"You What are you talking about? " Old Mrs. Zhang looked at her in surprise, "we are all a family, the house is not the same under whose name?"

"How can it be the same? We drove Zhang Yi and his wife out before. When we transferred the house to him, how could there be a place for us in the family? " Kang Ying roared like crazy, "you'd better put those things away and think carefully. We can't cure this disease. But I tell you, if Zhang Ming has something wrong, you are all murderers. "

"Well How can you transfer the house to Yi'er? " Mrs. Zhang said tentatively.

"Pay for it, one hundred and fifty taels, no less." Kangying cold channel.

Mrs. Zhang can't take out a penny now. For her, a hundred and fifty Liang is an astronomical figure. She looks at Kang Ying in a daze and doesn't respond for a long time.

Chu Huan behind the wall will listen to their dialogue clearly, Kang Ying is really can, for money even his son's life are ignored.

According to the old man's temper, he will eventually compromise, and then issue an IOU. Finally, the debt still needs to be paid back by them.

As expected, Chu Huan did not expect. Finally, the two elders agreed to give them an IOU, and they gave up.

Chu Huan sighed, as expected with this shameless people to deal with, but where there is a little soft hearted, they will still be pinched.

Although Mrs. Zhang hated Chu Huan, Kang Ying agreed to Chu Huan's request. She licked her face and asked her to treat Zhang Ming. The house would be transferred to Zhang Yi early tomorrow morning.

Chu Huan yawned, "in this case, I'll go back tomorrow morning to treat Zhang Ming, and it won't be short of these hours."

She picked up Zhang Yi. "Let's go." See they want to follow, Chu Huan continued, "you go back first, tomorrow prepare a car to pick me up."

Back in the room, Chu Huan poured a glass of water for Zhang Yi and sighed, "your parents are really good to those two wonderful flowers."

"I can't help it. The second uncle's family is kind to us. However, this time, they even care about the life of their own son for money. They can let their parents see their true faces more or less, and there will be less trouble in the future. " Zhang Yi pats her hand, in the eye a bit more apologetic, "just wronged you."

"I don't feel wronged. They dare not bully me anyway. It's you... " Chu Huan looked at him with a little worry, "your parents want to give those two wonderful flowers an IOU. In the future, this money will not be returned by us. After such a scene, I can't bear to lose the two men. "

Zhang Yi's eyes darkened and said nothing more.

Chu Huan looks at Zhang Yi's face and finds that the scab on his face has dropped a lot. He can see his true face. Not willing to do too much entanglement in this matter, shift the topic, "your face is much better, when your legs are good, you go to the academy to study."

"No, just read at home and prepare for the exam."

"How about that?" Chu Huan's head was shaking like a rattle, "even if you are talented, it's not good to read books with a dull head. I'd better go to the Academy. I have money now. "

"We're just a couple. You don't have to think about me everywhere."

"I don't think for you, but because you have so much to offer." Chuhuan pick eyebrows, know that he is not good to accept their own gifts, took out a small book, "you see, I have a note of all the accounts, after you high school, slowly return to me, no, to double back to me."

"Have you ever thought about me falling out? Or I can't be an official because of bad luck? "

Chu Huan didn't think about it. He thought it was too. Taking part in the imperial examination is more cruel than taking part in the college entrance examination. All the people who go to the imperial examination are elites, and it is not impossible to fail.

She said with a smile: "if you fail, you can take another exam in the next year. It's not a matter of winning or losing a game. There will be a long way to go, or you will have a smooth life and have no setbacks in your life. Isn't it meaningless for you to live? What's more, the imperial examination is not the only way of life. If you don't like the imperial examination, you are a doctor. As the saying goes, a good doctor is like a good minister. His own good life is more important than anything else. "

He patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder, "although I can't read much, I have excellent medical skills. If you don't want to be an official at that time, you can learn medicine from me and help the world."

Zhang Yi looks at her with a smile on her face.

Everyone said that he would be able to high school, put their hope on him, only Chu Huan did not force him, and felt a little more grateful.

Early the next morning, the second elder Zhang Jia rented a bullock cart to come over. Chu Huan didn't see Zhang Hai and his wife. He was quite upset.

