Mrs. Zhang pushed aside the crowd and cried to Kang Ying: "what are you doing? Put the scissors down. Even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about Zhang Ming in bed? "

Chu Huan slowly moved to Zhang Yi's side and poked him. "Do you think she's making a show or is she really going to hurt herself?"

Kang Ying is selfish. Chu Huan doesn't believe that she will do anything amazing.

"She really does harm to herself."

Zhang Yi's voice is not big, but in Chu Huan's ear, it is like a thunderbolt.

Kang Ying was in tears. She didn't expect that at this time, only Mrs. Zhang cared about herself. She had done so many things to apologize to Mrs. Zhang before, and she felt guilty when she thought about it.

"Putong" knelt on the ground and choked: "Auntie, I know that because of my mouth, my family is not peaceful. From now on, I will be a mute and never speak again, which is to repay my previous crimes."

Kang Ying stabbed her tongue with a pair of scissors. Blood flowed from her mouth and dropped down her jaw to the ground.

Everyone at the scene was frightened by her move, and no one dared to step forward.

Chu Huan thought that Kang Ying was holding scissors to frighten Zhang Hai, and broke his idea of divorcing his wife. Unexpectedly, Kang Ying would really hurt herself.

Seeing Kang Ying want to stab again, she took the scissors in her hand and said, "what are you doing?"

"I Atonement... " Kangying's tongue was damaged, and Chu Huan could only judge what she said from her mouth shape.

Seeing her like this, Chu Huan was a little sad, "if you had known this day, why have you had it at the beginning. You can bear it. I'll stop the bleeding. "

Kang Ying shakes his head and looks at Zhang Hai with more expectation in his eyes.

Zhang Hai avoided her eyes and shrank in the crowd, but did not let go.

Mr. Zhang pulled Zhang Hai out of the crowd, "you're talking."

Zhang Hai glanced at Kang Ying with Yu Guang. He lowered his head and did not dare to face her eyes. He murmured in a low voice: "this is her fault. She can't blame others."

Mr. Zhang didn't expect Zhang Hai, regardless of his daughter-in-law's death or life, to say such words, slapped him in the face, "one day husband and wife hundred days of grace, how can you say such words?"

Zhang Hai covered his face and said angrily, "since I married her, my family has not lived peacefully. In the past, she also said that she would change, but later she became more and more serious. I can't believe her again. I'm telling you, I'm not going to change my mind today. She, I'll take it off. "

This sentence sentenced Kang Ying to death.

She just bit Zhang Hai, but she didn't expect Zhang Hai to be so heartless that he didn't have husband and wife feelings at all.

Kang Ying has lost her fertility. Even if she is divorced, she will not be able to have children. Zhang Hai doesn't let her feel better, and she can't make Zhang Hai feel better.

Kang Ying, with a fierce light on her face, rushed to Zhang Hai with scissors, saying something in her mouth. Zhang Hai saw her rushing over and hid in Master Zhang's hand. He kept shouting: "murder of my husband, murder of my husband..."

The rest of the family rushed to catch Kang Ying's arm and took off the scissors in her hand, so as not to hurt Zhang Hai.

Zhang Hai poked his head out of the old man's back. He took a careful look at Kang Ying and exclaimed, "Kang Ying is crazy. Tie her up and send her back to Kang's home."

When the Kang family saw the battle, they didn't dare to stay here. They were afraid that those people in Zhangjia would send Kang Ying back. They left long ago when they were unprepared.

Kang Ying is tied up.

Chu Huan hated her as a human being, but she was not guilty to death. In the past, she wanted to help her stop bleeding.

Kang Ying's Scarlet eyes were fixed on her. As long as she was close, Kang Ying would open her mouth to bite her.

Zhang Hai went to Chu Huan and said angrily, "don't pay attention to this poisonous woman."

Chu Huan glared at him, "no matter how she is, she is your daughter-in-law. If you force her to death, you won't be afraid that she will come to you in the middle of the night and ask for your life. "

Zhang Hai said goodbye and said no more.

Chu Huan was patient and said to Kang Ying, "in this life, you can't live with anyone but yourself. If you die, you're going to get somebody else's money. If I were you, I would live well, and never die with those who hurt me, and see who was the last one to be unlucky

She said this not only to Kang Ying, but also to Zhang Hai. She asked Zhang Hai to let Kang Ying go.

Zhang Hai did not seem to hear the same, gray back to his room.

Kang Ying is completely disappointed with Zhang Hai. Her eyes are muddy and her eyes are dull. She has lost the courage to live.

Chu Huan walked up to her and slapped her in the face, "are you afraid of death, or are you afraid of living? If you really want to die, I don't care about you and let you bleed to death; as long as you are willing to watch the people who hurt you live happily. "

Kang Ying's eyes turned, and Chu Huan heard her words this time, and continued: "if you want to survive, just nod and I'll help you heal; if you report your determination to die, shake your head. No matter how you choose, I will respect your choice."

Kang Ying first shook her head and then turned to her room. She married Zhang Hai, who was very poor. If she hadn't taken out her dowry, Zhang Hai might still be living a begging life. Zhang Hai didn't know how to be grateful. She still wanted her life. She was really unwilling.She turned her head, looked at Chu Huan, nodded solemnly, and opened her mouth to let Chu Huan stop bleeding for her.

Chu Huan was a little relieved and went to examine her wound. This time, Kang Ying put a cruel hand on herself. She didn't want her life and hurt her life. Even if she recovered, it would affect her speech.

After giving her hemostasis, Chu Huan felt that it was no way to tie her like this. He said to Mr. Zhang, "Dad, can you untie sister-in-law first?"

At first, I heard that he wanted to divorce his wife, but Mr. Zhang naturally disagreed. He thought it was a disgrace to his family. But when he saw Kang Ying with scissors to kill Zhang Hai, his attitude towards Kang Ying changed.

No matter how, Kang Ying is also an outsider. When facing danger, his first thought is to protect Zhang Hai's safety.

"Tie it first. I'll send her back to Kang's house later."

Kang Ying was so excited that she rolled down from her chair like a bug and rolled to Mr. Zhang.

Once sent back, her life would be ruined.

Chu Huan had a heart to help her. This thing was not her has the final say, looked to Zhang Yi, hoped that he could have an idea.

"Dad, I can't blame my sister-in-law for this. I'd better take a long-term view..."

"Zhang Yi, what do you mean by that? Don't blame her, do you blame me? " Zhang Hai's voice came from the room, "you married a good daughter-in-law who can make money. Why let me guard a shrew all my life? I tell you, even if I'm evicted, I'll give her up. "

He came out of the room and threw the written letter of divorce to Kang Ying. "From now on, we will be cut off from each other and have nothing to do with it."