decision. Anyway, he is not the only man in the world. If he dies, I will not marry again. "

Zhang's face turned red when he heard her say such treacherous words. Mrs. Zhang said to Zhang Yi, "what do you want her to do? If you want to recognize our parents, you will immediately write a letter of divorce and terminate her

"No matter what happened to her, my wife." Zhang Yi's voice is solid and powerful, with a firm and unafraid retort.

"Don't you want your parents for this woman?"

At first, Zhang Yi was forced to marry Chu Huan. Later, Zhang Yi left Zhang Jia for Chu Huan's sake. They thought that Zhang Yi wanted to cure his face through Chu Huan. When his face was healed, he would come back naturally. But I didn't expect that Zhang Yi, who has always been filial, would say such a thing.

Zhang Yi kowtowed to Mrs. Zhang heavily. "You are my biological parents, and Chu Huan is also my wife. I can't live up to it."

Chu Huanxin grabs her together and can't bear to make any more noise. Otherwise, Zhang Yi is the only one who gets hurt. She is about to let go. Zhang Yi pulls her hand and says to her, "you go back first."

As long as they persist, these people will compromise.

Chu Huan said in his heart, biting his teeth and no longer looking at them, he walked to the house without looking back.

Mr. Zhang hit Zhang Yi a few more times. At first, his hands were heavy, but later they were much lighter. After all, Zhang Yi is their biological bone. How could he really kill Zhang Yi for three generations? This is also to explain to Zhang Hai and his wife.

Old Mrs. Zhang looked at Zhang Hai and his wife in a dilemma. "Tomorrow is very ill and can't be delayed. Otherwise, you will agree to the conditions of Chu Huan. It's important to save tomorrow."

Kang Ying snorted, "don't think I don't know what you're up to. We paid for the old house in Zhangjia. If you want to go back, you can pay for it. Otherwise, we will not give you the house for nothing if we fight for the disease and die. "