When Wei Yuan opened his mouth again, his voice softened a little bit, "you've been tired all night, go back and have a rest."

The sudden change, Song Qing some difficult to adapt to, but the heart is difficult to fan waves, a light look at Wei Yuan, said a "good" word.

She never disobeys Wei Yuan's meaning, even if Wei Yuan's casual words, she will keep them in mind.

This time, Wei Yuan refused her. She did not dare to ask more questions. She stood up mechanically and went to her room.

Every step was slow, but not steady, and her body was shaking slightly. When he reached the door, Song Qing held the door frame with his hand, stood firm, and said in a low voice: "Wei Yuan, everyone has his own choice, so do I. This time, I really want to put it down. If you don't have me in your heart, you can let me be free. Let's not be lenient

Wei Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to be staring at the book. In fact, he couldn't read a word at this time. Chewing Song Qing's words repeatedly in his mouth, "one is not two wide.".

Once Chu Huan also said similar things to him. He never took a joke seriously. What's more, he thought that he could control all people's emotions and even other people's feelings towards him. As long as he wanted, he could make use of it at any time, whether Chu Huan or Song Qing.

It was only later that he realized that the most difficult thing to control in the world was the heart of the people. The eternal and infatuated men and women only existed in the storybook, and no one would really love a person. Even if there is, it is just a moment of impulse, calm down, with the passage of the world, the feelings will gradually fade.

Chu Huan left him, Song Qing will go again, he did not know how to feel.

In the heart, even if there was no panic in the face of Chu.

Song Qing stood at the door, unable to hear his answer for a long time, went in and knocked on the door.

Wei Yuan sat not far away from her bedroom and could hear the bolt drop.

Song Qing used to leave the door for him. Even if he knew he would never come in, the door would not be locked. It was indeed changed.

Everything in his mind about Song Qing suddenly became clear. Everything Song Qing did for him was like playing a shadow play.

Is it really heartless to Song Qing?

He asked himself, but there was no answer.

Wei Yuan put the book down and looked at the room of Chaosong Qing unconsciously. The corners of his mouth were upturned and his smile revealed bitterness.

Maybe it's not bad to be different.

He took out the paper from his study, ground the ink and spread the paper. He also thought about how to start writing. After writing the word "he" on the paper, he could not write down the second word. The pen in his hand is like a thousand gold. It is too heavy for him to lift and drop.

Chu Huan came out of the room, knead some painful forehead, see Wei Yuan holding a pen to the paper in a daze. Knowing Wei Yuan for such a long time, Wei Yuan has always been confident and arrogant, not to mention hesitating for one thing.

Even if you say you like her, when you do it to her, you are merciless.

Chu Huan wanted to make fun of him. He walked up to him slowly, clapped his hand on his shoulder and said, "I'm so diligent. I've been practicing calligraphy here early in the morning."

The ink on the brush fell on the "he" character and slowly faded away. The character had lost its original shape, leaving only a pool of ink.

Chu Huan's first reaction was that he made trouble. Wei Yuan is not a very good person, but he is meticulous about learning. She writes a word, which is destroyed by her. She lowers her head and dare not look at Wei Yuan, waiting for him to scold himself.

Wei Yuan put down the brush in his hand, put the paper away, rolled it into a ball, and threw it into the distance. His face looked relaxed a lot.

Chu Huan didn't hear his voice for a long time. He slowly raised his head, looked at him carefully, and said, "you Not angry with me? "

"It's just a piece of paper, no harm."

"But you wrote it very seriously."

"Write whatever you want."

Wei Yuan suddenly had a whim and looked at her and said, "are you interested in practicing calligraphy together?"

Chu Huan remembers that the characters written by the original owner of the body are crooked. She also wants to practice hard. Unfortunately, she is not such a material, and she can't write it well. Later, she had been practicing Wei Yuan's name, and when she was finally able to write it in small script with hairpin flowers, she was happy for a long time, excitedly took it to Wei Yuan, and ended up saying, "it's just so.".

Later, the original owner did not practice calligraphy any more. Even reading was not as attentive as before. Even when he saw Wei Yuan, he didn't dare to be too close, for fear that he would be disliked.

I dare not even think about practicing calligraphy together.

At this time, Wei Yuan actively proposed that Chu Huan didn't care. She didn't know the ancient Chinese characters, but she was very talented in writing. She wrote very well in thin gold and won prizes in calligraphy competitions.

She wanted to refuse, but there was an idea in her heart. She kept shouting "yes" so as to realize the wish of the original owner.

Finally, reason overcame sensibility, and she said with a smile, "no, I don't like writing."

Wei Yuan's eyes are a bit more lost, put away the things on the table, "don't like it, today's weather is fine, after dinner, ask mu Yunshu to go for an outing."Chu Huan was drunk last night, and I can't remember many things clearly. But she remembered what song Qing said to her and her promise to Song Qing.

The closer to Wei, the more dangerous the relationship between them. It's better to keep a certain distance.

"No Chu Huan directly refused, "I haven't slept well these days, I want to stay at home to make up for sleep."

"Sleep or not with me?" Wei Yuan is not like before, was refused by Chu Huan, the whole person will blow hair, but the heart will be extremely uncomfortable, speak with a bit of cold.

"Is there a difference? The results are the same. " Chu Huan pretended to be relaxed and stretched out a stretch. "Wei Yuan, do what you should do, don't always look at me. You are a man who wants to do great things. I don't want to delay your future because of myself. "

"That's a good thing to say." Wei Yuan originally pleasant face gloomy down, sinister eyes fell on Chu Huan, let her can't help but fight a shiver.

In this case, Chu Huan's first reaction is to escape, Wei Yuan seems to see her idea, first step in her way.

Chu Huan was holding the table. As Wei Yuan approached, he unconsciously sat on the stone mound, swallowing his breath and spitting, "this is the government office. You Don't mess with me. "

"Are you afraid?" Wei Yuan pick eyebrows, words more than a trace of the flavor of molestation.

Who is not afraid of your sheep and beast temperament?

Chu Huan said in his heart, trying to keep calm on his face, squeezed out a smile that was ugly than crying, "No. I'm nervous, nervous. "