Kang Ying's mood finally eased a little. Hearing this, she struggled to roll towards him.

Zhang Hai looked at her in disgust and jumped back, "the letter of divorce has been given to you. You should stay away from me. Otherwise, don't blame me for neglecting my old love."

Kang Ying opened her mouth. Blood flowed out of her mouth again and vomited her face.

Zhang Hai's legs are covered with blood stains. This is the clothes that Zhang Hai just changed today. She is going to leave Kangying to see Yuanyuan in the evening, so she is soiled by Kang Ying.

Not angry, he picked up the stick and hit Kang Ying.

The stick hit Kang Ying again and again. She screamed in pain and kept rolling on the ground.

Chu Huan couldn't see it anymore. He came up and yelled at Zhang Hai, "what do you want to do? How can you say that she is also your wife with hair, but are you so cruel to her? "

"I'm cruel to her. Why don't you say she's cruel to me?" Zhang Hai held up the stick, "get out of my way, or I'll fight you together."

"You try to move a hair on me." Chu Huan took a few steps in front of him.

Zhang Hai just wanted to frighten her, and didn't dare to do it to her. She was forced to retreat by Chu Huan. Back to the wall, body straight against the wall, hands of the stick in the air, fall is not, not fall is not.

Chu Huan grabs the stick in his hand and holds it in his hand. Zhang Hai's cold eyes tremble in his heart, "you What do you want to do? "

"A lesson, of course." Chu Huan said while fighting to Zhang Hai.

Zhang Hai stood in the corner of the wall, there is no place to escape, pointing to Chu Huan, "I warn you, if you want to start on me again, I will be rude to you."

"Don't be polite to me. It's just been a few days." Chu Huan took hold of the stick and tightened his hand. His bones were nervous and his voice was creaking.

Zhang Hai roared in the direction of Zhang Yi: "what are you doing standing there? Come and take care of your daughter-in-law? "

Mr. Zhang always loved Zhang Hai. When he heard his voice coming out of the room, he roared to Chu Huan: "what are you doing?"

Chu Huan shrugged, "as you can see."

Zhang Hai became what he is now because of his rebellious love. Now he doesn't know how to reflect on him. He conceals Zhang Hai, and sooner or later he will regret it.

Chu Huan turned to Kang Ying, untied her rope, picked up the letter of divorce from the ground, glanced at it roughly, and gave it to Kang Ying, "he gave you a break, which is also a relief to you. Later, he will find a good man to marry and live his own wonderful life, which will make him regret. "

The handwriting on the letter of divorce is particularly dazzling. Kang Ying closes her eyes and tears fall down. When she opens again, in the eye many a firm, will cease the book, nods toward Chu Huan.

She no longer seeks life and death, Chu Huan is also at ease.

Kang Ying gets up from the ground and asks Chu Huan to help her into the house. She finds out the dowry list of her early years and hands it to Zhang Hai, meaning that he should return the dowry.

Kang's family is not a wealthy family, but also a love for her daughter. In addition, Zhang Yi was very proud at that time. Many people said that he was the number one scholar. The Kang family also paid attention to this point. They hoped that after she married, she would not be looked down upon by the zhangjias. The dowry she gave her was not small. The total amount of the total amount was about 50 Liang and there were two pieces of land. Take these things back, Kang Ying will not go back to Kang's house, nor will she die of hunger.

Zhang Hai took the dowry list and said coldly, "I have never moved your dowry. Don't ask me for it."

Kang Ying's lips moved, "ah ah..." The meaning is very clear.

If Zhang Hai doesn't give her a dowry, she won't leave.

Chu Huan decided to help Kang Ying and went to Zhang Hai, "do you want to divorce your wife and leave a dowry?"

"Who needs her junk?" Zhang Hai exclaimed, the voice is a little empty.

"If it's not rare, bring it out." Chu Huan stretched out his hand, "don't let outsiders think that our Zhangjia is greedy for Kang's dowry, and is stabbed on the backbone."

Zhang and his wife always valued face. When they heard her say so, they felt reasonable. He said to Zhang Hai, "if you want to divorce your wife, you should return the dowry."


If you want money, Zhang Hai has already thrown Kang Ying in the face. Isn't there no money?

"I'll give you how much it takes." The voice of Oriole came from outside.

She was wearing a pink skirt, a golden hairpin, a melon seed face, and a pair of big eyes, which made Zhang Hai's dream come true.

Zhang Hai quickly pasted it and held her hand. "How did you come? You are not well enough to blow the wind. I will help you into the room. "

Kang Ying and Zhang Hai have been married for so many years. She has always known that Zhang Hai is ignorant and incompetent. She did not expect to have such a tender side.

At this moment, Kang Ying felt very silly.

At the beginning, Zhang Hai tried to get rid of Zhang Jia and wanted to redeem Yuanyuan. Unfortunately, there was not enough money at that time. At that time, she thought that Zhang Hai was misled by lard. After that time, she would be OK. She didn't expect

She wryly smile, is she too silly, did not see Zhang Hai's true face.

Yuanyuan shook her head. "I heard you're going to divorce your wife. Come and have a look. In the future, we're going to get married and live together. I don't want other people to gossip and come and help you"No, I can handle it." Zhang Hai's face was full of flattering smiles.

She took out two yuan of money from her dowry

"How can you give me the money? I have it. I give it." Zhang Hai hastily said, "from now on, we'll be clean."

Kang Ying picked up the money from the ground. With the money and two pieces of land, she could not die of hunger.

She turned into the house and went to hold Zhang Ming. She was stopped by Mrs. Zhang. "You can go. Zhang Ming is the blood of our family and must stay."

Kang Ying is the only son. How can she leave Zhang Ming here? She is about to rush into the house when she pushes away old lady Zhang. The old lady follows in quickly. There is a noise coming from inside.

Chu Huan's eyes have been staying on Yuanyuan. I've heard that Yuanyuan is extraordinary. When I see her today, it's true.

This figure, appearance and mind are beyond the control of ordinary people.

What puzzled her was why Yuanyuan chose Zhang Hai. Even if she went to a wealthy family as a concubine, she was better than following Zhang Hai.

Chu Huan poked Zhang Yi with a hand poke, "this Yuanyuan is not good."

"She can't get into the door of Zhang Jia." Zhang Yi uttered this sentence.

Chu Huan shook his head, "this time she came prepared, not easy to send away." Suddenly thought of what way, "Zhang Ming? Do you think it's better for him to stay or to leave with his sister-in-law? "

"Don't mind these things." Zhang Yi said in a deep voice, "let them make trouble first."

Yuanyuan and Zhang Hai came to their side. Before he got close, Chu Huan smelled a pungent smell of fat and powder. He couldn't help sneezing. He was a bit alert. It seemed that there was a tough battle to fight.