Wei Yuan sat on the chair, paper and pen on the table, like a thorn, deep into his heart, pain unbearable but can not help.

Chu Huan sat opposite him, helped him to grind the ink well, picked up the pen and handed it to him, "the matter must come to an end. You don't want Song Qing to die."

Wei Yuan raised his eyelids and said, "is there really no room for recovery?"

"In the past, Song Qing loved you, and naturally you were the main one. Now she has completely given up her heart to you. Do you think there is still room for you to recover?" Chu Huan asked, then pick eyebrows, "you and Song Qing together for many years, her temper you should know."

Wei Yuan has done so many things to hurt Song Qing. Is it because Song Qing likes him?

What Chu Huan dislikes most is Wei Yuan.

When the original owner liked Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan regarded him as the air and trampled on his feelings. Now he is the same with Song Qing, who deserves to be single for a lifetime.

Wei Yuan's eyes fell on the pen in his hand, and the tip of the pen pointed down on the paper. His hand trembled slightly and looked at the paper in a daze.

Chu Huan doesn't rush, she has plenty of time.

"I know I used to do a lot of things sorry for Song Qing. Now I know I'm wrong. I really want to make up for her and be good to her." Wei Yuan's voice was deep and hoarse, "give me the first chance, and let me meet Song Qing again. If she still insists, I will give her a letter of divorce."

Chu Huan curled his lips and was disappointed with Wei Yuan. But we can't force Wei Yuan too quickly, otherwise it will be more troublesome and reluctant to accept Wei Yuan's proposal.

Wei Yuan sat by Song Qing's side and watched her. She wanted to wait for Song Qing to wake up and see her at the first sight and understand her sincerity.

Song Qing has a lot of things in mind, how can't sleep, simply closed eyes to think about things. When Wei Yuan came in, she thought it was Chu Huan and raised her eyelids. Seeing Wei Yuan, she didn't know what kind of mood to face him. She simply continued to close her eyes and continue to think about things.

Wei Yuan at her side, she can not calm down, in the heart silently count stars, count the more upset, eyes into a small slit, want to see Wei Yuan at this time is a kind of look.

"Song Qing, I know you're awake." Wei Yuan's voice came from the sky.

It doesn't make any sense to pretend to go on. Song Qing simply opens his eyes and looks at Wei Yuan with endless coldness and estrangement. He doesn't open his mouth when he looks at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan drew the dagger she used to defend herself from under Song Qing's pillow and put it on her arm. "I was wrong before. I know that nothing can solve your hatred for me. I am willing to pay for it with blood."

The dagger cut his arm, and the blood flowed out like magma. On Wei Yuan's arm, it turned into a red circle and dropped to the ground.

Then there was another knife. The place where the knife crossed was the place where Song Qing was injured.

Song Qing's eyes crossed a trace of impatience, and soon recovered calm.

She believed Wei Yuan too many times, and Wei Yuan let her down too many times. Even if Wei Yuan had her in her heart at this time, how? As long as Chu Huan appears, she can be squeezed out.

This feeling, she does not want to persist, even if she still has Wei Yuan's position in her heart.

When Wei Yuan was drawing his fifth knife, Song Qing said slowly, "Wei Yuan, no matter what you do, I will not change my mind. If you want to have a conscience, you can set me free. That's the only thing I ask of you She slightly stopped for a moment, her eyes swept from Wei Yuan's arm, "blood debt blood compensation, you don't owe me anything, there is no need to compensate me."

Everything she had done before was voluntary and had nothing to do with anyone.

At this moment, Wei Yuan understood that he would really lose Song Qing this time.

"It's ok if you don't write a letter of divorce. Anyway, I'm a concubine's room that can be sent to anyone at will. I know my identity." Song Qing no longer forced him, "I will go back to the Song family by myself, you can't stop me."

A letter of divorce, she just want to leave.

Wei Yuan doesn't want to. She has some ways.

Wei Yuan wryly smile, "forget it, you want me to give you."

He could not recover Song Qing, just as he could not retrieve Chu Huan.

The same thing happened to him over and over again.

He slapped himself hard. "You wait, I'll write it now."

Wei Yuan went back to his room and continued to look at the white paper in a daze. He could not write anything else except "the letter of suspension".

Mu Yunshu came in from the outside, and the words on the white paper were a little eyesore. He took the paper from Wei Yuan's pen and said, "you can't write. If you do, you and Song Qing will be finished."

"No writing, same end." Wei Yuan put down his pen and said, "do you think the end will be a new beginning?"

Mu Yunshu looked at him suspiciously. Wei Yuan didn't mean to explain. He looked out, and his eyes were empty.

Mu Yunshu put the paper back to him. "I don't know if it's a new beginning. I only know some people or things. Once you let go, you may never come back."

Wei Yuan didn't seem to hear what he said. He took back his eyes and hesitated for a moment. He wrote a few lines on the paper. The speed was very fast. Mu Yunshu didn't see what he had written.Wei Yuan handed the letter of divorce to Mu Yunshu and asked him to pass it on to Song Qing.

Mu Yunshu and Wei Yuan have been together for many years. They understand Wei Yuan's temperament, put away the letter of suspension, and prepare to find another suitable opportunity to persuade Song Qing. In case things change.

Chu Huan sat beside Song Qing, and they discussed how to go on in the future.

This era is very unfair to women, but it is not a very bad era, at least have the ability to have a bite to eat.

In particular, as long as they are willing to work hard, their life will be very good.

After a few days of raising, Song Qing's body has been much better. After she looked forward to it, she had a vague expectation in her eyes, "why don't we go tomorrow?"

"You haven't got the suspension yet." Chu Huan reminds way.

After receiving the letter of divorce, Song Qing will not worry about what she will do, otherwise she will leave without permission and will always take the identity of Wei Yuan's concubine.

"It's OK. I didn't want to get married again anyway." Song Qing said with a smile, once people look at it, many things really don't matter.

Chu Huan didn't want Song Qing to meet Wei Yuan again. If Wei Yuan did anything drastic, things would be very troublesome. He said, "wait here. I'll pack up. We'll leave tomorrow night."

Mu Yunshu listened to all their conversations outside and hid his body to avoid being discovered by Chu Huan.

He didn't know about it, even if he knew it, he couldn't let Chu Huan and Song Qing leave so easily.

If you can't keep them, you have to know where they are.