Chu Shan is now forced to a desperate situation and wants to agree. He turns to think of Wei Yuan's sending the Song family to prison. He is silent.

"Don't worry. As long as you listen to me, I will not only help you with the money, but also let Lord Mu let your mother go."

Chu Shan quickly agreed, "OK, I promise you."

In recent years, the Song family was in charge of the family, and the house deed, land lease and silver were hidden by the Song family. Once she is in prison, Chu Shan will get nothing. If she goes on like this, he will starve to death sooner or later.

With Wei Yuan, not only can help him to solve the dilemma in front of him, but also can save the Song family, kill two birds with one stone.

"Follow me." Wei Yuan ordered.

Clothes across his face, a smell of Chinese herbal medicine.

Chu Shan, like a dogleg, was behind Wei Yuan, with a flattering smile on his face, "where are we going now? Do you want to pay my debts or save my mother? "

Wei Yuan ignored him and went on.

Seeing that his face was not right, Chu Shan didn't dare to say more. He just followed him and muttered in his heart for fear that Wei Yuan would sell him.

Zhang Yi slowly turned to wake up, Chu Huan poured him a glass of water, concerned: "how do you feel?"

Zhang Yi's eyebrows were locked and he took Chu Huan's hand and nervously said, "Wei Yuan saved me?"

Chu Huan curled his lips, hesitated for a moment, and nodded, which was tacit to his words.

Afraid of Zhang Yi's anger, he hurriedly said: "don't worry, Wei Yuan's conscience found that he didn't ask too much."

Zhang Yi's brow frowned a little deeper, "Wei Yuan this person will never take the initiative to make friends with people."

"Whatever it is, you're all right." Chu Huan only cares about Zhang Yi. As long as Zhang Yi is OK, what is the matter with others.

She reaches for Zhang Yi's pulse. Zhang Yi's pulse is stable, and a lot of toxins are removed from his body.

Chu Huan put his heart down and lay down beside Zhang Yi's bed. Facing him, he whispered, "do you know that I'm going to be scared to death these days. When you're good, you must make up for me."

"Whatever you want, just say it."

Chu Huan head looking at the roof, now the life has reached her expectations, she is very satisfied, a time also can not think of what to want.

"Chu Huan!" Zhang Yi's voice sank a little bit, and his look became very solemn. "Will you be unhappy if I deal with Wei Yuan?"

"You want to deal with Wei Yuan?" Chu Huan looks a little shocked. No matter what Wei Yuan did before, Zhang Yi always turned a blind eye to him and never interfered in Wei Yuan's affairs.

Suddenly proposed to deal with Wei Yuan, she in addition to shock, or shock.

Zhang Yi just nodded, but did not state the reason.

He did not say, Chu Huan did not ask, just said: "Wei Yuan is cruel, you must be careful."

"Thank you."

"There's no need to say thanks between us." Chu Huan was not satisfied. He was so polite to himself and continued, "I will help you when necessary."

She also felt that Wei Yuan's retention was always a disaster. If we get rid of him, everyone would be happy. Otherwise, we would have to live in fear every day.

"Cousin, are you there?" Outside came Song Qing's voice.

After falling out with the Song family, everyone in the Song family shunned her, especially Song Qing, who took her as the air and ignored her directly.

Her eyelids suddenly jump very strong, always think that now Song Qing to find her will not have any good thing.

She covered Zhang Yi with a quilt. "You have a good rest. I'll go out for a while."

Song Qing's eyes are red and swollen. After only a few days' hard work, Song Qing's whole body is thinner than before. It seems that a gust of wind can blow her away.

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Huan concerned about the way, for this cousin, she has always been ruthless, "is what happened?"

Song Qing wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes and stared at him, "are you going to make up with Zhang Yihe and Wei Yuan again?"

"Ah?" Chu Huan frowned, "where did you hear these words, how can I not know?"

"It has been spread all over the country. Otherwise, how could you go to Wei Yuan several times?" Song Qing asked, "chuhuan, I always regard you as my good friend and sister, but I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Chu Huan was a little confused by what she said. Song Qing saw that she didn't speak and thought she was acquiesced. She sneered, "what else do you have to say now?"

"I admit, I went to Wei Yuan, but..."

"You are indeed a woman of easy temper." Song Qing interrupted her, "why do you do this? Do you know Wei Yuan is going to divorce me? What do you want me to do in the future? "

Tears wet Song Qing's eyes, holding hands tightly, seems to be holding on to something.

The Song family is also a well-known family. It is a great shame for their family to quit marriage.

Song Qinghui's reputation was damaged and criticized.

Why is Wei Yuan's business everywhere?

Chu Huan sighed in his heart. At the beginning, Wei Yuan wanted to be with Song Qing. There was something fishy in it. Song Qing couldn't see the situation clearly, so he tried to get into it.Now something happened, to blame her, she said she was very unjust.

"I won't be with Zhang Yi and Li, let alone with Wei Yuan. Don't worry about this. As for the matter between you and Wei Yuan, I don't want to be in charge of it Chu Huan made his stand clear.

Song Qing slowly squatted down, buried his head in his arm and murmured to himself, "why do you all marry? Wei Yuan still thinks about you? Why... "

Chu Huan went to her side, reached out and hugged her, and said in a low voice, "Wei Yuan just said that he would quit marriage. As long as he didn't withdraw from marriage with you one day, you would still be his fiancee."

"Really?" Song Qing, I can't miss her eyes. If one day he really quits my marriage, I'll find a rope to hang. "

Song Qing is sure to be able to do this.

Chu Huan didn't know what to say.

After poisoning this matter, Zhang Yi has seen Wei Yuan's true face thoroughly and wants to be the enemy of Wei Yuan. If something happens to Wei Yuan in the future, she is really worried about Song Qing.

She wiped the tears on Song Qing's face and said, "you are the pride of the Song family. You should not be so low for a man. If you really want him to like you, you will become strong, and crying will only make people look down on you

"Cousin, do you dare to swear to the sky that if you have Wei Yuan in your heart, you will not die easily if you have five thunder blasts."

Chu Huan frown, Song Qing, how many meanings does this mean?

She didn't flinch for a curse.

What's more, she doesn't like Wei Yuan, but the owner likes it. Who knows if she takes such an oath, will it be ok?

"If you dare not swear, you still have him in your heart." Song Qing pushed her hand away, and her eyes were fierce and sharp. She said maliciously, "cousin, you are really hypocritical."