The prison was very dark. Wei Yuan was unkempt and dishevelled. His hair hung down to cover his cheek. He was integrated with black. Only one eye was particularly dazzling in the dark.

"I'm not coming to see you, but Song Qing." Chu Huan pulled Song Qing to Wei Yuan, turned to Song Qing and said, "don't you have something to say to him? I'll wait for you outside

Wei Yuan made Chu Huan very unhappy. If he said a word to him, he felt that it was a waste of time.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Is that how you treat me?" Wei Yuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Huan's arm. "I like you so much. Why do you want to deceive my feelings and frame me here?"

Chu Huan obviously felt that Song Qing looked at her eyes differently.

Does Wei Yuan want to estrange her feelings with Song Qing?

She shook off Wei Yuan's hand and looked indifferent. "I told you from the beginning that what I like is Zhang Yi, and I will only like him in my life. It is you who planned against me first, and now you pour dirty water on me. It's really shameless."

If it was not for Song Qing, she would not have looked at Wei Yuan more.


"Don't call me." Chu Huan reprimanded him and said to Song Qing, "time is limited. What do you want to say quickly?"

Then go outside and ignore Wei Yuan.

Song Qing's eyes twinkled with tears, her eyes clearly staring at Wei Yuan, gritted her teeth, and said for a long time, "is all what my cousin just said true?"

Wei Yuan's eyes were a little chilly. In the dark prison, Song Qing was upset.

She couldn't help repeating, "you answer me, are you really plotting against my cousin?"

"I'm the one she likes, and I'm the one she should marry. Why does Zhang Yi get her?" Wei Yuan roared, "and you. If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't refuse me. You go, I don't want to see you. "

"Brother Wei Yuan..." Song Qing called in a low voice, "wake up, cousin has already married. She and her brother-in-law are really in love, you are impossible, you give up. "

"Why should I give up?" Wei Yuan's voice was low, and he said, "at the beginning, she liked me so much. She did so many things for me. I didn't believe in such deep feelings. She took them back when they said they took them back."

"Yes, my cousin liked you, even gave up her self-esteem and was ridiculed for you. She didn't care. But what did you do for her? You've been hurting her all the time. If it wasn't for what you did that killed her, she wouldn't marry Zhang Yi. You are the initiator of all this. You pushed her to Zhang Yi, and now you show your deep feelings in front of her. Don't you think it's funny? " Song Qing grabs his hand. "You open your eyes and have a look. Now my cousin has got married. She is a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror for you. And I am real, and only I am sincere to you. You have lost your cousin. Do you want to miss me

She plucked up the courage to say these words. After that, her whole heart was shaking. She lowered her head and glanced at Wei Yuan's face with the rest of her light, thinking about how he would look at himself.

Wei Yuan took out his hand and said powerlessly, "I'm sorry, I won't like you."

"Why? Where on earth am I worse than my cousin? " Song Qing can't believe her ears. She thinks that she is better than Chu Huan in terms of her face and family. It is better for Wei Huan to insist on the wisdom of Chu people.

"You are no worse than her in any place, but the feeling depends on fate." Wei Yuan whispered, "you and I can only say that it is predestined."

"Can't you give me a chance? As long as you are willing to be with me, I will try to help you out. Even so, you don't want to. " Song Qing asked.

"No Wei Yuan said these three words, like a hammer, severely pierced Song Qing's heart, the pain she couldn't breathe.

She looked at Wei Yuan's face through the faint light for a long time. After confirming that he was not deceiving herself, she gave a bitter smile and turned to walk outside.

It turns out that she has always been amorous. What she thought was deep love was worthless in other people's eyes.

Step by step, she walked outside, behind the voice of Wei Yuan, "you let Chu Huan come in, I have something to say to her."

Song Qing didn't know how she got out of prison, but she still relayed Wei Yuan's words to Chu Huan. Chu Huan indignantly said: "don't pay attention to him."

"You'd better go and see him. I beg you." Song Qingqiang can't let her tears fall down. This may be the only thing she can do for Wei Yuan.

Chu Huan hesitated for a while, way: "then you wait for me here, I go to come."

She was worried that Song Qing would be upset. When she went in, she gave Song Qing to the prison head and told them to take good care of Song Qing. Chu Huan is mu Yunshu's friend, they are naturally willing to please Chu Huan, and listen to Chu Huan's words.

Chu Huan stormy into, see Wei Yuan no good airway: "what do you want me to do?"

"I have definitely rejected Song Qing. You can see my sincerity. Don't you want to give me another chance?" Wei Yuan still does not give up, "I really like you, as long as you are willing to be with me, I will treat you well, do not care about your past.""Are all the women dead? Why do you have to pester me? What do you like about me? Do you think I can't change it Chu Huan was completely out of temper by him.

After a while, Zhang Yi will rescue Wei Yuan. She has to take this opportunity to stop Wei Yuan from thinking.

"Do you have to refuse me?" Wei Yuan gnawed his teeth.

Damn it. It won't be hate because of love, right?

Chu Huan said in his heart, there is no change on the surface, "it's not that I have to refuse you, but you are making me difficult. Do you know that if people know that I have an affair with you, I will be immersed in a pig's cage. I haven't lived enough, but I don't want to die with you. "

This time, Chu Huan said something tactfully. He looked at the change of Wei Yuan's expression with the rest of his light. Seeing that the anger on his face dissipated, he continued: "if you don't have anything else, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Wei Yuan called out to her, "did Zhang Yi tell you that only I can cure those people's pestilence. If you don't marry me, you will wait to collect the corpses for those people."

Chu Huan turned his back to him and said coldly, "you are not the only one who knows medical skills in the world. Without you, I can find a way to control the plague."

"Then try it. I'd like to see if you can find a solution quickly or if the epidemic is spreading fast. Don't think it's OK to isolate those people. Now the plague is only in an incubation period. Once it breaks out, no one can escape within a hundred miles. " Wei Yuan stopped for a moment and continued, "there is my grandmother who loves you most. She is old, and I'm afraid she won't last long."

"What do you say?" Chu Huan walked back quickly.

The last time she checked the pulse with Mrs. song, she found that Mrs. song had an abnormal pulse. The drugs she used could only relieve the disease, not the root cause. She thought that the old lady was old and had physical problems, but she didn't expect that it was Wei Yuan who did it.

Wei Yuan see her angry, slightly raised some of the mouth, "marry me or watch your grandmother die, you look at the election."