Chu Huan body to one side of the past, the arm was song's nails cut, the wound is not very deep, blood in the Qin out.

Chu Huan frowned, staring at Song Shi, "what are you doing?"

"If you hurt me so far, I'll kill you." Song Shi said and rushed to her, like a fierce ghost.

She kicked the Song family away and walked up to him. "Don't think I don't know what tricks you're playing. I warn you, this is Mu's house. If you go on like this, you will only insult yourself. "

"I'm just insulting myself. Can't you see that?" Song looked at her coldly, "the thing I regret most in my life is that I gave birth to you, a bitch. If it wasn't for you, I would not have fallen into this situation. I'm not good, and I'm not going to let you

Song Shi got up, lifted the stool beside her and threw it at her. "I have committed murder, but I can't live. Death, I also want to pull you when the back

Chu Huan sneered. Song's appearance, which is like suicide, is clearly inspired by someone.

You don't have to think about who can come up with such a bad idea.

She glanced at Song Shi and looked serious. "I came this time to save you. Since you are crazy, you are also a disaster. Just stay in prison."

Song Shi stopped and stood there stunned, "you I beg your pardon? Are you going to let me out? "

"You hurt me, do you think you can go out?"

Song Shi stumbled to her side and begged, "do you really want to let me out?"

"Let me let you out. Tell me first, who made you do this? What is the purpose of this? " Chu Huan stares at her coldly.

Song Shi was so upset that she said: "yes It's Wei Yuan. He said that as long as I do this, I can go out. "

"You pretend to commit suicide and make a fool of yourself in Mu's house. If Lord Mu was not kind-hearted and didn't care about you, you would have died earlier." Chu Huan was very angry with her.

Last time Wei Yuan asked her to poison Zhang Yi, and then she was sent to prison. I didn't expect that song's memory did not rise, and he still listened to Wei Yuan's words. He really responded to that sentence, remember to eat or not to fight.

She looked serious. "Song Shi, this is the last time I can help you. After that, your life and death have nothing to do with me."

Even the call has been changed.

Song Shi did not respond to come over, stuttered: "what do you call me?"

"We've been cut off, as I call it, to you and to me." Chu Huan glanced at here, stretched out his hand to her, "things can't be hit in vain, we have to pay for it before we go."

"Where am I rich?" Song Shi looked at her with vigilance, "I've been in prison these days, and all my money is used to reward the jailer, otherwise I would have died in prison. You sent me to prison, and you pay for it. "

Mu Yunshu is outside to observe the movement inside. Seeing song's quiet, he is relieved.

He has only one idea now, that is to send the Song family away. It is always a trouble for him to stay here.

Chu Huan came out of the inside with a long face and took out several liang of silver from his sleeve. "This is what I paid for you instead of Song Shi. Thank you for taking care of her these days."

Mu Yunshu's smile was a little awkward. If he hadn't instructed the jailer to use the death penalty in prison, song would not have been like this. He said that he was wrong. Where would he receive Chu Huan's silver, he said with a smile: "you go quickly, I have other things to deal with, do not send."

Song's wish to leave here, heard Mu Yun Shu's words, fly general slip out.

"Mu Yunshu, I want to ask you a question."

"Say it."

"Why did you help Wei Yuan?" Mu Yunshu has always been indifferent to everyone, but his attitude towards Wei Yuan is different from that of others.

Zhang Yi wants to deal with Wei Yuan. If Mu Yunshu helps Wei Yuan, things will become very difficult. She needs to test mu Yunshu's attitude.

"My classmate Wei Yuan and I help him is a matter of course."

"Even if Wei Yuan killed people and set fire to him, you should be lenient to him?" Chu Huan asked. Seeing mu Yunshu's silence, she angrily said, "don't forget that Zhang Yi is also your classmate. Wei Yuan strikes him repeatedly. Why don't you help Zhang Yi? Mu Yunshu, I always think you are unreasonable, but you are not bad. But I didn't expect that you should be able to distinguish right from wrong. You really let me down

"How long have we known each other? How much do you think you know about me?" Mu Yunshu asked, "if you are disappointed, you also let me down. I always thought you were a woman who dared to love and hate. Is not also a fool blinded by love, willing to be with people who do not love themselves. It's not your character to be so complacent. "

"How do you know that Zhang Yi doesn't have me in mind?" Chu Huan laughed, "Mu Yunshu, don't use your thoughts to think about others, especially Zhang Yi."

Mu Yunshu pick eyebrows, "Wei Yuan may have done some things, but he is not bad, I help him is reasonable. If you give up Wei Yuan and choose Zhang Yi, you will regret it one day. "

"I won't regret it." Chu Huan word by word, a little ironic smile, "I choose Wei Yuan that bastard will regret. If I had not been blind and had a fancy to Wei Yuan, Zhang Yi would not have been poisoned. ""I don't regret it later. I'll see it later." Seeing Chu Huan's disbelief, Zhang Yi added, "Zhang Yi is not what you see. His Chengfu is far deeper than you think."

"So what, as long as he is good to me, I don't care what kind of person he is." Chu Huan comforted himself so much. She also knew that she had never really seen Zhang Yi from the beginning to the end.

Mu Yunshu looked at her eyes a little more inquiry, after all, did not say anything more.

Chu Huan glared at him and turned away from Mu's house.

She didn't like mu Yunshu's attitude towards Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi and Wei Yuan, who is good or bad, can be seen by people with long eyes, but mu Yunshu still insists on helping Wei Yuan, which really makes her angry.

Zhang Yi leaned against the door, holding a leaf in her hand and blowing a song she had never heard.

It is the first time that she has heard Zhang Yi play music since she has been married to Zhang Yi for so long.

The melody is graceful and deep, and seems to be pouring out one's mind.

Chu Huan didn't know the rhythm and could hear the sadness in the music.

Zhang Yi has been in a bad mood for a long time. She always thought it was because of Zhang Yi's injury. Now it seems that he has something on his mind and can't tell himself about it.

She stood aside and waited for Zhang Yi to finish playing before she went.

"You come back with a smile."

"Do you have something on your mind?" Chu Huan thought about it and asked.

Zhang Yi thought for a moment and took out a piece of paper from his chest and handed it to Chu Huan. Chu Huan pointed to himself, "for me? What is it? "