She didn't embarrass Wei Yuan, nor did she ask about Zhang Yi. It was just such a sentence that could express her inner loss and exhaustion.

So far, today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Wei Yuan and mu Yunshu have been busy with Zhang Yi's affairs for a long time. She should also say something about it.

"Are you sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy. I'm going to discuss things with mu Yunshu later. Are you busy?"

Chu Huan rarely did not show such resistance to him, but also took the initiative to ask him about things. Wei Yuan's eyes flashed a trace of joy.

"Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Although you are late, the festival is not over. You go to discuss things, and I'll make moon cakes. Let's celebrate the festival together. " Chu Huan's voice was low and his look was tired.

Wei Yuan wanted to say no, but couldn't bear to refuse her advances, so he went with her.

Mu Yunshu is reading in his study while waiting for Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan came in from the outside. This time, he didn't kick the door open with his feet, but pushed it open with his hands. There was a smile in his mouth. He was in a good mood.

After Chu Huan got married, Wei Yuan didn't really smile. Even if he did, he was just polite. His eyes were always cold with frost and snow. Sometimes he would be frozen.

Is the sun rising from the south today? Or am I hallucinating?

Mu Yunshu stood up from the chair, went to him, lifted his chin with the book, and then poked his neck. Wei Yuan was not angry with such a frivolous move.

Mu Yunshu stepped back and looked at him defensively, "who are you?"

"Mu Yunshu, you are tired of life, aren't you?" Wei Yuan glared at him, but the smile in his eyes could not be covered up.

Mu Yunshu patted his chest, "scared to death, scared me to death. I thought you were haunted When he got close to Wei Yuan, he looked at him carefully, "did you find the money today? So happy. "

"It's none of your business. Get down to business."

"What business do we have to say?" Mu Yunshu returned to his chair. "The affair between Zhang Yi and Lan Ling has become a foregone conclusion. It can be concealed for a while, but it can't be concealed for the first time. Chu Huan will know sooner or later. But it's OK. If Zhang Yi marries Lan Ling, Chu Huan will die, and you will have a chance. "

"I want her to be happy." Wei Yuan voice is not big, but let mu Yunshu heart set off a storm.

"You have not been trying to get Chu Huan. What's the situation now?" Mu Yunshu in his side back and forth look, still can't believe this is from Wei Yuan mouth said.

In his impression, Wei Yuan is very possessive. As long as it's something he values, whether it's something or people, he'll get it by hook or by crook. Over the years, chuhuan is the only person Wei Yuan likes. Wei Yuan has said more than once that he must get chuhuan.

Every time Wei Yuan mentioned Chu Huan, it was like a wild animal staring at its prey. His cold and sharp eyes made him afraid.

He also tried to persuade Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan mercilessly stare back, really can not think, Wei Yuan how to turn sex.

Let him look, Wei Yuan is not to explain the meaning. Mu Yunshu was scratched and scratched by him. He almost took out his heart and looked for an answer.

Chu Huan prepares moon cakes in the kitchen. She is not good at cooking. She only likes making moon cakes and enjoying the moon with her family. Only then would she feel that she was not alone.

She put the prepared moon cakes on the table outside and called out mu Yunshu, Wei Yuan and Song Qing. The moon is beautiful today. It breaks her heart. In the past, she could enjoy the moon with people close to her, but today's closest people are not around her.

In fact, she has no previous dedication to Zhang Yi. She just can't forget it.

If Zhang Yi can make a decision this time, she will die completely.

Itching at the corner of her eyes, she reached out and touched all tears. She found a reason to leave the table. When she got to the corner, she reached out and touched her face. Tears seemed to be the flood that opened the floodgate. The more she touched, the more she touched, almost half of her sleeve was wet.

At the beginning, she could not bear to cry to the end. She simply indulged once and cried out the grievances in her heart, so as not to be oppressed in her heart.

The shoulder was patted, she turned her head conditionally, to the calm eyes of Song Qing. After so many things, Song Qing is more and more stable, which is in contrast with her crying.

All of a sudden, she envied Song Qing.

Envy her brave, fearless, identify the goal, a way to the dark.

But Chu Huan herself is different, she has too much care, treat feelings or people, she can not do selfless, always hope to pay and return in direct proportion.

Song Qing handed her a handkerchief with a smiling face embroidered on it. She was infected by the smile. The corners of her mouth raised and wanted to show a smiling face. Her lips moved and finally became stiff in the air.

Sure enough, she still can't hide her emotions and show her best side to the public.

Thank you very much Chu Huan returned the handkerchief to her and expressed her gratitude.

"We're even." Song Qing put away the handkerchief, "today is the Mid Autumn Festival, if you are not happy, you can go back to the house earlier, there is no need to accompany."Chu Huan did not speak, afraid of a mouth, not easy to hold back the tears back again.

Song Qing did not say much. Is to persuade her, also hope her to leave the table, to a place Wei Yuan can not see. Otherwise there is Chu Huan in Wei Yuan's eyes and how can she be tolerated?

Chu Huan finally did not avoid.

She put forward the idea of appreciating the moon together. If she left first, how could she treat her friends sincerely.

She calmed her mood and returned to the table. Song Qing saw her coming back. First, she was surprised. Then she didn't say anything. She was still calm.

Wei Yuan handed the moon cake to her, "the moon cake you made is delicious."

"Just like it." Taste the joy.

In ancient times, there were few seasonings and many things needed to be used. They could only be replaced by some things. Fortunately, this is the government office, and everything is more complete than outside. If you are at home, this pot of moon cakes will be made into dough cakes.

"I heard Zhang Yi say that you can't cook, but you've been lying to her before." Mu Yunshu said and took another one.

Soon he realized that the atmosphere was not right.

Chu Huan could not easily suppress the mood of the heart again, she can only eat moon cakes, do not dare to look at them, also dare not speak.

It's a sweet moon cake, but it's bitter in her mouth.

Tears or inadvertently fell on the moon cake in her hands, she was glad that today did not comb her hair, straight black hair covered half of her face, even tears will not let people see.

Mu Yunshu is like a child who has done something wrong. He is frozen in the air with the moon cake in his hand. His mouth is filled with moon cake. He chews and swallows it.

He imagined Chu Huan apologizing, and felt that the more he said, the more wrong he made. He looked at Wei Yuan for help.

Coaxing people has never been his specialty. Now Chu Huan's appearance makes him even more at a loss.