Chu Huan reached inside and stared at him, "what did you do to my grandmother?"

"I just gave her a little poison. It's colorless and tasteless, and you can't detect it." Wei Yuan stepped back. Leaning against the wall, he straightened his hair with his hands, revealing his beautiful face. "I'm good in all aspects, and you're the only one in my heart. Unlike Zhang Yi, when he married you, he had another woman in his heart. You can never really get into his heart. "

"Wei Yuan, you die this heart, even if I die, I will not marry you." Chu Huan glared at him, his bloodshot eyes could not burst out fire.

She hated others to threaten her most in her life. Wei Yuan stepped on her bottom line again and again, and threatened her with old lady song this time. She couldn't bear it.

Wei Yuan looked at her quietly, "you don't need to get angry with me. I'm not forcing you to make a decision, but to be with me willingly."

This match, Chu Huan really lost.

She was soon defeated because she could not ignore the life of old lady song.

"You want me to marry you, unless you save grandma first."

"Do you think I'm a fool? If I save her, you will repent. I am not a man and a fortune? "

"Why don't we step back alone? I'll leave with Zhang Yihe, and you can save grandma?" This is the most compromise Chu Huan came up with.

Wei Yuan hesitated for a moment and nodded, "OK. When will you let me see the letter of divorce and when I will save your grandmother. "

Chu Huan, like a deflated balloon, went out step by step. Although she knew that she and Zhang Yi would be separated one day sooner or later, it was still difficult for her to accept the day coming so quickly.

Fortunately, her time in this world is not short. She knows more about the world, so that she doesn't even have a place to live after she leaves with Zhang Yihe.

She quickly adjusted her mood and decided to go back to see Mrs. song first.

When she came to the corner, Chu Huan saw Song Qing standing there, with tears in her eyes. Seeing Chu Huan come out, Song Qing threw herself into her arms and began to cry.

Chu Huan was confused by her, touching her head with her hand, "what's the matter with you?"

Song Qing looked up and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand. "I heard all the conversations you just talked about. I was wrong. I was blind and I saw the wrong person. I didn't expect that he would poison my grandmother. "

"You don't have to worry about grandma. I'll take care of it." Chu Huan comforted, "since you have seen Wei Yuan's character clearly, you will stay away from him later. This kind of human face and beast heart thing can't be sure when it will come and bite you."

Song Qing was silent and pondered for a long time before she said: "cousin, for the sake of grandmother's safety, would you choose to stay with her brother-in-law and marry Wei Yuan?"

Chu Huan's heart is in a mess, I don't know how to answer her question.

She doesn't care about leaving Zhang Yihe, but if she marries Wei Yuan, she will be walking into the abyss, and there will be no way to retreat.

Don't marry Wei Yuan. The poison in my grandmother's body

Chu Huan was in a dilemma and couldn't help sighing.

"Cousin, it's better for you to accept this matter first, and then I'll take the sedan chair for you." Song Qing continued.

"No way." Chu Huan did not want to directly refuse, "I can't destroy your life."

Song Qing squeezed out a smile, "cousin, what are you talking about? What does it mean to ruin my life? I like Wei Yuan. I would like to marry him. Although he is a villain, I still want to. For my grandmother's sake, and for my sake, you'll agree. "

The last sentence became a plea.

Chu Huan didn't understand whether Song Qing said this because he liked Wei Yuan, or for her grandmother, or both. But the original owner grew up in the Song family. In addition to her grandmother, he cared about her most and had the best relationship with Song Qing. She must not push Song Qing into the fire pit.

Song Qing saw that she still refused, "Putong" knelt down in front of her, "cousin, for so many years, I have never asked you anything. Now I ask you to help me, and also to help my grandmother, OK?"

"Do you think if you marry me, Wei Yuan will save my grandmother?" Chu Huan shook his head helplessly, "Wei Yuan will never give up if he fails to achieve his goal. You can't do anything except irritating him in the past. What will you do if he throws his anger on you? "

"I will, too." Song Qing firmly said, "even if I marry him, I won't frown. When I saw him at the first time, I fell in love with him. At that time, you told me that you liked him, so I pressed all my affection in the bottom of my heart. Later, when you married your brother-in-law, I secretly swore that one day I would marry Wei Yuan and become her bride. Even if it's only one day, one hour, I'll do it. "

Chu Huan is really convinced of her, her persistent feelings, no less than Wei Yuan. When you think about it, they are a perfect match.

"Let me think about it again."

See Chu Huan loose mouth, Song Qing a little relieved, the corner of the mouth showed a smile.Chu Huan sent Song Qing back, exchanged greetings with his second uncle and his second aunt, and turned to see old lady song.

After these days of recuperation, old lady song is much better. Seeing her come in, he waved to her, took out the sweet scented osmanthus cake from the box beside her and handed it to her, "I heard that you are coming. I have prepared your favorite snack in the morning. Have a taste."

Chu Huan took the cake, put it in his mouth, sweet mouth, gently bit a bit, tears fell down.

"What's the matter? Isn't it delicious? " Old lady song quickly took her handkerchief to wipe her tears, "or did she suffer from any injustice? You tell your grandmother that she's in charge. "

Chu Huan shook his head, sad in heart, but did not know how to open his mouth.

"Grandmother, good news for you. I'm a doctor now. I can make money and honor you. So you must get better soon. I'll buy you a lot of delicious food." Chu Huan choked, "don't you say you want to go to the ancestral house in the town before? When I have money, I will redeem my ancestral home and let you move back to live. "

"Good, good, good." Mrs. song even said three good words, "I really don't hurt you in vain. I know how to respect me. As for the ancestral home..."

Their eyes are in the middle of reminiscence. They have never been back since they sold their ancestral home to the middle of the road more than 20 years ago. As she grew older, Mrs. song once dreamt of her ancestral home in her dream. If the ancestral home can be taken back, she can also give an account to the ancestors under the nine springs.

She also sent people to inquire about the situation of the ancestral house, which was now sold to a family in conflict with them. The family is very stingy, afraid that they are willing to pay a high price, the family may not be able to sell.

"Money, you'd better keep it. Let your uncle and uncle find a way to do it."

In spite of this, Chu Huan can still see the old lady's longing and nostalgia for the ancestral home, especially when it comes to the ancestral home, her eyes are particularly divine, which should be due to her special feelings for the place.

Chu Huan secretly vowed in his heart that he would find a way to redeem his ancestral home and wait for his uncles and uncles. He did not know that he was going to have a good life. The old lady's health is getting worse and worse. Even if Wei Yuan has detoxified her body, she is afraid that her body will not last long, and she will not be at ease if she can't die.