Song Qing took her hand. "What are you going to do?"

Chu Huan belched and looked at her in a dazed way. She said, "I can't get happiness. I hope you can get it."

Song Qing has a deep look in her eyes, "don't you hate me?"

Chu Huan shook his head, eyes full of bitterness, "you just want to get the love you want. If I were you, I would certainly make the same decision as you. "

She was drunk and sober. Seeing the confession in Song Qing's eyes, she continued: "love is selfish. You are right. There is no need to feel uneasy. You're not sorry for me, understand

In a trance, Song Qing seemed to see the scene of the two people together. Chu Huan was always careful when she was a child. Even if she ate, as long as her mother gave her a look, Chu Huan didn't dare to take another bite. She secretly gave it to Chu Huan.

Later, when she made a mistake, her grandmother wanted to punish her. It was Chu Huan who carried it for her. She was beaten to pieces at that time. She didn't complain a word and insisted on biting her teeth.

She secretly went to see Chu Huan, crying and apologizing. Chu Huan also looked like this. There was no accusation, no fury, and a light sentence erased everything.

Since when did they get into this situation?

After knowing Wei Yuan, their feelings are not as close as before, each has his own mind. Occasionally chat a few words, she is just perfunctory, gradually Chu Huan even if there is a word is just looking at her far away Whisper, will not come to her, annoy her.

Later, a series of things happened. She couldn't get Wei Yuan's love and imposed all her hatred on Chu Huan.

"Chuhuan." Song Qing's voice was very low. I don't know if she heard it. She said softly, "I really hated you. I wish you would die. I think if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation. You're innocent. "

Song Qing took Chu Huan and talked about it for a long time, but I didn't know if Chu Huan could listen. When she looked up to see Chu Huan again, Chu Huan was already asleep.

With a bitter smile, Song Qing lifted Chu Huan to the bed and covered her with quilts. She was full of thoughts. She did not know what to say or what kind of face to face her.

At last, all the emotions turned into a sigh and said: "have a good sleep and get up early tomorrow is a good weather."

I don't know how long she sat alone in front of Chu Huan. When she got up, her spine hurt a little. She stood up straight, her head back a little, and heard a slight dislocation of the bones.

Previously depressed in the heart of things, I do not know why, at this moment a lot of relief, go out, the spirit is better than before.

Wei Yuan got up early in the morning and sat in the yard to read a book. She came out of Chu Huan's room. She looked stunned and lowered her head, as if she had not seen her.

Wei Yuan was heartless to her. She knew from the beginning that she still wanted to have a glimmer of hope for Wei Yuan, even if Wei Yuan had no feelings for her. For the sake of her being Wei Yuan's wife, she would occasionally send over a caring look.


From the beginning to the end, what she got was disgust or disdain, not even a positive eye.

She suddenly began to doubt that she gave up everything and came to Wei Yuan for what? Is it just to get away from him?

She laughs bitterly and shakes her head, originally does not love is does not love, even if again diligently, also cannot obtain.

Song Qing hesitated for a moment and went straight to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan's eyes fall on the book. His jaw line is sharp and his hair is hanging down, covering his cheek. His eyebrow is slightly sharp and cold, which makes people dare not get close to it easily.

Song Qing often dreamt of this face, but it was the first time that she was so close to her. She had no purpose but wanted to be closer to him and observe him quietly. Even though she was silent, she could feel the beauty of the world.

Sometimes song Qingzhen hopes that the time stays in this moment, even if the years are merciless, at least let her have memories in the next time.

Wei Yuan frowned and raised his head to face her eyes. His dark and deep eyes were like a deep pool of cold water, which made people want to get deep into it.

"Where have you been?"

Rao is the voice of cold, Song Qing or smell a trace of concern from inside.

If in the past, Song Qing would have been happy for several days and couldn't sleep. Now she feels calm.

You can't answer his question with a smile: "do you really like it?"

She is not roundabout and straightforward, which is quite different from her normally gentle.

Wei Yuan didn't understand what she meant. He thought she was going to give out another moth. He sneered, "it's nothing to do with you."

"Wei Yuan, let's leave." Song Qing spits out this sentence difficultly.

She has never seen Lanling before, but she has heard a lot about her. She is a typical lady in a big family. She is gentle and charming, and she is a rare beauty. But Lan Ling, who she saw, was full of anger all over her body, but her eyes were slightly tired and despairing. Especially when she was with Zhang Yi, she was flattered with anger and helplessness. The whole person seemed to have been twisted. Where is the shadow of the past?She doesn't want to be like that, let alone

When she is happy, she hates Chu. Sometimes she hates Chu better.

Over the years, she has lost too much, only left a Chu Huan, she can not afford to lose.

As for the old enmity, she also wanted to put it down.

Wei Yuan looked at her like a smile, "to retreat into advance?"

"You say so." Song Qing didn't even have the strength to explain. He just wanted to get rid of it quickly. He was afraid to take it off again. He finally made up his mind and would go back to regret.

"What if I don't agree?"


"There's no reason."

Wei Yuan's answer is beyond Song Qing's expectation, and then he smiles faintly. There is no emotion in his light smile.

"If you don't want to leave, you can give me a letter of divorce."

Wei Yuan glanced at her, "I don't agree."

Still refuse.

Song Qing can't understand him. Before, Wei Yuan always tried to push her out. She didn't understand why Wei Yuan didn't want to let go.

"If you don't stop me, it's impossible for you and Chu Huan."

Wei Yuan's mouth slightly raised a little, and the chill in his eyes was even more severe, "I don't need you to intervene in her affairs. Do your part. "

"Wei Yuan!"

"That's enough."

Wei Yuan yelled at her, her eyes narrowed slightly, and anger appeared in the bottom of her eyes. The powerful atmosphere made Song Qing dare not speak any more. She sat there, like a sculpture, as if there was a breath in her body that bound her whole body, and it was difficult to breathe.