Wei Yuan stares at him, which pot does not open to mention which pot.

Mu Yunshu said that he was very aggrieved, grievances are also self seeking, can only hope in Wei Yuan, did not notice Wei Yuan around Song Qing, eyes surging waves.

Chu Huan felt uncomfortable, but not as if he could not control before. After calming down a little, he squeezed out a smile, but his eyes were full of bitterness. He said, "I really can't cook. I can only do this."

Her voice was a little hoarse, but her voice was low and her voice was not obvious.

Mu Yunshu was a little relieved, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Zhang Yi is not worthy of you. You are suitable for a better one. Don't wait for him

The last few words are very light. The voice has just dropped and is scattered by the wind.

"I'm not waiting for him. I just haven't met a better one yet." Chu Huan pretended to be relaxed. "In fact, I don't like him any more. It's just that I've been together for a long time. Once something becomes a habit, it's hard to get rid of it."

Zhang Yi is like an addictive drug to her. As long as she wants to quit, she will feel uncomfortable, just like her soul is pulled away.

Maybe this is life.

Having lived two lives, she has been able to control her life and not be influenced by others no matter what kind of environment she is in.

Think carefully, it is just a wish, in front of fate, everything is vain.

"I just want to see him and ask him for an answer." Chu Huan's voice dropped a little bit, I don't know whether he was talking to Mu Yunshu or to himself.

Wei Yuan couldn't bear to see her like this and said, "I'll take you to see him."

Chu Huan looked at him in shock, "do you know where Zhang Yi is?"

Wei Yuan nodded, "follow me."

Mu Yunshu stopped him, "you can't take her."

Chu Huan's eyes lingered on the two of them, always feeling that they had something to hide from themselves, as if this matter would cause great harm to themselves, so they had been holding back.

Wei Yuan said coldly, "get out of the way."

"Even if we go, we should go tomorrow. It's not appropriate to go at this time." When mu Yunshu was defeated, his voice softened a little.

"What happened?" Chu Huan asked, the more they looked like this, the more flustered Chu Huan was.

Wei Yuan looked at mu Yunshu, "you say."

"Zhang Yi returned to Lanling." Mu Yunshu clenched his teeth and spat out these words. He was afraid that Chu Huan couldn't stand the blow. He went on to say, "he and Lanling are childhood sweethearts, and the blue family is rich and powerful. There is nothing wrong with him choosing Lanling."

Chu Huan only felt that his heart was knocked hard and broke into pieces.

After working so hard and looking forward to it for so long, I thought Zhang Yi was still working hard to reunite with her. Now, she can only ha ha.

It turned out that she was the only one who was eagerly looking forward to this love, and Zhang Yi had already made a choice.

In this case, why can't he be ruthless, why every time when he is about to die, give himself hope, and then knock it to pieces.

Chu Huan grinned bitterly. It was always her fault.

"I'll take you to him." Wei Yuan repeated.

Chu Huan stopped for a moment and shook his head, "no, I was worried about him. Since he's OK, it's not so important to see him or not."

"He still owes you an explanation." Watching Chu Huan haggard for Zhang Yi, Wei yuanhen can't catch Zhang Yi back and teach him a lesson. Finally, let him realize what life is more than death.

"He doesn't owe me anything." Chu Huan tries to look less emotional.

At this moment, although she was miserable, she didn't want to cry. Cry too much, really to heartbreaking time, there will be no tears.

She does not want to pursue Zhang Yi's affairs again, but Wei Yuan is not willing to let Zhang Yi go easily. She has to drag her to find Zhang Yi for an explanation.

Wei Yuan takes two paths in front of Chu Huan. First, she goes to find Zhang Yi with herself; second, she grabs Zhang Yi back.

No matter which one, Chu Huan is not willing to choose.

She just stares at Wei Yuan. Before she wanted to be with Zhang Yi, Wei Yuan always tried to stop her. Now she wants to make a break with Zhang Yi, but Wei Yuan doesn't force her to meet Zhang Yi. She doesn't understand what Wei Yuan wants to do and what his real intention is.

After weighing the pros and cons, she chose the former, went to see Zhang Yi with Wei Yuan, and completely cut off her idea of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi didn't live in the prefect's mansion, but lived in a thatched cottage on the outskirts of the city. The house was surrounded by chrysanthemums. It was clean and natural, but lacked a sense of popularity.

Chu Huan shocked at Wei Yuan, "he lives here?"

Then I found myself asking too much.

It's no surprise that Zhang Yi has such a disposition.

Wei Yuan looked inside, "he's in there, you go to see him."

Chu Huan thought about it day and night, and wanted to see Zhang Yi. When he could see him, Chu Huan was timid. He stopped at the door, raised his hands and fell down. He didn't know whether he dared or not.She told herself repeatedly that to come here is just to make a break, that's all, Rao is so, the tight heart is still unable to calm down.

As if hearing footsteps outside, Zhang Yi opens the door and touches Chu Huan's panic stricken eyes.

Chu Huan subconsciously stepped back and said in a low voice, "long time no see."

When Zhang Yi saw Wei Yuan behind her, he understood everything, just as he saw a friend he hadn't seen for a long time. He said to her, "come in and sit down."

Chu Huan followed him in mechanically. When he came, he wanted to ask Zhang Yi a lot of questions, but he couldn't say a word.

Sitting on the chair, holding the water glass back and forth, looking at the ripples in a daze.

She didn't open her mouth and Zhang Yi didn't speak. The atmosphere was very quiet and terrible.

The oppressive atmosphere made Chu Huan a little breathless. She put the cup down and summoned up the courage to face Zhang Yi's eyes. She said, "you don't have anything to say to me?"

He thought that the first thing Zhang Yi escaped from was to report his safety to himself, but he did not expect that he hid here and made her worry about it.

"What do you want to hear?"

Chu Huan was asked by him, what do you want to hear? Why doesn't Zhang Yi come to find himself, or does he really want to marry Lanling?

She wants to know both of these two results, but she doesn't want to know.

Hesitating for a long time, Chu Huan stood up and squeezed out a smile, "since you are safe, I'm relieved. It's getting late. It's time for me to go. "

"Chu Huan!" Zhang Yi takes her arm, Chu Huan subconsciously looks at the past, and Zhang Yi releases like an electric shock, "I'm sorry."

"You didn't apologize to me, you just obeyed your will." Chu Huan patted him on the shoulder, "since decided to marry her, after a good deal with her, she likes you very much, don't let her down."