This sentence directly cut off Kang Ying's future.

She also wanted to say that the family did not talk about the two families, but when she thought of what she had done before, she was afraid that things would be more difficult to do and she was silent.

Zhang Hai glared at her fiercely, now make to this point, do not agree, this family they are sure to be unable to stay.

"Yes, I promise."

Kang Ying twisted his arm with her hand. He didn't even look at Kang Ying, and he accepted it.

Chu Huan didn't expect that he promised to be so straightforward. He always felt that there was a bomb in it. In any case, the matter is settled, and we will talk about it later.

She handed the pen and paper to Mr. Zhang. "Dad, you can write the agreement and the IOU."

Mr. Zhang looked at her with some incomprehension. She murmured in her heart that if it was not for her ignorance of words and Zhang Yi's absence, she would never have given the matter to Mr. Zhang.

This time, Mr. Zhang didn't let her down. She couldn't recognize all the words on the IOU and the agreement, but she could also piece together the meaning and didn't pit them.

After writing, she made a small mark on the IOU and the agreement, and said to Zhang Hai, "from now on, if our family borrows money from you again, I will draw this mark. If you dare to cheat money with specious IOU again, don't blame me for being rude

This is not only for Zhang Hai, but also for Mr. Zhang.

Every time Zhang Hai and his wife cry poor in front of them, they will be soft hearted. What Zhang Hai and his wife did this time really upset the two old people, but once people formed certain habits, it was not easy to change them. If the old man Zhang wrote the IOU to them casually, she would not recognize it again.

Mr. Zhang's face was not very good-looking and didn't say much.

Zhang Hai took over the agreement. First of all, he saw the symbol above. The symbol was very small and the painting was very complex. It was difficult to imitate it.

After seeing Chu Huan off, Kang Ying pulled Zhang Hai into the room and said angrily, "why did you sign that agreement with her? A month or two silver, what can we eat to spend so much money? "

"The benevolence of women." Zhang Hai glanced at her and said, "if you sign an agreement, you can calm things down. Or we don't want to stay here in the future. And... " He sneered. "You should know what your uncle and aunt are doing to us. What about signing an agreement? Can they really ask us for money? "

"I'm afraid Chu Huan won't give up." Kang Ying warned.

If it was not for Chu Huan, they would not have fallen into this situation.

"They've moved out for a long time. It's not her turn to tell us about our family."

When it comes to Chu Huan, Zhang Hai is very angry. This time, they are in a wrong. Don't let him catch Chu Huan's tail in the future, or he will make Chu Huan's life worse than death.

Kang Ying still thinks that things are not right. In this situation, they have no other choice.

After Chu Huan went back, he quickly handed the agreement and the IOU to Zhang Yi and asked him to have a look at it again to see if there was any problem?

Zhang Yi took it from her hand, glanced at it casually, and said, "there is no problem. It's just

Some worried looking at Chu Huan, now all their money out to buy a house, now don't say 40 Liang, they can't take out one or two silver.

Chu Huan knew his worry and said with a smile, "don't worry, there must be a way to the front of the mountain."

Zhang Yi didn't know what to say for a while. Originally let Chu Huan marry her, is to protect Chu Huan safety, did not expect now are reversed.

"Big brother, how can you say to them that you spend a lot of money Chu Huan shifts the subject. These two people dare to make unjust gains on her. She will never tolerate such people.

"My elder brother will spend it on Yuanyuan."

"Who is Yuanyuan?" Chu Huan looked at him suspiciously and married for such a long time. She heard the name for the first time. She said tentatively, "is it your brother's side room raised outside?"

"She is a brothel woman. My elder brother fell in love with her at first sight and had to redeem her. My sister-in-law collected all the money and invited the patriarch to preside over justice. This incident was particularly fierce and ended in nothing. But as long as you have money, you will find her. If it's right, the elder brother should take the money to redeem her

"Your elder brother is really a talent. He has no money to see a doctor for his children, but he has money to redeem his life for the brothel girl." Chu Huan almost gave Zhang Hai a thumbs up. If this is the case, there will be a good show in the future.

That is, she doesn't have any money. Otherwise, she must send Zhang Hai forty Liang silver to see if he will go to redeem Yuanyuan just like Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Yi didn't answer her directly, and went on: "that Yuanyuan is a beautiful woman with a variety of styles. It's not surprising that big brother likes her."

"The most beautiful woman? Do you like her too Chu Huan curled his mouth, and his face showed a displeased look.

Seeing that she was jealous, Zhang Yi took her hand and said with a smile, "that kind of person is not a fuel-efficient lamp. How can I like it?"


Chu Huan just smiles.

"Is Dr. Chu there?" There was a cry outside.

Chu Huan followed the voice to see a middle-aged woman standing outside, her clothes patched with many patches, but very clean. Chu Huan did not remember seeing her, went out and asked, "are you?"

"I'm Zhao Da's daughter-in-law. Some time ago, doctor Chu treated him

Reminded by the woman, Chu Huan remembered that she had treated a beggar in the bazaar and agreed to see him again in three days, but the beggar did not show up three days later.

"What can I do for you?"

"My man's condition is getting worse. Please ask Dr. Chu to have a look." The woman took out money from her pocket, "please, doctor Chu."

To see a doctor for Zhao Da, she was just practicing. She wanted to pass on her excellent medical skills and let more people come to see her. She didn't want to charge her money.

"How is he now?"

"He?" Zhao's daughter-in-law began to cry, "he is in a bad condition now. Doctor Chu should go and have a look."

Doctor parents heart, Chu Huan dare not delay, quickly follow her in the past.

Zhao was much better before the disease, but his bone fracture, the whole person in a paralyzed state, the situation is not optimistic. Want to save him, unless with good medicine, even if Zhao DA can recover a life, will also spend in bed.

Chu Huan told Zhao's daughter-in-law all the fierce relations among them, and then said, "save or not, you should consider clearly."

The whole family relies on Zhao Da alone to support. Without him, this family can't support. If Zhao DA has been living in bed and can't work in the field any more, she has to wait on her. Thinking of this, Zhao Da's daughter-in-law is in a state of confusion and doesn't know what to do.

Chu Huan understand her mind, also do not urge, patiently waiting for her to make a decision.