Chu Huan gave the title deed to Zhang Yi, "when your legs are better, go to transfer the house quickly, so as not to create extra troubles."

Zhang Hai and his wife are not fuel-efficient lamps. Maybe they will change their minds when they do things earlier.

Suddenly, he remembered something and continued: "Zhang Ming needs a lot of money to see a doctor and buy medicine. I want to send them the money to buy a house tomorrow. What do you think?"

He took out the silver note and carefully checked it. It was no more than 150 Liang. Before that, she still felt that she finally had money and could look forward to the future. Unexpectedly, only a few days later, the money would fly away from her hand again.

"That house is not worth so much money, and my parents wrote the IOU. Even if they want money, they should ask my parents for it. If you give it this time, there will be another time. It will be endless. "

"Now your parents are not as used to them as they used to be. If I send the money at this time. One is to tell parents that if they have money, they don't have to worry about anything in the future. The second is to think of several opportunities to let parents see their true colors clearly. You should strike while the iron is hot. Maybe you can break off your father's thoughts. "

Although Chu Huan was reluctant to give up the 150 Liang, it would be nice if the money could be exchanged for a harmonious family. After all, money is something out of one's body. You can make money again if you don't have it. But if you don't have affection, you really don't have it.

"Thank you very much." Zhang Yi knew that she was thinking for herself. She was grateful and wrote down her feelings.

Chu Huan went to send money to Zhang Hai and his wife. Before entering the courtyard, he heard a noise coming from inside. After jogging a few steps, I saw that the old lady of Zhangjia was pulling with Zhang Hai and his wife.

"What happened?" Chu Huan hurried over and stood in front of Mrs. Zhang for fear that Kang Ying would hurt the old lady.

"They They went to get the medicine yesterday, but it was written down in your father's name. How can there be such ungrateful white eyed wolf in the world Mrs. Zhang's lips trembled when she spoke.

Chu Huan looked at both of them and said to Zhang Hai, "what's going on here?"

"It's not all because of you. We don't pay for a house, and we don't have any money. We can only record it on uncle's account." Kang Ying starts before Zhang Hai.

The couple did not disappoint her. If they didn't make a fuss, they would not be happy.

Chu Huan's eyes fell on Mr. Zhang, "Dad, how do you see this matter?"

Mr. Zhang slowly stood up and glanced at Zhang Hai and his wife, "why do you do this? Zhang Ming is your own son. How can you bear to charge this account to me? "

"We don't have anything now, and those herbs are expensive. They are recorded in our account. If we can't afford to pay for them one day, we can't take the IOU you gave us?" Kang Ying murmured.

Mr. Zhang looked at Zhang Hai, and nodded his head, which was the acquiescence of Kang Ying's statement. Over the years, Mr. Zhang has always regarded Zhang Hai as his own son. No, he is more intimate than his own son. I didn't expect that they would trip himself up again and again.

I was so disappointed in them that I dropped my eyes and said nothing more.

"Do you have money to buy medicine as long as I give you the money to buy a house?" Chu Huan said coldly.

"With money, we certainly don't do that." Kang Ying nodded and her voice dropped a lot. "In fact, we also know that it's not good. We are forced to be helpless."

"Well, that's what you said." Chu Huan nodded, "how much money did you spend on the medicine, deduct it from the house money, and then give you the rest of the money."

Kang Ying glared at her in disbelief. Thinking that she was going to be rich soon, Kang Ying was ecstatic. She did not show it on her face and said in a low voice, "ten Liang."

Chu Huan frowned. She remembers that the prescriptions she prescribed were filled with common herbs, which could not cost so much money. Is it true that ancient medicinal materials are more expensive?

Looking at the old lady, "mother, is what she said true?"

The old lady nodded. "It really cost ten Liang silver."

Chu Huan took out the silver note and said to Kang Ying, "this is one hundred forty Liang. Please give me the IOU."

Knowing that Chu Huan was rich, Kang Ying's eyes were straight. She winked at Zhang Hai and motioned him to get the IOU.

For her, it's a good thing for her to earn a hundred taels without any reason.

Zhang Hai took the IOU out of it, but not 150 Liang, but 200 Liang. He shook in front of Chu Huan, "you see clearly, you owe us 200 Liang, not 150 Liang."

Mr. Zhang was really angry with them this time. He pointed to Zhang Hai and said, "what's the fifty Liang IOU? Don't you know? How can you lick your face for money

"The IOU is written by yourself. Do you want to deny it?" Zhang Hai only wants money. He can do whatever he wants.

Chu Huan has long forgotten that there is still this stubble, she only brought 150 Liang this time. For Zhang Hai will be before the note out of this matter, her heart is more gratified. In this way, in the future, the two elders of Zhangjia will have embankments for them and will not be fooled by them."I only have one hundred and fifty taels. Otherwise, you can give me the two hundred taels of IOU, and I'll give you another 40 Liang IOU. What do you think?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Zhang Haitou ordered the same as a chicken pecking rice, and earned fifty Liang for nothing. He was very happy. He went to the house to get a pen and paper.

After he took it out, Chu Huan realized that he couldn't write, and his face was a little ugly. With a pen in hand, my eyes swept over his face and looked at his ecstatic look. He felt very uncomfortable. He said coldly, "I can write the IOU, but I also have a condition."

"You said, as long as we can do it, we will do our best."

"I want you to move out of our house from today on." Chu Huan directly ordered to leave.

"We are all one family. Where do you want us to move?" Kang Ying was displeased.

"Now you know it's a family. When you pit us, why don't you say it's a family?" If you don't agree, I'll pay you back in a month

Zhang Jia Er Lao is easy to be deceived by them, but Chu Huan is a stubborn stubble. Kangying didn't want the ducks to fly like this, but after moving out, life was a big expense.

Zhang Ming is still ill, and it costs a lot of money to see him. In fact, he doesn't need to spend a hundred and fifty Liang.

After weighing the pros and cons, Kang Ying had tears in her eyes and said to Mr. Zhang, "uncle, when my father died, he told us not to separate our families. We move out, this does not let my father in nine springs all restless? "

Then he winked at Zhang Hai. Zhang Hai then said, "uncle, we just moved back, and now we have to move. What will the villagers say about our family? Because Zhang Yi and their move out have caused a lot of criticism. If we move out again, how can our family get a foothold in the village? "

Mr. Zhang has a good face. The matter of Zhang Yi moving out makes him blush. He keeps himself at home for a long time and dare not go out to meet people. If Zhang Hai and his wife move out again

There are some hesitations in my heart.

Chu Huan was really flattered by Master Zhang. They had already seen the true faces of these two men, and he was reluctant to give them a dead hand. He said, "you can't move out, but you can't live in vain. One person pays one or two silver for board expenses."

"One or two silver?" Kang Ying was very unhappy. They moved back to live for nothing and asked them to pay for it. Moreover, they still paid a silver or two, which was no different from digging her heart.

Thinking about how to cheat the past.

Chu Huan saw her meaning, worried that she would not take it out later, and went on: "if you agree, we will sign an agreement; if you do not agree, we will move out, and you will do as you see fit."