Chu Huan could not hear Wei Yuan's movement, then whispered: "Wei Yuan, I'm sorry."

No matter how much Wei Yuan did to her and Zhang Yi, she hated Wei Yuan, but she could not hate it. Maybe it's the original owner's heart is too deep for Wei Yuan, maybe it's because she saw Wei Yuan's sincerity, maybe it's because she has experienced so many things, and she is indifferent to many things, so that she has a trace of guilt for Wei Yuan in her heart.

She knew that these three words had no meaning in front of her feelings, but in this case, she could not think of any other words.

Wei Yuan squeezed out a smile, "you didn't apologize to me. I've always been too conceited. It was, and still is. You're right. Everything you miss has been missed and irreparable. I've thought about forcing you to stay with me, imprisonment, drugs, or whatever. So you get, just a body, no practical significance. What I want is your heart, always. "

"Why did you watch me marry Zhang Yi Chu Huan asked for the original owner of that sentence lingering in her mind.

Wei Yuan did not answer this question.

"Where do you want to go?" Wei Yuan asked this sentence, smile more and more bleak, "you deliberately want to leave, of course, is to find Zhang Yi, in addition to him, who can make you desperate, who can let you regardless of life and death."

"He's going to marry Lanling soon. I'm..." Chu Huan hesitated for a moment and continued, "I don't want to see him again. If I can, I hope you can give him the antidote and let him return to normal."

The last separation, she and Zhang Yi's love has been completely exhausted, goodbye is also in vain, it is better to miss.

"In fact, the person in Zhang Yi's heart has always been you."

"Is it?" Chu Huan heard this, the heart or suddenly pain, ridiculed, "if this is the way he loves me, I don't accept it."

During this period of time with Zhang Yi, she tried her best to make Zhang Yi understand her heart. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi gave up her mercilessly in the end.

Love is shared by others, not by one.

"What do you want to do next? Even if you don't accept my feelings, I hope you can treat me as a friend and let me help you

"I don't know. I'll think about it and tell you."

When she came to this world, her eyes were full of Zhang Yi. Besides him, she couldn't hold anyone else in her eyes.

Zhang Yi seems to be the only one in her life. Now the dependence in her heart has been eliminated. What else should she pursue?

She has never been a person with the highest love, but when facing Zhang Yi, her whole heart pours on her and makes her forget who she is.

The people she cared about had already abandoned her. She wanted to go the rest of the way by herself, and naturally she had to plan well.

"If you don't have a place to live, you'd better stay in the Academy." Wei Yuan exploratory way, "here beautiful scenery, outstanding people, suitable for living."

Chu Huan saw that he looked sincere, and she did not have other places to go, thought about it and agreed to come down.

In fact, she wants to see Zhang Yi as a bridegroom. Although she can't tell her wish for Zhang Yi and Lan Ling's happiness, she still wants to wish Zhang Yi happiness.

In this matter, she and Wei Yuanda become the same, Wei Yuan's face slightly relieved, the face restored to a soft smile.

The next morning, before Chu Huan got up, she heard a slight footstep coming from the door. She got up from the bed and opened the door. There was a food box in the door, which was full of her favorite dishes.

Only Wei Yuan and Zhang Yi know her taste. Zhang Yi is busy getting married. Naturally, he doesn't care about her. Only Wei Yuan is left.

Looking at the dishes in the box, her heart five flavors gather, I don't know what it is.

Sit down and meet the food box, no appetite at all.

Staying in the academy is an expedient measure. Wei Yuan is moody. She reached a consensus with her yesterday. Who knows when she will change her mind, she immediately wants to retreat.

Even if Wei Yuan doesn't change his hexagram, she can't stand it if she keeps treating her so well.

Wei yuanai is the original owner, she is a substitute, it is really a shame.

After cleaning up, she took a walk in the Academy, and unconsciously went out to the gate of the prefect's residence. There was a guard at the door. She didn't dare to get too close. She could only watch from a distance. This is her second visit, but it seems like a century has passed.

The mood is very different from before.

Chu Huan's eyes were filled with hope that Zhang Yi could have a good understanding with her and come out to see her, even if it was just a glance.

She waited until the sun set in the morning, but she did not see Zhang Yi.

She dragged her tired body back, eating nothing for a day, and her hunger cooing distracted her attention. There are a lot of places selling snacks on the road. I feel my pocket and find myself penniless at this time.

In the face of delicious food, they can only swallow a mouthful of foam and quench their thirst.

"I knew you would come here." Wei Yuan came to her in a hurry. There were beads of sweat on her forehead. She was running too fast, her voice was shaking and her breath was not smooth.Chu Huan also wants to squeeze out a smile to show that he is very good. The corners of her mouth went up and raised, but she didn't laugh. Her face became stiff because she saw a person, a person she was thinking of.

Zhang Yi accompanies Lanling, holding some things in his hand. He talks and laughs with Lanling, just like a pair of matchmakers.

Just at a glance, Chu Huan can conclude that after they get married, they will certainly be married.

She stepped back a step, trying to avoid them. Lan Ling was quick witted and quick witted. She took Zhang Yi to her and said, "what a coincidence, you are here."

Holding hands on Zhang Yi's arm, he did not have the reserve and shyness that a lady should have. Instead, he stood in front of them gracefully, just with a little bit of flaunting in his eyes.

"I'll accompany Chu Huan out for a visit." Wei Yuan subconsciously holds Chu Huan's hand, indicating that she does not need to be nervous.

Zhang Yi's eyes crossed with a touch of fatigue and forbearance, holding things tightly, the packaging paper issued a "creak, creak" sound.

"I heard that you two are childhood sweethearts. Congratulations on being able to make it to this day." Lanling's smile is brilliant and his eyes are sincere.

Chu Huan wanted to explain, and then thought of the last thing. Zhang Yi is going to get married. Even if she explains, what's the point? Zhang Yi won't come back to her. It's better for Zhang Yi to feel that she's also living a good life. She can put her down and live a good life of her own.

"It's not easy today." Chu Huan's clear and moist voice brought a trace of pain, and his face was still hung with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yi's sharp eyes came to her side. She lowered her head and pretended not to see it. She was afraid that Zhang Yi did something more and more in public last time, which would embarrass everyone.