"Is it not appropriate for Zhang Ming's parents not to come to see Zhang Ming?" Chu Huan really didn't want to go. He felt that he shouldn't have put forward this condition yesterday. He should let his husband and wife bring Zhang Ming over.

"The two of them know how much they have been wrong with you before. I'm sorry to come here. It's the same with us." Mrs. Zhang doesn't like Chu Huan in her heart, so she has to bear it for Zhang Ming.

"Yesterday, when they were making trouble, it was very interesting." Chuhuan's sarcasm is that the two elders of Zhangjia are used to them. Yesterday, they and his wife have already taken advantage of each other.Let the two elders of Zhangjia come to pick them up. They must be afraid to rent cattle carts and spend money. They have to find a chance to cure them.

Zhang's second elder brother worried that there would be another moth when Chu Huan went. He wanted Zhang Yi to follow him. He only heard Chu Huan say, "Zhang Yi's leg has been broken, and it moved a lot yesterday. If he takes another bus, his leg will be useless. Do you want to see him become a disabled man

Mrs. Zhang couldn't help looking at Zhang Yi's legs. She felt guilty. No matter how much they quarrel with Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi is their son. And Zhang Hai and his wife

Thinking of them, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help sighing. She asked herself that she was not good at Zhang Hai's husband and wife. Zhang Hai not only dealt hard to Zhang Yi, but also robbed them twice. Thinking of this, she felt uncomfortable.

However, Mr. Zhang was partial to their husband and wife, and he could only bear it. In my heart, I decided to have a chance to talk to Mr. Zhang about it. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, their property will become those two people's.

The ox cart walked slowly. Sitting on it, all kinds of bumps made Chu Huan feel that his bones were going to be bumped and scattered. He tried to get down and walk several times, but he could not help it.

At home, when she got out of the car, she almost fell into the ground.

She slowly moved to the room of Zhang Hai and his wife. After a few steps, Mrs. Zhang stopped her and pointed to Westinghouse, "Zhang Ming lives there now."

Before entering, Chu Huan smelled a smell of urine Sao. She frowned and looked at the old man. Mrs. Zhang looked embarrassed. After suffering from a strange disease, Zhang Ming couldn't get out of bed. She took care of all the food, drink and Lasa on the bed.

As soon as she came back last night, she went to borrow the ox cart with Mr. Zhang. She wanted to ask Chu Huan to come to see Zhang Ming as soon as possible. She thought that they would take good care of Zhang Ming. She did not expect that they did not care, and they did not get up at this time.

"Just a moment, I'll go and clean it up." After that, Mrs. Zhang quickly went in and cleaned up.

Chu Huan was speechless. He couldn't help saying to Mr. Zhang: "they don't care about their children. Why do you protect them everywhere? This kind of heartless person, you protect him, they will not appreciate, only hurt you

Mr. Zhang's face was very ugly, his eyes were cloudy and clear, and finally turned into a sigh. He just said, "you'd better go in and have a look at the child first."

Zhang Ming lay on the bed with pain, some of her skin began to fester, more serious than she thought.

She said a few herbs, let Mr. Zhang write down to fill the medicine, Mr. Zhang nodded, "I'll go right away."

He had no money in his hand, so he went and knocked on the door of Zhang Hai and his wife to explain their intention. He told them to either fill Zhang Ming with medicine or give them money and he would go.

Suddenly, Kang Ying's face did not change.

Zhang Hai then said, "we spent a lot of money to see Zhang Ming before, but now we have no money. Chu Huan's family doesn't have a lot of medicinal materials. It would be good if she went back to get them. "

"Chu Huan said these herbs are only available in pharmacies." Mr. Zhang patiently explained that he hoped that the two of them would take out the money to buy medicine because Zhang Ming was their own flesh and blood.

"Isn't that going to cost a lot of money?" Kang Ying curled her lips and thought that in order to cure Zhang Yi, Zhang's two elders had come to such an end.

From a rich family, he became a man who was short of food and had no shelter. He lived a life of debt collection. Think about how terrible she felt.

She managed to settle down, but she didn't want that kind of life.

They live with the second old man of Zhang Jia. Since he cares about Zhang Ming so much, he certainly won't be saved. She valued this point and said slowly, "uncle, why don't you go and borrow some for us first, and return it to you when we have money."