Wei Yuan took the book out of her hand. "You don't want to sleep. You'd better chat with me."

Chu Huan glanced at him and said in his heart: what's good to talk about between us?

Even though he hated Wei Yuan in his heart, he didn't want to annoy him. Follow his words and say, "OK."

She looked out and said, "it's a good moon tonight. Why don't you go out and enjoy it?"

After being locked in this room for a day, she was depressed. At this time, she felt even more flustered. It was good to go out and breathe.

Wei Yuan mouth showed a soft smile, "good."

She and Wei Yuan sat on the steps, with their chin on their hands, looking up at the moon in the sky. Mingming is just an ordinary moon. After watching it for a long time, she even saw Zhang Yi's face in it.

In the moonlight, she and Zhang Yi also had good memories.

Thinking of Zhang Yi, her heart began to ache for no reason. Her face became more and more ugly. She lowered her head, and her tears whirled in her eyes and eventually fell.

I don't know what happened to Zhang Yi? How are you getting ready for the marriage with Lanling?

Thinking of this, she would be eager to see Zhang Yi again. They have no chance, and meeting again can not change the status quo, but she just wants to meet.

Wei Yuan has been observing her look. Seeing that her face is different, Wei Yuan says: "half a month later, it will be the day when Zhang Yi and Lanling get married. I can take you there."

Chu Huan's thoughts were pulled back, and a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "what are you going to do? I can't say anything to bless them

"Let you die."

"I'm dead now, but I can't forget him for the time being."

"Zhang Yi almost killed you several times. Why do you love him so much? You are mean. That's why Zhang Yi doesn't like you. No man likes a woman upside down. "

Chu Huan smile some bleak, on his eyes, voice micro tremor, "you? You are not mean. Song Qing has a special love for you, even for you, was expelled from the Song family. You don't want a woman who loves you like a life, but you waste time on me. When it comes to flip flops, you don't accept much. "

"You are by my side now."

"Are you sure I'll always be by your side?" Chu Huan said in a low voice, "have you ever thought that even if you marry me, even if you marry me, even if I have your child, I may not be willing to stay with you sincerely. Maybe you will still have nothing to do."

"If you run to the ends of the earth, I can catch you back." Wei Yuan's venomous eyes stare at her, "even if you run away, Zhang Yi is still there. You make me feel the pain, I will in his body ten times a hundred times to recover

Having said this, Chu Huan decided to strike while the iron was hot. He asked a question that he had never been able to think of. "Did you give him some medicine when Zhang Yi became like this?"

Wei Yuan's eyes were shocked and soon recovered as usual, "yes."

"To keep us apart?" Chu Huan did not die heart way, "you are so proud of a person, why always use some Yin moves? This is not what a gentleman does. "

"From the day I was born, I didn't want to be a gentleman. What I want, I will try my best to get it. No matter what method I use, even if it is a Yin move, I will not hesitate to do it. "

"I can't understand you more and more." Chu Huan dropped his eyes, "I don't like you, because those things before left an indelible shadow in my heart. But when I think of you, it is the first time you appear in front of me. The haze, like the bottom of my heart. At that time, I was most happy that you appeared in front of me. Even if I just looked at you from a distance, I would be happy for a long time. Later I forced to get married. You never know how desperate I was when I went to see you

Wei Yuan looks relaxed, the voice has been soft, "sorry."

"You didn't apologize to me. I respect your choice. But why did you force me again and again? You never know how hard it took me to get you out of my head. That kind of aimless waiting and love, I don't want to try again in this life, don't you understand? "

Wei Yuan reached out and wanted to hold her in his arms. When he touched her, he felt her resistance and took his hand back. He said, "really can't give me another chance. Shall we start again?"

"Missed youth, feelings, do you think you can go back?" Chu Huan asked, waiting for Wei Yuan to answer, she continued, "I know you won't let me go, so..."

She bit her lips, and a bloody breath came from her mouth. The blood slowly came out of the corner of her mouth, and then she bit her tongue. Decided to gamble, see Wei Yuan is really no heart.

Wei Yuan pinched her jaw with her left hand and broke her mouth with her right hand. Her mouth was full of blood, and her tongue was still there.

"What do you want to do?" Wei Yuan roared and picked her up. "You wait, I'll go to find medicine for you right away."

"No more." Chu Huan grabbed his hand and shook his head, "you can save me this time, but you can't save me for the second time, the third time. If you can't give me the freedom I want, it's better to treat each other like this. "Wei Yuan eyes blood red, staring at her, "you would rather die than with me."

Chu Huan closed his eyes and replaced the answer with silence.

Wei Yuan was staring at her for a long time before he said, "OK, I'll let you free."

Chu Huan doubted that he had heard something wrong. He opened his eyes and looked at Wei Yuan carefully. He was sure that he was not lying to himself. So he was a little relieved. I can't help but praise myself, or she'll be a corpse if she's good at acting.

Tongue from the lip to lick, pour a breath of cool air, can really hurt.

What she didn't dare to think about was what would happen to her tongue.

Wei Yuan asked her to stick out her tongue. She shook her head. "You put the herbal medicine on the table and I'll daub it myself."

Wei Yuan reached out and hugged her from behind. She stood stiffly, hands hanging in the air, and did not know how to put them.

There is only one thought in his heart: should he not repent?

"Chu Huan, I really love you because of love and respect, but I didn't expect you to hate me so much. But I really can't bear you, I'm... " Chu Huan looked back and saw Wei Yuan crying.

The heart flustered a force, dare not move again.

For a long time, she thought that Wei Yuan tried his best to be with her because she was unwilling. This time, Wei Yuan shed tears and let her really see Wei Yuan's sincerity.

For a moment, her heart really moved.

If you can't be with someone you love, choose someone who loves you.

Soon, she suppressed the idea, no matter who she was with, they could not choose Wei Yuan. There was a Song Qing between them.

Head down, dare not speak, just stand there silently.