Chu Huan took care of the old lady song and left after sleeping. When he left, he took a look at the snacks on the table, hesitated for a moment, picked up one from the table, put it in his mouth, and said to Mrs. song, "thank you, grandmother. I will not only save you, but also redeem the ancestral home as soon as possible, and fulfill your wish. "

About the ancestral home, she went to ask her second uncle, hoping that he could find a way. After the second uncle heard about it, he dropped his eyes and sighed, "don't think about the ancestral house."

"Why? Do you want your grandmother to die with hatred Chu Huan asked.

"The affairs of ancestral residence are more complicated and can not be solved in one sentence. If you have time to think about it, you might as well think about how to cure your grandmother The second uncle stopped her from asking, "just now Lord Mu sent for you. Go back first. I'll let you know if something happens."

In Chu Huan's impression, the ancestral home is very important to a family and is the glory of a family. If you can't redeem your ancestral home, you will be looked down upon even if you have a good life.

Chu Huan didn't know why the Song family had to sell their ancestral home. But now, no matter whether they are the eldest or the second of the Song family, they are all people with a lot of prestige. Who doesn't give them some face in all the places in the world? I don't understand why they are so taboo about the ancestral residence.

Chu Huan decided to ask mu Yunshu. As a county magistrate, he was in charge of ten li and eight townships. He should have a way.

Zhang Yi is sitting under the tree next to the village entrance, his back leaning against the tree, holding a book in his hand, reading quietly. From time to time, a few little girls came over and peeked at him, then walked away with a reddish cheek.

Chu Huan always thought that ancient women were more reserved. Now it seems that there are fallacies in the books. In front of love, in front of beautiful men, no matter who it is, there is no way to be really reserved.

Chu Huan walked quickly to Zhang Yi, grabbed the book in his hand and said with a smile: "what are you doing here? Can't you read at home? "

"I'm waiting for you." Zhang Yi put the book away. His voice was soft, like a spring breeze, which made Chu Huan's heart ripple.

Chu Huan avoided Zhang Yi's eyes and angrily said, "are you waiting for me, or are you here and there?"

Then she glanced around, and the girls who secretly looked at Zhang Yi left one after another. There are even bold people who deliberately pass in front of Zhang Yi with a smile in their eyes and a twist of their waist when they walk. It seems that they are attracting Zhang Yi's attention in this way.

Chu Huan took Zhang Yi's arm and swore for autonomy. He said, "you are not in good health. You can't blow the cool wind. Let's go back." Finish to stare at those women one eye, the voice raised a few decibels, "after you don't wait for me here, it's bad for your health."

Looking at her angry face, Zhang Yi chuckled: "jealous?"

"Who is jealous?" Chu Huan curled her lips, "I just don't like those people scratching their heads in front of you. In any case, I am also your daughter-in-law. Where do they put me? I do this to protect my dignity as a wife. "

Zhang Yi just laughs and doesn't say much. His eyes are full of doting.

"How is Song Qing now?" Zhang Yi changed the topic.

Chu Huan sighed, "she has a deep feeling for Wei Yuan. She has to cry and cry out to marry Wei Yuan, which makes me headache." She looked up at Zhang Yi for a long time and then said, "do you really want to save Wei Yuan? He is a disaster. If you let him out, it will last for thousands of years. "

"Song Fu Fu said that the plague was only temporarily controlled. Once the disease broke out, the great Luo immortal could not save them." Zhang Yi held her hand. "I know your worry. You can rest assured that as long as I am there, no one will hurt you."

Chu Huan nods. With Zhang Yi in her heart, she will have a special sense of security.

"By the way, do you know where Wei Yuan learned his medical skills?"

She has always been curious about this question. It's a remote place. The doctors are only barefoot doctors and quacks. There is no reliable doctor. And it is impossible for him to study medicine by himself, unless Wei Yuan is a genius.

Zhang Yi shook his head. "I only saw him read medical books. I don't know who he is learning from."

"Do you think Mrs. Wei will know?" Chu Huan tentatively said that she still did not want to hand these people's lives to Wei Yuan. If we can know where Wei Yuan's teacher is, even if we don't release Wei Yuan, these people will be fine.

Zhang Yi was not very clear about this. He promised Chu Huan to ask.

Mrs. Wei's impression of Zhang Yi is not too bad, especially after Zhang Yi told her that she would rescue Wei Yuan, Mrs. Wei almost regarded Zhang Yi as the Savior and flattered him.

Hearing Zhang Yi's inquiry about Wei Yuan's medical skills, Mrs. Wei's expression became alert, "what do you ask this for?"

"I'm just curious." Zhang Yi said slowly, and then used the remaining light to observe the old lady Wei's look, to see what she should know.

Mrs. Wei's moral character is not very good, but she is very painful to Wei Yuan. She forbids anyone to do anything harmful to Wei Yuan.

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "don't be nervous. I just ask casually.""I don't know." Mrs. Wei said coldly, "Zhang Yi, you told me that I would rescue my son. Several days have passed. When will you let Lord Mu release people? "

"It's not the time. Wait."

"Don't lie to me. I'll tell you, if Wei Yuan has a problem in prison, I won't let you go. " Mrs. Wei's attitude toward him changed a hundred and eighty degrees, "I have nothing to say to you now. What do you want to know? I won't tell you until you save my son. "

"Do you know why Mr. Mu refused to let Wei Yuan go Zhang Yi asked back. Seeing that old lady Wei was at a loss, he went on, "besides Wei Yuan's plot against Chu Huan, there was also Lord Mu's suspicion that the plague had something to do with him. I just want to come and ask, see if there is any way to help Wei Yuan get rid of the suspicion. Since you're so defensive against me, I'll take it as if I didn't ask about it, so I'll leave. "

Mrs. Wei thought about the truth of his words and hesitated for a moment, "can I see my son?"

"Lord Mu ordered that no one should visit Wei Yuan. There is nothing I can do about it." Zhang Yi's voice was a little more helpless.

"You and my son have been classmates for years, and he has always regarded you as your best friend. Even And... " Mrs. Wei thought for a moment and took out a book from her arms and handed it to him. "He told me before that if anything happened to him, he would let me give it to you. See for yourself