Before Song Qing, she would not be confused by this kind of love.

Chu Huan's eyes are a little more lost, Song Qing so unreasonable, more said useless.

Turn to go, was stopped by Song Qing, "I said the central thing want to slip ah?"

"I repeat, I don't like Wei Yuan. For him, maybe I used to like him, but now I just hate him Chu Huan said every word.

"You're talking nonsense. How can you hate him?" Song Qing fiercely said, obviously do not believe what she said.

Chu Huan was really angry with her. Could Song Qing like Wei Yuan? Should the whole world like Wei Yuan?

She didn't care about that scum.

"Isn't it worth my disgust that he's not as good as a beast?" Chu Huan sneered, "don't forget, I've got married. You come to my house and point to my nose and say I like others. How do you want my husband to think?"

"You were sold to Zhang Jia. What feelings can you have for him?"

"Zhang Yi is better than Wei Yuan in all aspects, and he is more caring for me. Unless I am a fool, I will not abandon such a good man and stay with Wei Yuan." When he mentioned Zhang Yi, Chu Huan's lips crossed with a smile.

After such a long time of hard work, she and Zhang Yi have achieved a good result and can't make any mistakes.

"Who knows if you're saying that to cover up what you really think." Song Qing said in his heart, "no matter how you don't believe his ghost, you will not believe it."

Chu Huan is completely out of temper by her, so lazy to take care of her, she turns to see Zhang Yi standing at the door.

"How did you come out?"

Zhang Yi is weak and not suitable for blowing.

Chu Huan held him, his face was worried.

"It's OK." Zhang Yi shook his head and looked at Song Qing. "Chuhuan is my wife. Are you trying to stir up the relationship between our husband and wife when you say these words?"

"She's your wife, but she broke out and robbed my fiance." Song Qing was angry and indignant. He had the intention to complain to Zhang Yi.

"Wei Yuan?" Zhang Yi sneered, "Wei Yuan has been pestering her all the time, even forcing her to leave with my life. If she had Wei Yuan in her heart, she would have rushed to Wei Yuan. How could she stay here with me, a half dead person? I don't want to hear that again, or I'll make you look good. "

His eyes drooped, and there was a trace of ferocity in the bottom of his eyes.

Song Qing shrinks his neck. Obviously, he is afraid of Zhang Yi. He lowers his head and dare not look at him.

"Let's go back." Zhang Yi's words are gentle, just like the spring breeze blowing through Chu Huan's heart, warm and warm.

Chu Huan looked back at Song Qing, "you go, you are not welcome here."

Song Qing stamped her feet. Why did Zhang Yi and Wei Yuan like Chu Huan and treat her well. What about yourself?

I just want to stay with Wei Yuan.

In the heart of Chu Huan hate and a little bit more, in the heart secretly vowed, no matter who Chu Huan's heart that person is, she can't let Chu Huan live well.

Chu Huan helped Zhang Yi into the room. His words were full of discontent. "You should lie down in bed and have a rest these days. Don't move around any more, you know? Otherwise, I don't care what happens to you. "

Zhang Yi held her hand with a smile, "OK, I'll listen to you. It's just that Song Qing is not good at heart. Don't associate with her any more. "

Chu Huan sighed, "she is not insincere, just be infatuated by feelings. No wonder she. If I were her, someone would rob my fiance, I would have chopped that man with a knife

Said to see Zhang Yi one eye, "you can be careful later, don't be confused with other women, or I will let you look good."

"I'm afraid to say so." Zhang Yi's eyes a little more doting, she pulled her to his side, "don't worry, in this life, in addition to you, I will not have another woman."

"It's a deal. You can't lie to me. I'm very fierce." Chu Huan's heart is full of sweetness.

Living in this world, her life has been very poor, but there are loved ones around, poverty is also full of fun.

In the evening, mu Yunshu rushed over to tell them some bad news. Song's family hanged himself in prison.

At the beginning of hearing this news, Chu Huan, a Mei, stood firm and almost knocked on the table. She grabbed mu Yunshu's arm and said nervously, "then she How is it now? "

"Out of danger, just..."

"It's just something. Tell me."

Song's mother didn't want her life, even if she didn't want her life.

"She's now refusing to take drugs and dying."

Mu Yunshu's words like a bolt from the blue, Chu Huan's brain "buzzing" sound, half a day did not respond.

Song always cherishes his life. How can he suddenly ask for death?

Chu Huan stares at mu Yunshu, "did she encounter anything in prison? Did you Lynch her? "

Mu Yunshu was silent, which was tacit to her."You know she was wronged and sent to prison just to teach her a lesson. Why did you Lynch her? Why? " Chu Huan pulled his clothes and growled, "where is she now? Take her with you. "

This is also why mu Yunshu came here.

Chu Shan did not know where he was, and the Song family was like this again. If the Song family died, he would not be able to explain, so he came to find Chu Huan.

Chu Huan offered to see the Song family. He couldn't get it. He took Chu Huan with him.

Zhang Yi wants to go with him, but Chu Huan refuses, telling him to have a good rest at home and not to worry about himself.

Song's family was locked in a small room with guards at the door, and the sound of smashing things could be heard inside.

Mu Yunshu asked the bodyguard to open the door, and a teacup flew out of it. Mu Yunshu blocked her in front of her. The cup hit mu Yunshu and left some tea stains on her clothes.

Chu Huan looked in the direction of the teacup. Song's hair was messy and his clothes were shabby. There were marks of being whipped on his body. He also had injuries on his face. He was covered by his hair. He could not see clearly.

Chu Huan said to Mu Yun: "wait for me here. I'll go in and have a look."

"She's a madman now. She'll fight anyone she sees. I'll go in with you." Mu Yunshu doesn't trust her alone. In case of her accident, he can't explain it to Zhang Yi.

"Anyway, she's my mother, and she won't really kill me." Chu Huan picked up the pieces of the teacup from the ground. "If she dares to fight me, I won't be arrested. You can rest assured."

Mu Yunshu hesitated for a moment, nodded and let herself in.

The Song family smashed things in the house. The ground was in a mess, and there was no place to settle down.

"Have you done enough?" Chu Huan said coldly.

"You dare come, little bitch." Song Shi said toward her, as if to see the enemy's beast, cold and vicious.