Yuanyuan walks one step and three shakes. When she looks at Zhang Yi, a touch of amazement disappears in her eyes.

Chu Huan didn't like the way she looked at Zhang Yi. She put her arm in his arm and declared her sovereignty.

"This must be the second brother and sister-in-law?" Yuanyuan's voice is very light and soft, with a kind of charming crisp, listening to Chu Huan's goose bumps on the ground.

"How can you identify relatives?" Chu Huan glanced at her, a little displeased.

"How do you speak?" Zhang Haiyao said to her, and then said, "I have made a private engagement with Yuanyuan for life. I will marry her in a few days. Call you sister-in-law is to give you face, you do not give face shameless. "

"I'd rather not have that face." Chu Huan said with a smile, "I was called sister-in-law by a brothel woman. I'm afraid I don't have the face to live anymore."

Yuanyuan's body trembled, a line of clear tears fell down, the eyes of Chu Huan, I see still pity. Zhang Hai quickly wiped her tears and felt sad. He said angrily to Chu Huan: "yes, you have been expelled from Zhangjiakou. You are not qualified to let her call you sister-in-law again. Get out of here. I don't want to see you. "

Chuhuan was amused by his words, "don't you forget that the name of my husband is written in this house. If I let you live, you can live here with peace of mind. If I don't let you live, you can only get out of here. "

When Yuanyuan looked at Zhang Hai, she explored more.

Zhang Hai couldn't hang on his face and exclaimed, "what are you talking about? This is Zhangjia. Even if Zhang Yi's name is written, it is also the ancestral residence of Zhangjia. You can take it back at any time if you like. "

Zhang Hai is really "shameless" these three words play to the extreme.

Arguing with such people, Chu Huan really felt that he would lower his level.

Zhang Hai, with a smile on her face, looked at her as a winner and pointed to tan and them: "I tell you, if you don't roll, don't blame me for turning my face mercilessly."

Chu Huan pinched his finger and pressed his hand to hear the sound of bone fracture.


Screams hovered in the sky over Zhangjia.

"I hate people using their fingers. Breaking one of your fingers is a lesson to you. Next time, I'll cut off all ten fingers in your hand and feed it to the dog

Chu Huan releases Zhang Hai. Zhang Hai doesn't stand firm and staggers back a few steps.

Yuanyuan helped him and said, "how are you? Are you all right? "

Finish saying, head twist to Chu Huan, "I know my identity is not clear, you look down on me. But I couldn't help falling to that kind of place. I was sold to the brothel by my father to pay off my gambling debts. I struggled and escaped. Every time I was caught, I was beaten severely. "

She rolled up her sleeve, which had been scarred by the beating.

"I have been waiting in the brothel for many years, and finally I meet Zhang Hai. So he redeemed himself and wanted to live a good life with him. Is that wrong? "

Chu Huan had to admit that she played the bitter card very well. If I hadn't read so many books and TV, I would have been cheated by her.

She doesn't hate brothel women. What she hates is Yuanyuan, a green tea whore.

"You're right. You're in a place where you can't control." Hearing Chu Huan's words, Yuanyuan's face was happy. Chu Huan continued, "so what? No matter how you get there, you're not innocent. If you really want to have a good life with Zhang Hai, you can leave here and have a little life for both of you. "

"This is Zhangjia. It's not your turn to be in charge." Zhang Hai angry way, see Yuanyuan and wipe tears, soft voice comfort, "you don't worry, I'm in, no one dares to bully you."

Yuanyuan took his hand and choked in her voice, "I know you are good to me. If you fall out with my family for me, would I not be a sinner for ages? Since Zhangjia can't accommodate me so much, I'll leave as if we've never met. Take care of yourself. "

"You don't go. It's them who should go." Zhang Hai took a look at Chu Huan and Zhang Yi and continued, "let's go back to the house and ignore them."

He made up his mind to keep Yuanyuan no matter what happened.

Chu Huan's mouth slightly raised, this time Zhang Hai was trapped.

Kang Ying comes out of the house with Zhang Ming in her arms. After so many days of treatment, Zhang Ming's face is much better, but her body is still a little weak.

Holding Kang Ying's neck tightly, he said to Mrs. Zhang, "grandma, please don't separate me from my mother."

Mrs. Zhang loves Zhang Ming, and it's not easy to fight for it at this time.

Chu Huan stepped forward and said to Mrs. Zhang, "let sister-in-law Take Zhang Ming away. The elder brother wants to marry a brothel woman as his wife. It's not a good thing for Zhang Ming to stay here. "

"He dares." Mrs. Zhang said angrily.

According to the rules set by the ancestors of Zhangjia, brothel women are not allowed to enter the door of Zhangjia. In recent years, Zhang Hai's ups and downs have been seen in the face of Zhang Hai's dead parents, with one eye open and one eye closed. However, it does not prove that he can tolerate his continuous mischief.Otherwise, how can she face Zhang Hai's parents a hundred years later?

"The man is already in the house." Chu Huan pointed to the other side, old lady Zhang's face drooped longer, and walked towards that side.

Chu Huan takes advantage of this opportunity, Kang Ying makes a look, motioning her to take Zhang Ming to leave.

Mr. Zhang came out of the room. Hearing this, he took a stick from the root of the wall and went to the room.

It's just that I'm entangled with the brothel girl. I dare to bring it back to disgrace.

Absolutely not.

Zhang Yi didn't trust him. He followed him.

Zhang Hai protects Yuanyuan in his arms and allows him to beat and scold, but he doesn't let go.

"Zhang Hai, I know what you mean to me. Let me go, or you will die." Yuanyuan sobs and pushes him away. Master Zhang's stick falls on Yuanyuan's head, and she faints.

Zhang Hai turned to him and said, "what do you want to do? If you want to look at me, hit me, scold me, I will not answer back. What's wrong with Yuanyuan? She just wants to live a normal life. Do you need to be so cruel to her? "

He touched a tear in the corner of his eye, "since you can't hold me, we'll separate, and the well water will not offend the river from now on."

Mr. Zhang was also frightened by this scene and stood there at a loss.

Chu Huan wants to examine Yuanyuan and is pushed away by Zhang Hai. "Don't be hypocritical here. If Zhang Yi didn't marry you, would this family be like this?"

Chu Huan frowned. Zhang Hai's behavior was strange.

When Yuanyuan is injured, Zhang Hai should take care of Yuanyuan's safety first, instead of discussing the issue of family property.

Unless Yuanyuan is pretending.

Zhang Yi held her, and Zhang Hai's heart trembled when she looked at her with gloomy compassion. "My parents raised you since childhood. You don't know how to be grateful. Do you still want to covet the family property? I'll tell you, if you want to get out of here and take something from home, I'll break your leg. "

Chu Huan agreed: "you are in charge of fighting, I am in charge of treatment. If you can't die, you can do it."

When Zhang Hai pointed out his finger and pointed at them, he touched Chu Huan's eyes. He quickly took it back and nodded, "OK, good, good. Don't blame me for your ruthlessness. Let's see. "